r/PublicFreakout 27d ago

Racist guy gets what he deserves Classic Repost ♻️

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u/Gcflames 27d ago

The question should be is it really worth potentially killing someone? The comments here are fucking insane.


u/sandworming 27d ago

Yes this is important. Like, bro, it's still a sucker punch. That kind of damage can be immense when paired with a fall. Escalating from verbal attacks to a major physical concussion is disproportionate.

Maybe my hostility is ameliorated by the fact I can't understand wtf he's saying, so I'm not getting the chance to be offended, but it's horrifying to see a shot like this valorized by people who don't care about the long-term medical consequences


u/[deleted] 27d ago



u/PulledToBits 27d ago

my god Im so tired of this overused phrase on here.


u/AverageHorribleHuman 27d ago

I'm sick of ppl going "this"


u/Imperial_Enforcer 27d ago

I'm sick of people.


u/mitchMurdra 7d ago

It’s deleted but I know EXACTLY what the loser said thanks to your reaction comment.


u/A_Birde 27d ago

Yeah but have you guys actually considered in the real world there are consequences to actions and those consequences can easily be disproportionate so maybe the best way is not to fuck around?


u/likely_stoned 27d ago

Right but that logic goes both ways. Racist shouldn't be saying racist things because he might get attacked for it. People shouldn't attack and potentially kill someone when they could just as easily walk away. In both situations it is better not to fuck around and find out.


u/steak820 27d ago

Free Palestine


u/Glittering_Base6589 27d ago

Not a reddit thing. Go saw that racist shit in public, you'll get punched in the face and no one would give a fuck about you. Absolutely not a reddit thing.


u/haldir87 27d ago

A liver punch with that power the guy produced with have sufficed but this is quite excessive. If the guy hits his head on his way down against something concrete the attacker is facing serious charges. At least some people had the decency to flip him around


u/Andrelliina 27d ago

Did you read the article? He said he deserved it and doesn't want the man who punched him to get into trouble. He is supposed to be "getting help" with his anger & racist behaviour.

I wonder how it would have been if it was him and a few sniffed up mates and one black man? Probably quite "excessive" too I expect, given his unpleasant attitudes.

It's probably late at night, yeah sure people shouldn't punch other people, but racially abusing 3 possibly drunk or high tasty looking young men on the tube?

Maybe the drink & drugs had something to do with his being unconscious too.


u/JustHereForTheClicks 27d ago

That’s what I was thinking. Why are people glamorizing violence?


u/[deleted] 27d ago

Because for some, violence visited on the right people is good. And they fail to see the irony when they crusade against the violence of others that they don't agree with.


u/skater30 26d ago

If "the right people" you mention are "literal fucking Nazis", then yes.

Violence is absolutely the answer against these people, as Britain itself proved between 1939-1945.


u/[deleted] 26d ago

ah here is the words are violence brigade

this guy is a crackpot saying ignorant shit in public, not a literal government regime visiting death on millions of people


u/Marc21256 27d ago

That wasn't a sucker punch. The racist squared up on him, pushed out his chest to intimidate. The racist was intentionally crowding them.

In court, the jury would likely see the racists actions as an intention to fight.

The puncher would likely be charged with fighting (or whatever they call it there).

A good lawyer will make it clear that it was an invitation to fight, which was accepted.

But I'm not licensed to practice law in the UK.


u/sandworming 27d ago

3-on-1 mate. Nobody likely to swing on that first.

Legally it's fine, but in the same manner that an irresponsible cop can beat someone up out of stress relief and cloak it in the law.

This wasn't a credible necessity to escalate. It was stress relief and retributivism.


u/thumbtaks 27d ago

He was aggressive, insulting, belittling, and even his fists were clinched as they walked by. How that could be considered a sucker punch is beyond me. Talk shit, get hit is a saying for a reason. Just because he didn’t expect it doesn’t mean it came out of nowhere. Dipshit got exactly what was coming to him.


u/screenmonkey 27d ago

Per the follow up article above, the racist balled his fists and said "come on" at the men exiting. That's intent to fight, and that makes the punch not a sucker punch, not an inappropriate reaction.


u/sandworming 27d ago

I used my eyes and ears, which are telling me it didn't happen. 1:19 is the key period.

  • The most he says is "oaite"/alright in Bri'itsh. He maintains a loose posture.

  • The attacking party (middle dude) has already reached the exit safely by the time he pivots around and lands a blow.

The xenophobe/racist is being a dick, but he's not going to start a fight with 3 guys by himself.

I'm interested the bias of the article in saying he said "come on" when I don't see how that can be gleaned from the audio. And if you disagree, can you identify the frames where he allegedly says "come on"?

Again, he is outnumbered 3-to-1. Anybody who's been in a rough neighborhood will know that puffing up and mean-mugging a group on their way out is worlds apart from direct engagement.


u/total_looser 25d ago

Anybody who's been in a rough neighborhood will know that puffing up and mean-mugging a group on their way out is worlds apart from direct engagement. a good way to get seriously hurt



u/AdminsLoveGenocide 27d ago

Alright is basically I'm your huckleberry in this context.


u/sandworming 27d ago

Okay grandpa back to the nursing home


u/daiouche 26d ago

You'd consider that a sucker punch after he balls his fists, faces the 3 of them and says "come on"?


u/sandworming 26d ago

Great! Can you isolate the actual frames where he says, "Come on," as misleadingly claimed by the article?

The relevant segment begins at 1:19.

I will be waiting with my eyes and ears!


u/daiouche 26d ago

Can you show me a sucker punch?


u/sandworming 25d ago

I used my eyes to see that your post claimed he used the words, "Come on" -- where did he say that. Isolate the frames.

Second time I've asked.

Answer or don't.


u/TheOldBean 27d ago

Bro got his first thesaurus, damn.


u/Independent_Guest772 27d ago

I care about the long-term consequences of a society that quietly tolerates racist antagonism.

I grew up in the gutter punk subculture in the US in the late 80s and early 90s. That was extremely violent. We were fighting Nazi punks and skinheads like 5 days a week, and after years of that I finally got jammed up for real in Iowa because I beat a big farm boy into a coma.

He never really recovered and died about 10 years later, so I've lived with that for a long time. I actually became quite close with his mother, who became a surrogate mom for me until she passed away not long after her son.

None of that is okay. We can't be having that. But society has forgiven me, because it's a matter of competing interests. We don't want to have vigilantes running around delivering their own rough justice all the time, but we also don't want to have fascists running around victimizing others all the time. Something has to give there...


u/Laurenann7094 27d ago

Sooo... you killed someone for being racist, then befriended his mother, then "society forgave you" because "competing interests"? And what you did is fine because society should not tolerate racists?


u/Independent_Guest772 27d ago

Do you have any, like, follow-up questions or anything? This is weird.


u/[deleted] 27d ago edited 27d ago

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u/lumpytuna 27d ago

He didn't get murdered lol, he tried to start a fight and lost.


u/Much-Resource-5054 27d ago

This is how people die all the time.


u/lumpytuna 27d ago

Yes, people do start fights and end up dying pretty regularly.


u/Much-Resource-5054 27d ago

Who is this about? The guy who is knocked out or someone else?


u/Independent_Guest772 27d ago edited 27d ago

This is an absolutely bizarre perspective to me. You try to make it about secret police and some kind of hostile authority, but that obviously has absolutely nothing to do with the scene here.

Some dude ran his mouth and got knocked the fuck out. It happens.

ETA: Maybe I'm way off, but this whole attitude on this thread makes me think that there are a lot of people who want say racist shit, but don't want to get punched, so that should totally be illegal. Go Reddit!


u/Felevion 27d ago edited 25d ago

Always good to remind yourself that most of these people are in their teens or young 20's. They love being edgy.


u/[deleted] 27d ago edited 27d ago

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u/[deleted] 27d ago

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u/StamosLives 27d ago

Surprisingly that's not referring to murdering, although you've done a great job of showing how one can take an argument against unreasonableness and attempt to twist it to justify murder.


u/[deleted] 27d ago

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u/jankology 27d ago

do you have respect for free speech? must not, or else you're not capable of seeing the bigger issue here. which is that words triggering violence is unevolved behavior


u/PulledToBits 27d ago

It would seem most here do not want to live in a world with free speech. Too primitive thinking to look past words and not react with potentially deadly violence. So no more free speech?


u/jankology 26d ago

crimes and punishment. law and order. primitive reactions to free speech must be punished and keep society free from them


u/db1000c 26d ago

Especially when the Met police love both easy win cases that are all caught on video and going after race motivated crimes. This racist div likely would’ve got some sort of sentence if the video was submitted to police, but being sucker punched probably complicates the whole thing.

A follow up article says he doesn’t want the guy who punched him to get in trouble. Well, in English law there is no “pressing charges” by an individual, if there is a crime committed and enough evidence to convict, and a prosecution is deemed to be “in the public interest”, then the police will proceed.

The moral is don’t escalate with these losers. Confront them verbally by all means, but a sucker punch is the least constructive thing that the guy getting off the tube could’ve done.


u/Rog9377 26d ago

Correct. If he was being violent in any way, defend yourself, but this was a flat-out assault on someone who was using HORRIFYING WORDS, but still just words.


u/ancara_messi 27d ago

The world is a better place without racists.


u/[deleted] 27d ago

The world is better when racists stop being racists, not because they are killed.


u/OrdinaryDazzling 27d ago

And how many racists are you going around and “taking care of”? Or do you just want other people to do the dirty work and get heavy jail sentences, just so you don’t have to deal with racists?


u/Be_Cool_Bro 27d ago

The question should be is it really worth potentially killing someone?

You know why bigots should be afraid to be obnoxious knobs like the guy in the video? Because at some point, to someone, it is worth it. And many more will not care if it does.

This is the entire point of fuck around and find out. You're finding out who will and will not think twice about harming you by fucking around with them. It only takes one in a world of billions, and most of those billions do not care much at all what happens.


u/PukeRainbowss 27d ago

You've completely lost the plot if you think making racists afraid will somehow fix, rather than evolve the racism problem lol

What did that one black guy say? Ignorance breeds fear, fear breeds yadda yadda?


u/Be_Cool_Bro 27d ago

I literally put forth no plot whatsoever. I'm saying there needs to be a healthy amount of fear in bigots being bigots directly towards someone because not everyone is going to think the law or being the bigger person matters more than the satisfaction gained from being violent.

That's not me trying to make some point beyond that statement. There are so many people that one needs to be afraid of being confrontationally bigoted because it's getting more and more probable that they'll say the wrong thing to the wrong person on the wrong day and end up with some permanent problem. And most people are apathetic enough that nobody is going to care when it happens or lend aid.

The law may care, philosophy may care, randos online may care, but by and large anyone getting KOd after saying racist/sexist/bigoted things won't get anyone caring. Several will probably root against them if anything. This is a fact.


u/Annual-Jump3158 27d ago

The comments here are fucking insane.

These people simply exist to ruin shit for others. They're driven by conflict and hatred and are pig-headedly resistant to even considering different perspectives. They're more likely to end up killing themselves by talking shit to the wrong people or ODing while self-medicating because they also hate themselves because hate was the only emotion they were taught to react to as children. "Insane"? Is it so hard to imagine why people relish in their misfortune and just desserts? Is it beyond comprehension why they garner zero sympathy from the people and the loved ones of those that they hate?