r/anime 27d ago

Anime Recommendation Chart for Beginners Infographic



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u/Ninja_Lazer 27d ago

Same with One Punch Man. Half of the joke requires you to have watched Dragon Ball, Naruto or pretty much any major shonen to fully appreciate just how hilarious it is for Saitama to be one tapping people.

Like with Konosuba - you can watch it without the others, but you lose a lot of the humour because you don’t know what the shows are satirizing.


u/RSquared 27d ago edited 27d ago

Eh, OPM makes sense to anyone who knows Superman. It does have a Japanese flair, but it nods way more towards western superhero comics than traditional shonen. But it's more accessible than MHA, which I'd put as the second-most western superhero show.

Compare and contrast with distinctly Japanese parodies like Tiger and Bunny that require a familiarity with sentai and tsukkomi/boke comedy duos (and even these are somewhat known in the west because of Power Rangers).


u/skysinsane https://myanimelist.net/profile/masterofbones 27d ago

Yeah, Puri Puri prisoner is a little bit out there for a normie, but almost everything in OPM is basic superhero stuff.


u/diogom915 27d ago

I think a lot of the jokes from Konosuba that would be ablut other isekais, you can still figure it out it if you played RPG games and stuff like that. I watched without watching any other isekai other than Digimon when I was a kid, and I think the main thing I didn't know exactly what it was about, is the chunnibyo side of the crimson demons, which for me was just "they are weird af".


u/Ninja_Lazer 27d ago

I mean, if you don’t know isekai than Kazuma’s death is still funny (a panic attack), but it’s extra funny if you realize that Truck-kun didn’t run his ass over.

It’s more that knowing the tropes adds layers to stuff that is already funny.

Konosuba works because it’s funny regardless. But it’s GOATed because of those layers.


u/diogom915 27d ago

Sure, I agree it's better if know those stuff, but it can still pretty good if you don't know.

Although to be fair, Konosuba for me was one of those shows that you just get that feeling that it just matches perfectly with your taste, even if it's not necessairily you favorite for whatever reason, so maybe I'm not the best to judge how good Konosuba would be as a beginer anime for the average person.


u/ravenpom 26d ago

Agreed! One Punch Man may seem beginner friendly, but it’s definitely more than just watching a punch haha!


u/Lolisnatcher60 27d ago

these are rare people you speak, people who haven't seen a single bit of dragon ball, very rare.


u/Ninja_Lazer 27d ago

I mean, the thread is for newcomers to anime.


u/Wild_Marker 27d ago

Yeah you'd expect the most mainstream anime to be on a list of beginner anime. If someone asked OP for a beginner's list for videogames he would skip Mario.


u/Lolisnatcher60 27d ago

I mean you'd assume most people would have heard of fortnite, Mario, and pokemon so you probably wouldn't need to recommend them.


u/DennelFinley 27d ago

Not really. One Punch Man was literally my second anime after Attack on Titan way back then. It got me into anime as soon as I watched it


u/Axel292 26d ago

What? I haven't watched Dragon Ball or Naruto, OPM was like the 4th or 5th anime I ever watched and I loved it. I never felt like I needed to have watched prerequisites to enjoy it.