r/gaming 27d ago

At 140 Million Dollars the will smith game is a good example of money laundering.

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u/samusmaster64 27d ago

No, it's just a similar voice. They use his likeness, not him. It's to save money for the laundering part.


u/silentrawr 27d ago

I get the concept, but where's the money being laundered to/from?


u/CornDoggyStyle 27d ago


He's still paying off the lawsuit from beating that alien's ass in Indepenpedenpendence Day.


u/TinyRodgers 26d ago

2nd to last word gave me a stroke.


u/samusmaster64 27d ago

The developer is some unknown Chinese company called Lightspeed, which is owned by Tencent, so to/from someone with relations to China.


u/silentrawr 27d ago

So, laundering money from China to... China? Is that all you folks got?

Edit - $80 billion dollar company laundering $140mm just because?


u/hell2pay 27d ago

You see, it's laundering money because they just write off the tax.


u/dowker1 27d ago

That's not how Chinese tax laws work


u/hell2pay 27d ago

It's a joke on how every other post in reddit that involves some shitty product must be money laundering and/or tax write offs. Because the general redditor doesn't understand the reality behind either scheme.

Was hoping I didn't have to explain it.


u/DuckSosu 27d ago

All these big companies, they write off everything!


u/dowker1 27d ago

Ah, fair enough. But, you know, Poe's law and all


u/Chingletrone 27d ago

Maybe Scientology wants to get in on the 'money laundering for business interests in rival nation states' game after watching the GOP raking it in from Russian oligarchs. The whole idea is to help them get their money out of their isolated, corrupt, authoritarian islands and take a nice cut in the process.


u/silentrawr 27d ago

I understand the whole "wanting to get their money out of China" thing, but let's not pretend like THAT much money is going to have a problem being spent/invested just about anywhere they please.


u/Downtown-Coconut-619 26d ago

It’s just a cash grab. If anything this person is promoting this game.


u/silentrawr 26d ago

That was the only real motive I could figure out behind a post with a title like this. What else is there, the anti-Will Smith lobby?


u/Downtown-Coconut-619 26d ago

Conspiracy stuff sucks but if China just juicing Reddit doesn’t seem real idk.


u/silentrawr 26d ago

Exactly. Slicing with Hanlon's Razor simply shows the idea of "inattentive Redditor who already posts a LOT of random crap just winged it on the title."


u/dowker1 27d ago

Not even that, the character has no voice, their dialogue is delivered in text (unlike every other character who is voiced)