r/Drizzy 14d ago

KAnon when Drake comes on in the club Meme



43 comments sorted by


u/Icy_Money_2207 14d ago

Make him shorter.


u/md_drewski 14d ago

He's not white enough


u/[deleted] 14d ago

you do realize most of drakes fans are… white people … right?


u/YooSteez 14d ago

This is…. Wrong haha. Go to a Drake concert. You’ll see the demographic.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

you mean the drake concerts that are in the united states of america where the population is like 70% white people? okay


u/YooSteez 14d ago

😂😂horrible logic. Have you ever heard of the R&B artist Lucky Daye? With that logic that would mean over 50% of his concerts should be filled with white people right? 😂 when in fact over 85% of those in attendance are non-white.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

we’re not talking about him, we’re talking about DRAKE 😭😂 acting like he’s not in every white boys playlist get outta here


u/YooSteez 14d ago

Look bro. I’m on both sides here, love Kenny and love Drake, but get off your knees for a bit and see which fanbase has more white dudes and which fanbase has more females and actually a bit more diverse crowds in their concerts. I’ve seen both plenty of times to know 😂


u/[deleted] 14d ago

tellin me to get off my knees bro take your own advice 🤦🏼‍♂️ you’re acting like only people who go to concerts listen to these peoples music 😂


u/TipperGore-69 14d ago

Always gotta have the whites on your side.


u/SmellyScrotes 14d ago

I was at a lil Wayne concert last night and they played this, crowd went crazy and then booed push ups… but when the Drizzy hooks came on they was singing em so 🤷🏻‍♂️


u/UsernameIsDaHardPart 14d ago

Im a Mexican who loves Floyd but if he goes against Canelo im booing that matador mf


u/CohesiveMocha34 13d ago

It's almost like the majority of people aren't internet addicted assholes who pick sides and just sing what they think sounds nice💀💀

It ain't a competition anymore bro


u/IghtBuddy 14d ago

like they be goin out their basement lmao


u/kimtaeyeonbonjwa 14d ago

KENCELS can’t help themselves


u/WeightG0D OVO 13d ago

That's the name we should call them for now on 😂


u/Another_RedditUser6 13d ago

i remember you was conflicted


u/idlefritz 14d ago

show me on your picture where Kendrick hurt you


u/ctaylor-45 14d ago

Depends, if OP is a woman, well…


u/somerandomnub1 14d ago

Ye the song that was topping charts is sooo unpopular. Ya'll crazy.


u/roundandroundtheygo 14d ago

Notice how the drake fan ain’t even in the club


u/LegalizeMilkPls 14d ago

I don’t think you understand the meme, they are the ones dancing to drake songs


u/abrandnew_account 14d ago

Hell even the non Drake fans are dancing


u/bornfri13theclipse 14d ago

There's still Drake fans?? Y'all Epstein fans, too? Trump fans?


u/Random-Username-20 13d ago

You a wife beater fan? Tyreek fan?


u/throwaway837628828 14d ago

why u here? don’t u got some dandelions in your yard to take out so your dog don’t die…