r/JoeRogan Monkey in Space 14d ago

the dark and disgusting side of the food industry Jamie pull that up 🙈


14 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] 14d ago

It comes down to choosing how long and well to live. Processed garbaged makes life worse and shaves off some years. Proper diet makes life better and gives us more time to be alive. The food industry sells slow paced suicide.


u/letstalkaboutit24 Monkey in Space 14d ago

I view it as a slow and painful death at a younger age that is addicting and now way to get out of it


u/[deleted] 14d ago

I am in that process these days. When you cut out all processed foods, aside from simple foods like cheese, you are left with very few options when buying food.


u/letstalkaboutit24 Monkey in Space 14d ago

I know!

and so do they

why do you think you have to go through every aisle in the market to find maybe a single thing without sugar in it?

because sugar is an addiction MONEY MAKER!

they'll put it in everything regardless if it needs it or not, until you are addicted and keep needing to eat their product and if you dont then you have withdraw. it becomes a vicious cycle. Mean while, since you're eating more sugar you need A LOT more water to be able to wash it down and cleanse it away and they're MORE than happy to sell you all kinds of water, but that wont be enough to wash off all the sugar, so you'll be sick and start having health issues like (low testosterone in men now), where the healthcare market, is more than glad to start selling pills to you and to your little kids that were poisoned by big food. it's a vicious cycle that has gone on for too long and WE ARE BRINGING AN END TO THIS GARBAGE RIGHT NOW!!!!!



u/[deleted] 14d ago

Lets do it!


u/postdiluvium Monkey in Space 14d ago

This woke sub is telling us there are certain things we can and can't eat. You cancelling my pantry, bro?!


u/letstalkaboutit24 Monkey in Space 14d ago



u/PassengerSame5579 Monkey in Space 14d ago

Whatever. Nutella is the bomb. How bad and overprocessed it might be. Nutella is the bomb. Period.


u/ireallyneedawizz I used to be addicted to Quake 14d ago

Hit the gym and eat clean 6 days a week. Then demolish a full jar of Nutella on Friday after work. ???. Profit!


u/Germacide Look into it 14d ago

This could be the dumbest video I've ever watched.

"I ate a bunch of terrible shit and got all fat and ugly. Woe is me!"


u/AnalysisQuiet8807 Monkey in Space 14d ago

Not enough about joe rogan’s height in this video


u/MoScowDucks A Deaf Jack Russell Terrier 14d ago

It’s in there, just too small to be seen 


u/ThomasM8866 Monkey in Space 13d ago

be careful, DW is a trash source.