r/KendrickLamar 27d ago

Drake Dropped Discussion


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u/The_Farmers_League 27d ago edited 27d ago

This is weak as fuck? It's just "nuh uh"

What the fuck is this? "Let me know when you get into the facts" fair enough, my boy, post a receipt? If you scammed KDot into fooling himself, prove it? If I set up some supervillain level plot against my nemesis, I'd sure as shit document it for the credit.

This is a fucking L for Drake, I'm sorry.

Edit: Somehow I didn't even notice the "You're only mad I'm a pedo (but I'm not because I'm too famous) because you got molested".

How many lines did Drake do before recording this? Get his ghostwriters back in the room, dear god.


u/theslamclam 27d ago edited 27d ago

"nuh uh" + "you care too much about the beef" like bro what
edit: he also sounds so wrote-off. my head-canon is that he had to fly back to record cuz he didn't expect meet the grahams or Not Like Us and just ran through reddit and Ak clips to build a narrative cuz none of this shit makes any sense.


u/The_Farmers_League 27d ago

Yeah the "you've burnt this out" angle is bizarre... The guy who did "Back to Back" calling another man over-invested, get real.


u/Namahaging 27d ago

The man who is posting while “on vacation” no less…


u/PMmeurdixout4harambe BBL Drizzy 27d ago

Jokes write themselves lmao


u/Amazing-Concept1684 27d ago

“You’ve burnt this out” after Drake was BEGGING this nigga to drop for weeks.


u/IToldYouMyName 27d ago

While claiming he scammed K Dot into a false narrative like that isn't invested as it gets when the dude isn't giving you the attention you seek so you try harder to get it. Weird.


u/Rum_Hamburglar 26d ago

If someone comes at me with rape allegations, not matter what else is said I'm addressing that first. Not my little prank.


u/wtfiswrongwithit 27d ago edited 27d ago

i said it in another post but basically his label is getting him to deny the accusation and stop because they don't give out 500m for "big d" as charity. they need to recoup that investment in some way but it's a complete disaster for him so he's attempting to exit it while pretending he's taking the high road

i propose renaming it "Drake - The Heart part L"


u/Biznar 27d ago

I agree with everything you're saying and I'm sorry to be a pedant my guy but it's "recoup"


u/wtfiswrongwithit 27d ago

Fuck, you're right. I was wondering why it looked wrong


u/fullhalter 27d ago

Nah, this is a full L.


u/BecomingACPAin2024 27d ago

Nah uh Kendrick!

I baited you into turning me into a whole meme and having half of Twitter calling me a pedophile!!!

I win(?)


u/11_roo 27d ago

a deadbeat pedophile at that!!! and the deadbeat part isn't even true 😂😂

oh wait i mean


u/cguti94 27d ago

Drake: villain laugh you fell for my trap Kendrick

Everyone: can you show us the proof that it was your plan

Drake: pulls out paper trust me bro


u/Zzamumo 27d ago

This is such a braindead plan that drake would come up with it


u/jjkiller26 27d ago

Majority of these are angles made up on twitter. Claiming everything kendrick said was fake info fed to him was already disproven. People used the pic of the girl in the Family Matters video as evidence it was bait...but that was the dudes daughter who's house they were at


u/12211154 27d ago

He wouldn't have sent his actual medication prescriptions if it was a setup


u/Amazing-Concept1684 27d ago

I was about to say, it literally sounded like he got most of his talking points off of Twitter or Reddit


u/Adventurous-Pear-109 27d ago

Bruh whatever the case may be it's kinda foolish to think kdot would do all of this without fact-checking


u/samtheninjapirate 27d ago

He can't even put it in his track. He's gotta explain himself after? 😂 He needs to sit down now


u/metallica913 27d ago

Depressing really. Major L


u/th3st 27d ago

Lol L major


u/rel4th 27d ago

Says one line about "baiting" Kendrick, not how, not what he did, just one line, because it's cap, he knows his die hards created that narrative and feeds them what they wanna hear, "see we were right, we don't need proof", AK is doing that now "I been telling yall for 2 streams he baited him", Drake is cooked


u/AceMorrigan 27d ago

If it was all a scam, why would the cover for this not be an even more zoomed out picture of the shit on the bed with Drake sitting next to it flipping the bird and smiling?

Like, someone would have thought of that. Nah.


u/ginger_ryn 27d ago

even as a massive drake hater, it’s much worse than i expected


u/Odd-Bluejay-2733 27d ago

"You wont see the name Drake on no sex offender list" ---Nah, but I bet we see Aubrey Graham on one.


u/vlakreeh 27d ago

This was super mid except for the rkelly line, like cmon kendrick


u/Cutthativory 27d ago

Did he even listen to the third verse of Mother I Sober? It makes no sense to bring that up lol


u/Atom_Heart_B 27d ago

It’s possible that he can just annoy the heck out of Kendrick and win that way.


u/HowDoISwag 27d ago

Last week Drake: "drop... drop... drop... drop... drop"

Sunday Drake: "wow u took this so serious kinda cringe"


u/th3st 27d ago

Big L


u/LegalConsequence7960 27d ago

This track is absolutely ass. And it's not even playable. Drake outed himself with no bars, no sound and no info in one track and really thought "yeah, drop that".

Makes sense when you know the only person in ovo with a brain was prolly the rat. Everyone else is just a yes man


u/JacketLeast 27d ago

I’m laughing hard reading your comment. Extremely on point. Bloodbath… I was Drake fan until 2016 so it’s painful to watch that…


u/Substantial_Ask_9992 27d ago

The a minor / b sharp thing was one of the corniest lines I’ve ever heard


u/trevi99 27d ago

Meanwhile Kendrick LITERALLY has the receipt for his chain


u/SeDaCho 27d ago

He can't because one of them is a mole


u/Leading_Opposite7538 27d ago

Also, he lied about Whitney and is still lying without receipts.


u/ladeeedada 27d ago

"You're only mad I'm a pedo (but I'm not because I'm too famous) because you got molested".

it's giving OJ's "if I did it vibes"


u/RyFro 27d ago

It was always. L for Drake


u/Sacto1654 27d ago

aka. Drake and his supposed ghostwriting team have run out of ideas. 😏


u/SuttonTM 27d ago

We won't get recipts from either side? Kendrick has none, Drake has non, this whole beef a fantasy & all of us are enthralled living in it & enjoying it. Don't deep it jesus


u/KelvinMcDermott 26d ago

Kendrick is literally posting photographs of the man's prescriptions and y'all are out here saying "Well neither side has shown any proof yet so I don't know who to believe!"


u/FastTracktoFitness 27d ago

Where is the proof Drake has a daughter?


u/PolyMatt98 27d ago

I am a Drake and Kendrick fan so I want both of them to have false info

In defense of Drake, “nuh uh” is all you can really do, since you can’t show receipts that you’re not a pedo

It’s on Kendrick to provide those receipts and this is Drake firmly denying the claims


u/fizeekfriday 27d ago

The proof is that that 11 year old daughter doesn’t exist? What the hell u talking about?

The angle of him saying you got molested is that he saying Kendrick is going crazy because he heard Drake was a pedo and is having an emotional trauma response as a result, causing him to be fooled by fake info.

Honestly it is grimey, but this nigga literally said he’s never had sex with anyone underage or looked twice at a teenager. If he’s a pedo and running a sex trafficking ring, Kendrick needs to bring proof.


u/Amazing-Concept1684 27d ago

“Never looked twice at a teenager” 

That’s bullshit. His interaction with that 17 year old girl alone makes this bullshit.


u/KelvinMcDermott 26d ago

Almost like drake is a habitual liar


u/PejaStojak 27d ago

Kendrick is stretching you out boy 😂