r/MadeMeSmile Dec 08 '23

pierce brosnan finds out his interviewer is from his hometown and gets emotional recounting old memories from his life there Favorite People

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u/M1nn3sOtaMan Dec 08 '23

Pierce seems like a genuinely good dude. I don't know a lot about him but the interviews I have seen and read with him I've always enjoyed.


u/goblin_goblin Dec 08 '23

He really does.

When his wife was fat shamed he stated

“She is the most beautiful woman in my eyes. And also because she had our five children. In the past, I truly loved her for her person, not only for her beauty, and now I’m loving her even more that she is my children’s mother.”

He’s one of the most handsome men on the planet even for his age who could get with any woman. And I think his loyalty to his wife says everything about his character.

Truly bond.


u/halfeatennachos Dec 08 '23

Best Bond and I’ll fight anyone that says otherwise.


u/wanker7171 Dec 08 '23

Fully agree, I just hate that the material he was given sucked


u/LanMarkx Dec 08 '23 edited Dec 08 '23

His later Bond material sucked.

His debut as Bond in Goldeneye is Legendary.


u/caninehere Dec 08 '23 edited Dec 08 '23

It's wild how much it dropped off and it's a shame since they not only had a great actor, but they waited for him for so long (they wanted him earlier but he was already committed to Remington Steele). In fact it's so wild -- Remington Steele was basically cancelled bc the ratings dropped, but they offered the role of Bond to Brosnan, and when news got out he was the new James Bond the interest in Remington Steele reruns shot through the roof, and they had him contracted for more seasons if they wanted him, so they continued the show and he couldn't be Bond until years later.

If you look at fans and how they rate all the Bond movies so, so many people put GoldenEye at or near #1, and then all the rest are way down on the ladder.


u/DernTuckingFypos Dec 08 '23 edited Dec 09 '23

Similar for Craig, too. Casino Royale is wildly regarded as his best and a damn good Bond movie, then it just drops from there. Hoping it's not a trend for the next Bond.


u/ChunkyLaFunga Dec 08 '23

I guess, but it doesn't really matter when they keep making the same movies forever. It's like missing the bus.


u/Competitive_Travel16 Dec 08 '23 edited Dec 09 '23

The Bond writers get boxed in by producers' expectations of tough and cold but also witty and charming, a recipe for pablum.

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u/Perp703 Dec 09 '23

Skyfall commands a ton of respect. Quantum was definitely weakest but I’ve seen / talked to a whole Lot of people who have skyfall at number 1 of the Craig films

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u/thelochteedge Dec 08 '23

You take that back! Goldeneye was my childhood (agreed on the rest though).


u/ironmanthing Dec 08 '23

I can’t name a better opener than Tomorrow Never Dies on surround sound at an irresponsibly loud volume


u/namjoonsbabybonsai Dec 08 '23

“What’s he doing?” “His job.”

The best!

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u/ikantolol Dec 08 '23

His work on the videogame original Everything or Nothing is pretty amazing too

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u/DuDunDunSparse Dec 08 '23

TND was a good movie and I'm willing to die on this hill!

Pierce looking comfortable in the role, plot spanning several cool locations (the Vietnam stuff was epic), Michelle Yeoh as one of the more capable foils for Bond was excellent. Pryce as Carver just chewing scenery as a villain who is essentially just a newspaper editor gone mad. Add onto that dr.Kaufman (don't recall the actor's name). "I could shoot you from Stuggtart unt still obtain the desired effect.

May be biased since it was my first Bond movie, but I still love it to this day.


u/r-cubed Dec 09 '23

Teri Hatcher, too. And rewatching today it seems to be one of the more realistic plots, all things considered in Bond. At least it did to me.

As a kid I thought TND was pretty weak, but now it's one of my favorites.

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u/DelightedLurker Dec 08 '23

Technically she only birthed 2 of their 5 kids. The other 3 are with his late wife.

But absolute kudos for sticking up for her.


u/HawkinsT Dec 09 '23

It's a bit sadder. Two of his kids with his first wife he adopted after their father died... then his first wife died of ovarian cancer at 43. Then one of his adopted daughters died of ovarian cancer at 42.


u/DelightedLurker Dec 09 '23

Oh my goodness.


u/robanthonydon Dec 08 '23

And when his first wife died he looked after her children (who weren’t even biologically his) nursed his step daughter when she had cancer. True gent


u/chales96 Dec 08 '23

And that's not just any woman. That is the model that starred in the Huey Lewis Stuck With You video.


u/fuck_the_fuckin_mods Dec 08 '23

I love that song so much. It was my covid lockdown theme song.

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u/Janie_Mac Dec 08 '23

And he was a loving and loyal to his first wife aswell who battled cancer for the last few years of her life with him by her side. He's one of the good ones.


u/GreasyMcNasty Dec 09 '23

I was totally disgusted by those remarks because she truly is a gorgeous woman. But the fact he stood up and pushed back at the inbred troglodytes that would comment on something like that made me smile.

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u/MagpieJuly Dec 08 '23

My friend has run into him at the beach a few times. He always makes a point to say hi to her toddler, which just gets me every time. They jokingly refer to him as “uncle Pierce” sometimes.


u/Shadow-Vision Dec 08 '23

“How many times has Uncle Pierce come over when daddy was at work?”


u/lonely-day Dec 08 '23

He's been married since 2001, doesn't seem like the cheating type.


u/Adventurous_Ad6698 Dec 08 '23

He also publically reaffirmed how much he loves his current wife after people were trying to fat shame her.


u/gonads_in_space2 Dec 08 '23

He's been married since 1980, he's a widower since 1991.


u/lonely-day Dec 08 '23

Keely Shaye Smith has been his wife since 2001.


u/flaccidbitchface Dec 08 '23

Just read that his former wife, her mother, and her daughter all passed away from ovarian cancer. How tragic.


u/lonely-day Dec 08 '23

How awful

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u/trail-g62Bim Dec 08 '23

I always kinda disliked him but didn't know why. Then one day I randomly came across a clip from Mrs. Doubtfire and remembered he was the "villain" in that movie and it struck me that this was where I probably developed my dislike of him. I loved Robin Williams as a kid and would watch anything he did.

Now as an adult, I realize how effing creepy Mrs. Doubtfire is and Pierce Brosnan's character wasn't a villain at all.


u/ThisTheWorstGameEver Dec 08 '23

Technically he was an antagonist since he was an obstacle for the protagonist. It just happens that the movie is designed to make us root for the protagonist, who is clearly fucking insane.


u/[deleted] Dec 08 '23


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u/Kentuckianquitter Dec 08 '23

Reading your first sentence I thought to myself, "probably because of Mrs. Doubtfire." Then I continued reading and sure enough...

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u/japnnewbie Dec 08 '23

They are both fantastic. It was a great moment.


u/Bi-elzebub Dec 08 '23

Just sounds like an old man that wants to go home.


u/defmute Dec 08 '23

I was very fortunate enough once to be sitting next to him at barbers in Mayfair London a good few years ago and he was a lovely and very charismatic man. I asked for a photo because my mum has had a huge crush on him ever since GoldenEye and not only did he take the photo, he also made a quick video recording saying hello. Great guy.


u/supercleverhandle476 Dec 08 '23

A friend of mine worked with him not too long ago on a shoot. She said he is one of her favorite people she’s worked with, and a true gentleman.

It made me very happy.

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u/gademmet Dec 08 '23

Same. Just a charming, class act. I hope nothing comes up that changes that.

He was one of the bright spots of Black Adam too, but that has the unfortunate side effect of making me wish we'd just gotten a movie about him instead. Instant gravitas and interest.


u/knitwasabi Dec 08 '23

His son and my stepbrother were good friends. Dad's met him a couple times, and Pierce got in touch when he was doing Dante's Peak, since Dad's a volcano guy. Overall, sound guy, from multiple sources. Which just makes him even more awesome when you're so tired of hearing about jerk celebs.


u/muchadoaboutsodall Dec 08 '23

Caught me checking out his wife's boobs. Didn't make a big deal of it. Cool guy.


u/wonkey_monkey Dec 08 '23

My brother-in-law is proud of the time Pierce Brosnan checked out my sister.

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u/Starbucksina Dec 08 '23

My husband met him through work. He said Pierce sat down at the kitchen counter at the place where they were working and ate lunch and chatted with the whole crew. My husband was really impressed by him, not star stuck, but happy he had a positive interaction with a celebrity he admired.

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u/idahotee Dec 08 '23

"deep in my heart, on the banks of the Boyne"


u/burf Dec 08 '23

The man talks and dresses like he was born to be a poet.


u/Harpronicus Dec 08 '23

Real life J Peterman


u/thenextguy Dec 08 '23

J Peterman was not fictional.

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u/Kanin_usagi Dec 08 '23

He’s Irish, they’re all like that. Visiting Ireland a decade ago and they all speak like they’re trying to write a sonnet. Then when they get drunk they stop writing sonnets and instead write pub songs lol


u/[deleted] Dec 08 '23

Most yank idea of Ireland I've ever fucking seen.


u/snek-jazz Dec 08 '23

Most yank idea of Ireland I've ever fucking seen.

y'know that would be an intriguing first line to a sonnet


u/Reikste Dec 08 '23

Something something in a latrine


u/horseydeucey Dec 08 '23

Liver's ruined. So you're next, spleen.


u/wise_balls Dec 08 '23 edited Dec 08 '23

I haven't been this scuttered since I were a teen!


u/DudeIllAgents Dec 08 '23

Let’s stop this here.


u/tenderlender69420 Dec 08 '23

So we can grab another beer

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u/iner22 Dec 08 '23

Nah, the second line shouldn't rhyme with the first, a better fit would be:

That's the most yank idea of Ireland I've ever fucking seen

To think that each bastard has the soul of a poet

Spending their days at home and nights in the latrine

And making up garbage for the hipsters who don't know it

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u/OwnBunch4027 Dec 08 '23 edited Dec 08 '23

Most yank idea of Ireland I've ever fucking seen, Just speaking my truth, not trying to be mean. If you knew Paddy whose belly is always at the bar, You'd know why what you say makes me go "har har."

His words are drivel, he can't rhyme for shit, Among other things he's missing, is any kind of wit. His meter is wrong, his metaphors are flat, I'd rather hear the yowling of our barroom cat.

So, no, expect not poetry out of County Cork, In fact, better verse came out of that Orkian Mork. By my reckoning, for every Joyce, Tynan or Yeats, You'd find a million Mo, Larry and Curlys, all mates.

Speak not of Irish sonnets coming from their lips, It's profanity that comes from those fucking dips.

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u/Foxfire73 Dec 08 '23

Most yank idea of Ireland I've ever fucking seen
From the banks of the Boyne to Castlebar green

A pub song's a poem to the well knackered poet
A pint of Harp, and if not, a Guinness (you know it! ;D)

To lube the gullet and loosen the strings Irish voice- phooka's corkscrew; tames words as it sings!


u/BB2014Mods Dec 08 '23

Most yank idea of Ireland I've ever fucking seen.

Next thing you know he's going to say all we wear is green

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u/Chemical-Elk-1299 Dec 08 '23 edited Dec 08 '23

I know a very emotional Irish ballad, truly kept in the emerald heart of every Irishman —

“Lizzie’s in a box

Lizzie’s in a box

Lizzie’s in a box

Oh yeah oh yeah.”

Truly breathtaking lmao


u/[deleted] Dec 08 '23

I personally prefer MAGGIE'S IN A BOX 🎵 but both are valid ❤️

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u/[deleted] Dec 08 '23

Hahahaha Reddit is an excellent source of comedy I swear

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u/Moneybags99 Dec 08 '23

Eh the one trip I took to Ireland, the guide was like the country's backup poet laureate or something. He had thousands of poems memorized, and could call one up for any occasion. Also looked like a hobo. So cool, I loved the guy.

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u/neeeeonbelly Dec 08 '23

Yeah I know some Irish people and that is not how I would describe them lol ffs

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u/ItselfSurprised05 Dec 08 '23

American here, with a bunch of Irish second cousins.

One of my cousins came to America to work for a while. She used the word "fortnight" in a sentence, and one of her co-workers said, "You speak like you're from the 18th Century."


u/[deleted] Dec 08 '23



u/Critical_Concert_689 Dec 08 '23

What's a modern synonym for yield?

"Stop and Let Them Go first If Necessary?"

There's no way that's fitting on a street sign.


u/Aidyyyy Dec 08 '23

In Australia it's "give way".

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u/aardvarkyardwork Dec 08 '23 edited Dec 09 '23

‘Give Way’ gets the message across without sounding like you just lost a duel.


u/poshenclave Dec 08 '23

I assume "Wait". But I'm also curious now.

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u/iversonAI Dec 08 '23

Its true connor Mcgregor is the poet of the ufc

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u/john-binary69 Dec 08 '23

Would ya ever stop, would ya?

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u/boxgrafik Dec 08 '23

What utter nonsense.


u/Jackski Dec 08 '23

Yeah, some Irish are incredibly poetic and incredible with words. Others.... not so much. Just like any country lol.

When I visited Ireland, I can't remember the exact words but a man told me he was going to have a shit in the most eloquent way imaginable. Another guy told me "I'm not allowed in the toilets anymore cos they kept catching me doing coke so can you bring me a roll outside while I shit in the bushes?"

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u/Kunjunk Dec 08 '23


Literally nobody:



u/girl-penis Dec 08 '23

Okay but like… “THEEEEEEE.. LAND-OF-POETS-AND-BARDS-AND-HOBBITS” sounds like the opening of an amazing pub song

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u/RichUnderstanding157 Dec 08 '23

He’s Irish, they’re all like that. Visiting Ireland a decade ago and they all speak like they’re trying to write a sonnet. Then when they get drunk they stop writing sonnets and instead write pub songs lol

Groundskeeper Willie is dispensing his knowledge of the world again, I see. This is the most yanky shit I read all week and I read a lot of yanky shit dispensed as if it were the knowledge of the gods.


u/trumansayshi Dec 08 '23

Never mix a Scott with the irish

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u/RepeatDTD Dec 08 '23

Would make for a beautiful line in a song


u/TravelinDan88 Dec 08 '23

The Saw Doctors do this is nearly every song.

"Oh the green and red of Mayo, I can see it still,

It's soft and craggy boglands, it's tall majestic hills,

Where the ocean kisses Ireland, the waves caress its shore,

Oh the feeling it came over me, to stay forevermore."

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u/pritikina Dec 08 '23

"Romping with my school-chums in the fens and spinneys ..."


u/gannonburgett Dec 08 '23

Unexpected Frasier references are the best. Even more so when it’s Gil being quoted.


u/ADMINlSTRAT0R Dec 08 '23

The man is a national treasure, but please, don't let him sing. Mamma mia!

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u/bnanarchy Dec 08 '23

Both went glassy eyed quick🥹very sweet


u/Fintann Dec 08 '23

It's probably the closest sensation you can ever get to actual time travel. All of those memories can be recalled at will, but it's something else when somebody says something that makes your heart skip and you're inundated with sweet and vivid memories of home.


u/Syscrush Dec 08 '23

We go back in place, because we can't go back in time.

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u/matthewbattista Dec 08 '23

Love is the one thing that we’re capable of perceiving that transcends dimensions of time and space.

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u/tacticalbaconX Dec 08 '23

He was legit flabbergasted. That was sweet


u/Kunta-kinteh Dec 08 '23

They quickly became glassy-eyed, which was extremely sweet. I agree with you.


u/YouDownWithTPP Dec 08 '23

it was very sweet how glassy-eyed they quickly became. I agree with you.


u/OhioToDC Dec 08 '23

the glassy eyes of them both and how quickly it became was very sweet. I agree with you


u/TheLeviathong Dec 08 '23

They both agreed to have sweet glass eyes.


u/Downvotesohoy Dec 08 '23

There's a piece of glass in my eye send help

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u/colicab Dec 08 '23

The sweetest, glassiest-eyes that ever did grow up in Navan on the banks of the Boyne.

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u/Stepoo Dec 08 '23

Bot comment. A handful of comments from 8 years ago, and now this "Can I copy your homework?" "Sure but change it up a bit" ass comment

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u/Kaiisim Dec 08 '23

There's honestly nothing like finding someone from home in a foreign land. Its such a strong bonding moment!

It must seem like a different life to Pierce too. My grandparents came from a little village in the home country and I could always tell deep down they missed it deeply on some level.


u/Spurioun Dec 08 '23

I lived and worked in England for a few years. It's obviously not far from my home in Ireland so I'd often randomly meet others from Ireland. I worked as a bartender for a while and every time I heard a familiar accent, we'd end up chatting for ages about home. There's a special kind of sadness that comes with being homesick and any taste of home can be extremely bitter sweet.


u/Kunjunk Dec 08 '23

Brazilians have a word that encapsulates this feeling, saudade.


u/artemisthewild Dec 08 '23

Oh that’s lovely, thank you for sharing that. That’s exactly what I feel when I think of home, which of course is long gone and far away. The feeling and pull associated with it never leaves me.


u/hamlet_d Dec 08 '23

what a lovely word. I always enjoy finding out there is a word in some language for the emotion I feel, even if my own doesn't have one. it's a small way that unites humanity, after a fashion.

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u/wojar Dec 08 '23

When I was much younger, I went to Zurich with my aunt who was there for a conference. We stayed in this hotel and the waitress is Malaysian (we are Singaporeans), I think she was so happy to see a familiar face that she started chatting with us, even inviting us to her place for dinner. We found out that she went to Zurich for a hospitality course, married to a Swiss, had 2 kids but divorced.

Imagine staying miles and miles away from your hometown, separated from your family. Gets really lonely, I supposed.


u/Christmas2025 Dec 08 '23

Heh..."bonding" moment

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u/Proof-Strategy-1483 Dec 08 '23

Love the way the navan accent comes back so quickly once his meets a fellow navaner ❤️


u/Madfall Dec 08 '23

I live in the US with my American wife, and when I speak to my mum back in Wales on the phone my wife can't understand me.


u/[deleted] Dec 08 '23

Are you speaking in Welsh?


u/Madfall Dec 08 '23

Nope, but when my accent comes back I also speak like twice as fast, so arguably I might as well be.


u/Kooriki Dec 08 '23

"Me mum cycled from Pontnewynydd to Llandudno and lost 3 stone!"

...The fuck?


u/Azidamadjida Dec 08 '23

I swear the way words are spelled in modern Gaelic and Welsh came about as a cheeky way to fuck with their British invaders hundreds of years ago

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u/neeeeonbelly Dec 08 '23

My partner is welsh too and she does the same thing talking to her mum 😂

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u/TheLimeyLemmon Dec 08 '23 edited Dec 08 '23

Catherine Zeta-Jones is partial to this aswell (according to Rob Brydon)

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u/TurboTorchPower Dec 08 '23

I'm in new Zealand but have lived and worked with a few different Welsh people. Welsh speaking English, especially when they are talking to each other, really is something to experience. It can be quite difficult to understand them. Get a couple drinks in them and they are nearly incomprehensible.


u/Madfall Dec 08 '23

True, but it's the same in reverse with Kiwi's over here!


u/Large_Yams Dec 08 '23

That's coz we don't speak English we just make noises with associated hand gestures.

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u/[deleted] Dec 08 '23 edited Apr 20 '24



u/Madfall Dec 08 '23

Very similar fist bump

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u/boringname119 Dec 08 '23

I could always tell who my mom was on the phone with based on the degree of accent in her voice. My Uncle: slight twang. My grandfather: moderate twang. My great-grandmother: holy biscuits and gravy. I could even tell if she'd talked to my great-grandmother earlier in the day because the accent would stick around for a bit


u/DigNitty Dec 08 '23

I used to live with two Minnesotans

They'd sound completely normal until they were around each other 2 drinks in. All the sudden it was "Oh suure , y'betcha , Dohn'tcha know?"

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u/[deleted] Dec 08 '23

He was always my favorite bond. The bonds before him were too comical, and the one after him too serious. He had the perfect ratio between the two.


u/rataculera Dec 08 '23

As a kid I thought he was James Bond. So when he was named Bond for Golden Eye I thought that was how it was supposed to be. He was born for it


u/DigNitty Dec 08 '23 edited Dec 09 '23

The bond actors are contractually prohibited from wearing tuxedos in films for 10 years after their last film, for this reason.

It's why Brosnan wore nice suits to the galas in After the Sunset The Thomas Crown Affair


u/naetron Dec 08 '23

And The Thomas Crown Affair.


u/Gr8NonSequitur Dec 08 '23

In the Thomas crown affair they reviewed the contract and he wasn't allowed to wear "a full tuxedo" which is why he IS wearing one, but drunk and not wearing pants as he falls into a hotel pool.

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u/Lucas_Steinwalker Dec 08 '23

Remington Steele fan, I see.

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u/The_Autarch Dec 08 '23

He was a top-tier Bond, but it's a shame he only got one truly great Bond movie.


u/ajf8729 Dec 08 '23

Tomorrow Never Dies holds up pretty well, and is quite relevant these days.


u/squibb2 Dec 08 '23

Tomorrow Never Dies gets better with age. It has one of the best opening pre-credit scenes of any Bond movie. Admiral: “What the hell is Bond doing?” M: “His job”


u/DigNitty Dec 08 '23

Peak gadget use too. So over the top

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u/graphiccsp Dec 08 '23

Yah. Looking back a chunk of the movie was like "Ehhh sure". And now they're actual issues.


u/VonMonocle Dec 08 '23

I saw all of his Bond films in theater when I was a kid/pre teen. Before that had watched all of the other Bonds constantly. I remember thinking compared to Goldeneye, Tomorrow Never Dies wasn't as good. It was good but not better.

Over the pandemic my wife and I watched all of the bond films and after watching Tomorrow Never Dies I was kind of blown away how prescient the film had become regarding the weaponizing of news media. Jonathan Price's villain felt that much more scary but Michelle Yeoh's character was just amazing. One of the best Bond girls.

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u/PurpleDraziNotGreen Dec 08 '23

I enjoy the others of his, but Goldeneye is sooooo good, it's worth it even if had quit after only that

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u/honkimon Dec 08 '23

Timothy Dalton wasn’t comical.


u/MyHusbandIsGayImNot Dec 08 '23

Or Lazenby


u/Freddiegristwood Dec 08 '23

and honestly large swathes of connery's run were more serious than is appreciated. it was moore who really turned the camp up to eleven.

single eyebrow raise


u/[deleted] Dec 08 '23


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u/aspz Dec 08 '23

For England, James? No for Ireland ya feckin gobshite.

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u/RevealActive4557 Dec 08 '23

Yep I smiled like a fool. Pierce seems like a truly decent human being


u/WarSamaYT Dec 08 '23

Comments like this make me sad when cool people turn out to be assholes. This is unrelated but I truly hope he is a cool guy, we need more of those people on this planet more then ever right now.

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u/Signal_This Dec 08 '23

They were both so excited. So sweet!


u/bettershine Dec 08 '23

Think of how many interviews you have to go through as an actor.

The same questions. Over. And. Over. Again.

The same false smiles. People who you don't care about. People who don't care all about you, except for all the star struck ones. And youbhave to stay on guard at all times, because suddenly someone throws you a curveball just to get their 30 second meme on youtube.

It's got to be mind boggingly boring, and exhausting.

But then you suddenly realize you meet a guy yiu have something in common with. Someone who stands out. And you get to think about hole, and you get a connection. You bet these twp had a quick exchange after, about things back home.

He's a nice guy too, so he deserved it.

PS: I just watched another clip where the same thing happens. Watch the face of Obama here, realizing his interviewer is a science nerd and not a journalist. https://youtu.be/OoJsPvmFixU (from 17:14)


u/Comprehensive_Yak_72 Dec 08 '23

In this day and age it’s become very apparent with some late night hosts (Colbert and Graham Norton come to mind) and some internet interview formats (Hot Ones, Kevin McCarthy who I always see on TikTok) that some reporters/interviewers aren’t worth 10% what they’re paid. There is a HUGE divide in the quality of research and questions that are asked. That’s why some of those formats are so popular now, it’s plain as day, a completely different side of these people comes out when they’re actually engaged and it’s really lovely to see. There’s even Supercuts of all the times Sean Evans on Hot Ones has been told “that’s a really amazing question” or “you’re an amazing interviewer, wow”. Some actual human connection and enthusiasm is infectious


u/bettershine Dec 08 '23

I recently watched this one with Colbert, and I think that's a good example of what you write.

Hugh Laurie got a gift from Colbert, and didn't give a thank you note. So Laurie got a stack of blank thank you notes as a gag gift from Colbert. He proceeds to write 60 notes for Colbert, because why not.


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u/Iwanttobeagnome Dec 08 '23

The fact that the dude knows the bungalow his grandfather built shows how small and tight that community is


u/ZealousidealGroup559 Dec 08 '23

This seems to be it: https://photoshelter.newsfile.ie/image/I00002uV4gYGG3Cs. It's right in the middle of the town, which is probably why people know it.


u/[deleted] Dec 08 '23


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u/Made_In_Chi Dec 08 '23

Man, the way he said “home” at the end. The longing. Great moment

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u/BrokenXeno Dec 08 '23

The Irish love their country. Anytime they start describing where they are from I feel like a little kid about to be told a magical story.


u/Spurioun Dec 08 '23

It really is a magical place that we really take for granted until we're gone for an extended period. I was watching that Pixar movie 'Onward' with my girlfriend and, in the movie, it's like this fantasy world that's sort of outgrown all the magic, so there will be like, a highway and shopping mall right next to the ruin of a mystical castle. As we were watching it, my girlfriend goes "God, that's a lot like Ireland, isn't it?" And she was absolutely right. Our little main street was called Castle Street because, up until recently, there was a ruin of a castle just sitting on the side of the road, next to all the shops. You can't spit in Ireland without hitting something ancient. And I know it's a cliché to say how green Ireland is but... sitting on a train through the Irish countryside allows you to see more shades of green than you even knew existed.

One of my favourite spots around Dublin is called The Hellfire Club. It's a ruin at the very top of one of the Dublin Mountains. It was a hunting lodge a few hundred years ago with some very spooky stories around it, but that ruin was built on top of another ruin, this one being a Neolithic tomb. From up there, you can see all of Dublin and neighbouring villages, you can see the sea, and probably even see the coast of Wales on a clear day. At the base of the mountain is the remains of a huge, overgrown estate. You can explore around it and find all these ruins, buildings, walls, bridges, all covered in moss and vines. It's an amazing place for a picnic.

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u/Im_Unpopular_AF Dec 08 '23

Keanu Reeves, Pierce Brosnan, Jeff Goldblum and Daniel Radcliffe should do a movie together.


u/Aexdysap Dec 08 '23

This is Elijah erasure and I won't stand for it!


u/FutureAdventurous667 Dec 08 '23

You forgot Brendan Fraiser and Ke Huy Quan for maximum Redditness

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u/Furinex Dec 08 '23

The world would explode, this would be too good.

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u/LeCafeClopeCaca Dec 08 '23

Pierce Brosnan's portrait should be put next to the definition of "Class" in the dictionnary, that guy exudes polite charm


u/Hard-To_Read Dec 08 '23

Classy yes, but good lord 70 year old men should not be that sexy. The man puts us wee lads to shame.

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u/superuncoolfool Dec 08 '23

I went my entire life (I'm 38) without knowing Pierce Brosnan was Irish. I thought he was English. How have I apparently never heard this man talk


u/JB_UK Dec 08 '23 edited Dec 08 '23

I was just reading, apparently he was born near Dublin, his dad left when he was four and Mum moved to Britain to work as a nurse, he lived with his grandparents, other relatives, and a boarding school in Ireland, then joined his Mum and her new husband at 11, they lived in London until he was 28, then moved to California. He's now a joint Irish and American citizen.

I guess he learnt to context switch between Irish and English accents at school. He did accept an OBE from the Queen so is obviously fine with Britain, but his identity is strongly Irish.

I thought he was Canadian. Listening again his usual accent in films is a mix of Irish, RP English and Californian.

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u/nmr302 Dec 08 '23

You never forget the home of your childhood. The place which is forever your home. A place of safety and surety. Surrounded by elders and grandparents with less worries.

You grow move cities probably to bigger houses. But somewhere the child in you still yearns for that surety and those tales provided by elders. The time that was.


u/Wild_raptor Dec 08 '23

obvious caveat: it's not as nice remembering a place if it wasn't safe or nice


u/RevealActive4557 Dec 08 '23

I wish everybody could say this but not everybody is surrounded by loving family and safety in their childhood homes and towns.

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u/Ice_Burn Dec 08 '23

That comes from a place of immense privilege and I’m genuinely happy for you. Many of us escaped a nightmare


u/GuiltIsLikeSalt Dec 08 '23

I’m genuinely happy for you.

Isn't it great that your comment specifically includes this, yet so many people interpret it as some sort of aggressive slight towards the original statement.

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u/Thefocker Dec 08 '23 edited May 01 '24

cake pot heavy tap vanish cheerful grandfather shelter joke subtract

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact

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u/Beahner Dec 08 '23

That was an utterly genuine reaction. Love it.


u/GingerBreadPLC Dec 08 '23

Oh that hit me right in the feels


u/PugsThrowaway Dec 08 '23

Irish people are some of the best at this stuff. That whole wistfulness for “home” and the beauty of their country is so deep-rooted, and the way they talk to one another like brothers (in love as well as in confrontation) always makes me feel good.


u/GiantGingerGobshite Dec 08 '23

Family's from Navan and the only thing lovely about it is the road out! s/

Seriously though also have fond memories of the town from when I was a kid, went back as an adult and it's a kip! 😂

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u/Lachrondizzle23 Dec 08 '23

I still have a crush on this guy.

  • 39 year old straight male
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u/CaliforniaNavyDude Dec 08 '23

Aww, that's sweet. Video cut out too soon, but it's still sweet.


u/stephenp129 Dec 08 '23

Navan sounds like a place in the star wars universe

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u/Nervous-Jicama8807 Dec 08 '23

He's in his Mrs. Doubtfire, dear, era, and it's beautiful.


u/GoJohnnyGoGoGoG0 Dec 08 '23

It still rankles that they didn't change the line in The Thomas Crown Affair from being a wee laddie from Glesgae to allowing him to just be where he's from. His Scottish accent was appalling, his real accent is beautiful

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u/ThePhiff Dec 08 '23

Huh, I thought he was from Drogheda. At least a lot of folks I knew there claimed him. 🤣


u/kiralalalala Dec 08 '23

Wikipedia says he was born in Drogheda but grew up in Navan and considers it his hometown


u/woodendog20 Dec 08 '23

Drogheda had the maternity hospital I know most people from Navan are born there or Dublin

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u/somedelightfulmoron Dec 08 '23

We've been claiming him this side of the Boyne! Ah sure, no one wants to be called out from Drogheda so that's fair enough haha


u/Figjunky Dec 08 '23

They both act like they’re from the shire. A very Sam and Frodo moment. I am from fuckin Detroit


u/crisperfest Dec 08 '23

Pierce Brosnan is a silver fox.


u/NovusOrdoSec Dec 08 '23

Remington Steele was my second favorite show after Moonlighting back in the day. Some weeks it was better.

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u/mrbaffles14 Dec 09 '23

That’s my James Bond


u/nlewis4 Dec 09 '23

I love how genuinely excited he gets


u/DesperateComb7326 Dec 08 '23

This is great!


u/Stefabeth0 Dec 08 '23

So sweet and wholesome.


u/[deleted] Dec 08 '23

You can tell he feels a deep sadness that he hasn't returned home in a while.


u/EggfooDC Dec 08 '23

DUDE!! All this time Remington Steele had an Irish accent?!!!


u/basec0m Dec 08 '23

Something about his reaction hit me so hard... it has so many layers


u/SirUlrichVonLichten Dec 08 '23

This is how I found out Pierce Brosnan is Irish. What the fuck. I thought my guy was British this whole time! I even thought there was some rule that only British actors could play Bond lol.


u/RobertBDwyer Dec 09 '23

Nothing more Irish than missing home.