r/MakeNewFriendsHere Dec 16 '23

r/MakeNewFriendsHere is looking for more moderators.


Hello friends!

We are looking for several more people to join our mod team to help keep things running smoothly here. It's not hard, and it only takes a few minutes a day.

This community is a valuable resource to many people, but it takes work to keep it running smoothly. Moderating can be a rewarding experience, knowing that you are contributing to the smooth and safe operation of this great community that helps people every day.

The work is pretty straightforward, enforcing rules by removing spam, removing off topic or rule breaking posts, helping users who have questions, and responding to user reports to handle any harassment and whatnot in comments. Basic behind the scenes stuff to help the place run smoothly. It only takes a few minutes a day, and is not hard to learn.

The main requirements are that you be fairly active on reddit, since subreddits need DAILY moderation. Please only apply if you're willing to be active daily and work as a part of our mod team (which includes chatting with the team about daily activities on our mod discord server).

Your account must be at least 6 months old, and you must be willing to use Discord (free chat program) to keep in touch with other moderators and receive training from existing mods. Previous mod experience a plus but not required.

If you would like to help, please write a short paragraph in a reply to this comment explaining why you want to mod, and include your time zone.

We are also looking for moderators to moderate our chat channels. So if you prefer to only moderate our chat communities please say so in the comments of this post.

We will leave this post up for a while and reach out some people using reddit PM. We cant estimate a time frame for this so be patient. Don’t share your discord name here, that will be shared in private if you are selected.


r/MakeNewFriendsHere 5h ago

Age 22-25 Anyone down for a voice chat? 22f


Hey! Just looking for a voice chat or someone to send voice notes on discord with. We can talk about literally anything just don’t make it too weird. I’m a night owl so it will be a few hours before I get some sleep. Down to text if that’s what you prefer. Currently gaming and scrolling socials :)) Take care yall.

r/MakeNewFriendsHere 5h ago

Hi I literally just want a friend 😭


22f and I’m just looking for friends. Never thought it’d be this hard. I just want more people to talk to about my boring day and recap with I don’t know Goodnight

r/MakeNewFriendsHere 5h ago

Age 18-21 19F looking for someone to spend some time chatting with


Hi, I'm a 19-year-old girl who loves dance and music. I'm seeking someone to have a good time talking with and sharing interests. I'm passionate about all things related to dance and enjoy various music genres. If you're into music, dance, or just want to chat, I'd love to get to know you!

r/MakeNewFriendsHere 3h ago

Age 22-25 22f, let’s talk until you get tired of me?


hi :)

i’m 22 and i live in south carolina. kind of insane and mentally ill but in a cool way 😎 i’m pretty shy at first (thanks to social anxiety) but be patient bc i think i’m worth getting to know?! i open up with time and become a non stop yapper so maybe i shouldn’t get comfy

ANYWAY some of my interests/hobbies are listening to music, reading, journaling, and going on walks. i also love true crime and podcasts so if you don’t already then i’m converting you into a true crime podcast listener.

i’m also an age regressor so it would be cool to talk to someone else who is or is a caregiver :)

i’m a huge swiftie so bonus points if you are, message me with your fav taylor song

r/MakeNewFriendsHere 28m ago

Age 22-25 22F Clingy girl seeking friends to talk to


Looking for new friends. I either game, work, sleep or rot in my room. I love all things horror. Introverted but willing to make new friends and be more social online. If you’re looking for a loser friend that’s me. I’m pretty clingy if we hit it off well. We can send selfies if you are curious on looks (SFW). I like playing Roblox a lot if you wanna join me. I listen to Flyleaf, Deftones, whatsaheart, pierce the veil, Paramore, Slipknot, Manrryx, and etc! I’m from Canada and speak English, Russian/Lithuanian/khmer/. I am Russian/Asian (Cambodian), Twin, 13 tattoos, 5 piercings, Car enthusiast, Language learner, goth, 4’11 if that matters

r/MakeNewFriendsHere 11h ago

Age 22-25 24f - What is your comfort activity?


Mine is either cycling, binge watching some show or going to reddit like this to find folks who will ghost me in a few days because im curious if among them i can land a good chat.

Rewriting a post again right now, which may not be the best idea as it has some risks but i feel like when i post the same a lot it will really attract the same type of conversation starters, at least this was my perception of it, and i really love variety so im doing my part. I rewrite it all in hopes i make something decent sounding, that my vibe will appear cool enough and my personality comes across the most it can.

Im a pretty chaotic person so i also prefer other chaos people, where we just start chatting and keep on going with it discovering each the others thoughts. The way i like to do it is kinda how i prefer getting messages too, if as u read it you have something to add to any part write me that! But ig a question also does it and then will see where can we go from it.

I will add soke possible convo starters to make it easier to hit it off Stuff on my mind as of now, and then maybe tell me whats on yours? Or react to these? Your choice 1. Awaiting my yarns for some projects i wanna do, one is a sunflower cardigan that is taking me forever 💀 2. Trying not to fall asleep because its late here, so indeed there is a chance ill only reac tmrw to some 3. Thinking about how life made a whole competiton out of making itself complicated and making you unravel it - maybe it heard you saying you are bored and it keeps burping it up XD 4. I always kinda wonder knowing how thick and long male clothings are that how do they wont get a heat stroke during summer. I feel like melting in mine already

Hopefully some were random/creative enough for everyone who ends up liking my post. Those who dont pls dont tell me this :) just move onnn xd

I keep reading posts where they ask you to say some word so they know u read all what they wrote. Ill try it too. Please if you write me, add your favourite fruits name somewhere in the message. ^

Im tired to reread so sorry about typos and such. Please be 20+

Have a great day/night/everything!

r/MakeNewFriendsHere 6h ago

Age 30-39 32/M/US -- What is your least favorite chore?


Hi Everyone,

I'm just relaxing tonight, so I decided to throw this question out there.

What is your least favorite household chores? Why do you dislike it so much?

I'm also down to chat about other topics! Come find me. I'll be around.

r/MakeNewFriendsHere 2h ago

Age 18-21 21F hii i just want an online friend


im from FL i love to tan, watch cartoons, bake banana bread, and go out to eat i also love chicken tendies my favorite movie is Ted 2

r/MakeNewFriendsHere 40m ago

Long-term 21F - Good morning, you should message me! :)


Good morning! What's your preferred music genre? What's food everyone else seem to like but you don't? What's your favorite snack? but anyways i'm hoping to make new long term friends, i absolutely love meeting people all over the world and talking about random things! 🫶🏻 I would love to have a good friend who i could share everything with.

I'm 21 years old gal from Europe (i know europe is big place but i'm happy to specify later) and currently i'm just trying to enjoy the summer! Been out of the city this weekend, which has been quite relaxing!☀️

I'm into pretty basic things like animals, tv shows, movies, heavier music, cooking, baking, video games!

I'm looking for someone who's actually interested of making long term friendship and who's willing to put effort into it, obviously i also do the same!

I would also appreciate if you don't delete your messages if i don't reply quickly, as a woman i get lot of replies and i just can't reply to everyone at the same time but i still wanna reply to everyone :)

I'm kind, bright, friendly and caring person! I'm also pretty calm and chill.

If you don't know how to start conversation, just introduce yourself and answer to those questions i asked!

I'm really hoping to hear from you, have a nice day!

r/MakeNewFriendsHere 1h ago

Age 26-29 26f hey peoples, anyone else here who is wondering what the point is of being here? Like, alive lmao


Idk like I don’t feel like a normal 26 year old Human lmaooooo. Idk. From Texas and idk what I’m even doing awake. Just took headache medicine. No friends. Always. Hope yall are having a good time :))

r/MakeNewFriendsHere 1h ago

Age 22-25 25 female looking for a guy friend


looking to be close friends with someone preferably a guy and 20+ :) i spend my time listening to music, gaming, doing my makeup for fun and shopping. also working on my mental health more recently and having a close friend i think would really help feel free to message me

r/MakeNewFriendsHere 2h ago

Age 22-25 24M anyone want talk about your favorite hobbies and music artists/goth music?


Hello! Thanks for stopping by on my post 🙏

I'm a 24M Latino, standing at 5'10, wears glasses and am a total nerd(-: I'm more than happy to share photos (SFW) and hope you are too !

I'm mostly looking for someone that shares some common interests with me, here are some of my biggest hobbies.

  • going out and watching movies. I'm obsessed with the movie going experience and always make sure to catch a film whenever I can!

  • going out to see live music. I listen mostly to post punk, Goth, Dark Wave, Neo-Folk, Industrial and more in that same vein. If you've always wanted to be a part of the goth subculture I could most definitely introduce you to your new favorite goth bands lol

-I also really enjoy pc gaming and building. If you're getting started into pc building I could definitely be of help! As I've built tons of pcs over the years (-:

Lastly, I really enjoy weight lifting. Though I've been lacking on doing cardio 💀

I'm not a very picky person at all, I'd love to hear from you regardless of who you are and where you come from, , I'm very attracted to kind and compassionate personalities <3

Hope this post finds you well, and hope to hear from you soon!!

r/MakeNewFriendsHere 2h ago

Age 18-21 19F let’s talking about anything


Let me psychoanalyse you? (Joking) I’m not a licensed psychologist but I do study psych in uni. Just looking for someone interesting to talk to, short or long-term whatever works.

Send me your pet pics of your favourite songs!!

I’m fluent in Swedish and it’s my first language so my English isn’t as perfect but I’m basically fluent.

Icebreakers! - if you could change anything about yourself what would it be?

  • if you could change anything about people universally what would it be?

r/MakeNewFriendsHere 2h ago

Age 22-25 24f How has your weekend been going?


Hey all! I’m hoping to find people close to my age that share similar interests, who I could chat to semi-regularly!

Some quick info about me: I love art. I love pastels, painting, bookmaking, mixed media, needle felting, and other fiber arts! I’m working on all sorts of projects right now, but I haven’t finished any yet 🥲. It would be nice to meet someone I can share projects and process with!

Non-art related things I’m into: Horror. I’ve got a whole list I’ve been adding to, so would also love some recommendations. Currently reading American Psycho! And I also love tabletop rpgs and love boardgames. Love binging shows, movies, and anime. I also really enjoy going on mini road trips, going to museums, or just going out now that the weather’s warmed up.

We don’t have to have the exact same interests or anything. I think it’d be nice to meet someone I could relax with while we both worked on our own projects, or just someone to talk to throughout the week!

If you’d like to know more please feel free to message me! I don’t use discord, but if we really vibe here then maybe we could move to Snapchat or insta!

r/MakeNewFriendsHere 1h ago

Age 26-29 27/F looking for new besties on a Sunday morning


hiiii everyone, it’s a slow morning, haven’t had coffee yet, would love to have iced coffee but we can’t have it all.

I enjoy food, music, crafting and good company. Searching for platonic friends with the same vibe.

r/MakeNewFriendsHere 3h ago

Long-term Hi I literally just want a friend


22f and I’m just looking for friends. Never thought it’d be this hard. I just want more people to talk to about my boring day and recap with I don’t know Goodnight

r/MakeNewFriendsHere 2h ago

Age 18-21 18M hey guys, looking for friends


18M gay guy here from Southeast Asia. Looking for friends around that area.

I have nothing to do throughout the summer tbh, so I'm down to make new friends. I do have some hobbies here and there, but for now, I'm just a college student resting during my break

Do let me know if you're down to chat. (I can also do voice chats).

r/MakeNewFriendsHere 5h ago

Age 22-25 22F Hi ! A bit of a loser here, I’m looking for people to chat with for a little while !


Firstly, my English isn’t perfect, but it should be more than good enough to converse casually !

I’m from Japan, and I speak Japanese, English and French fluently (at least by text for the last two), and I also speak very very basic spanish

I spend most of my time playing video games, watching movies, shows and such, sometimes reading a bit too, or hanging out with my sister/friend

There’s nothing I’m really closed to, I’m open to anyone and any subjects, the reason why I decided to post here is because I’m a bit stuck atm

I only ask that you be kind, you can be judgmental and such, but please, don’t do it in an evil way ! Thank you

r/MakeNewFriendsHere 1h ago

Age 18-21 21f being sober kinda sucks tbh


I’m still committed to complete sobriety till the end of June. I’m saying is it’s kinda already boring and I’m less than a full day into this. I can’t even remember the last time I went to bed fully sober though. No really bad withdrawls though so that’s a good thing. Anyways I’m just looking for people to talk to and something to do. I’d like to think I’m pretty interesting but I’ll leave that up to you to decide

r/MakeNewFriendsHere 1h ago

Age 22-25 23F - A lil shy would like some gaming buddies :)



Like the title says, i’m 23F and I struggle to make friends that play games with me, or any friend I can consistently talk to as well! I love animals (i’m in veterinary), I have two cats, three dogs, and a snake! I play Baldurs Gate right now but i’m super open minded to play other games that are not FPS.

Looking forward to meeting yall!

r/MakeNewFriendsHere 6m ago

Age 26-29 27M Sailing at sea,lets connect


Heyy I am 27 M 5,11 tattooed guy I am currently sailing at sea near south amercia I would love to connect with people and chat Quite frankly i am bored out of my mind I am into korean drama anime tattoos and crime docs Anyone want to connect feel free to dm There are no girls on my ship so yeah would love to have some female company haha

r/MakeNewFriendsHere 8m ago

Age 18-21 19F I want to meet people from other places


I also like talking on Discord more so send me your @ and your ASL

Hi I’m 19 f and I am from the Middle East. I want to meet people from different backgrounds and different experiences. It’s nice to meet different peoples

If you want to dm then send your name age gender and where you are from and anything

r/MakeNewFriendsHere 12m ago

Long-term 16F - in bed bored so I figured I would talk to some people cause I got nothing to do


Some stuff I like is music, you can get me to like pretty much any type of. I’m also a big fan of camping whenever possible cause I think I’ts fun, and whatever Else you want to know you can ask me

r/MakeNewFriendsHere 25m ago

Age 22-25 Hi f 22 looking for some new friendships and chats tonight


Hey it’s almost 4am and I still haven’t been able to sleep tonight. Let’s hang out and chat for a little bit while I try to fall asleep

I’m open to talking about almost anything just keep it chill.

r/MakeNewFriendsHere 27m ago

Age 22-25 🌈✨[24M] Engineering & Tech Lover Seeking Friends!✨🌈


Hey Reddit!

I’m a 24-year-old engineering student on an exciting mission to find my tribe in the vast Reddit universe. I'm passionate about hobbies that make life incredibly fun, and I can’t wait to share what makes me tick!

Tech Enthusiast: I’m fascinated by gadgets, software, and the future of technology. If you love discussing tech or geeking out over the latest innovations, we’re already on the same wavelength!

Avid Gamer: Gaming is my ultimate happy place, whether it’s epic victories or funny fails. I play on PC, console, and mobile – you name it, I’m there. Let’s share the glory and the laughs!

Food Lover: I thrive on discovering new eateries and trying different cuisines. If you enjoy chatting about food and swapping delicious recommendations, we’ll get along great!

Anime & Manga Fan: Anime episodes and manga chapters are my lifeblood. If you share this passion, let’s fangirl/fanboy together over our favorites and trade must-watch/read lists.

Book Lover: Beyond my textbooks, I love diving into both fiction and non-fiction. If you’re into literature and enjoy discussing book recommendations, I’d love to connect.

LGBTQ+ Ally: I proudly celebrate all the colors of the rainbow! I’m looking for friends who are open-hearted and supportive. Let’s share our stories and uplift each other.

3D Printing Beginner: I’ve just started exploring 3D printing, and it feels like magic! Whether you’re experienced or just curious, let’s exchange ideas and learn together.

I’m eager to make new friends who are passionate about their interests. Whether through deep discussions, sharing discoveries, or just having a good laugh, I’m here for it all!

If you’re into tech, gaming, food, anime, books, and living life to the fullest, reach out! DM me or leave a comment below – I’m excited to start this adventure with you all! 🌈💖

Only those over 18, please!