r/mildlyinteresting 27d ago

This urinal at my local climbing gym can only be used by climbing up the bathroom wall Quality Post

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u/sicilian504 27d ago edited 27d ago

If that's real, I have the feeling who ever cleans those bathrooms is not paid anywhere near enough to put up with that. Make whoever designed that clean the floor and walls and see how quickly it's removed.


u/wolfgang784 27d ago

Surely there arent toooo many people actually attempting it. No?


u/notnotaginger 27d ago

I mean…. I’m a woman but even knowing the filth involved, I would feel compelled to try it. 🤷‍♀️



What's crazy about this to me is that usually public bathrooms are unsanitary because of people just not caring and being more gross than they need to be. In this case, I can't think of any way to use this where it doesn't get filthy, even if the person using it was being as careful as possible.


u/notnotaginger 27d ago

Sure, but then you can go out and tell everyone you hit the target and hug everyone in celebration.


u/bash_beginner 27d ago

I'd invade the men's toilet just to try. Might get arrested, but I'll be damned if I leave this challenge to the guys.


u/formervoater2 26d ago

from a squatting position no doubt


u/Rapture_Hunter 26d ago

Now I want to see it used in the ladies room


u/Cullly 27d ago

I am pretty sure most men that go in there will attempt it.

Most of them will be into climbing since that is a climbing gym.


u/Ruthrfurd-the-stoned 27d ago

I’m not into climbing but if I’ve been drinking there’s no doubt I’d try it- which would probably make it a worse idea


u/FrostyD7 27d ago

I have a feeling this is just a gag and it's probably not even flushable. Probably says something like that in the spot that's censored. Seems like a bad idea regardless though.


u/rockinrolller 27d ago

And teachers complain they aren't paid enough.