r/politics 27d ago

Congress voted against funding a cure for cancer just to block a win for Biden


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u/[deleted] 27d ago



u/wombatgrenades 27d ago

They want to extend the Trump cuts under his administration if he get elected. It’s not even close to being financially responsible


u/I_Cogs_Well 27d ago

So lowering the deficit by having less money coming in? I guess we've all been doing it wrong and republicans figured it out.


u/crazyaoshi 27d ago

C'mon don't you understand how trickle down works? It is tried and true. Just look at the trickling done at the hotel in Moscow.


u/SpiritBearrrrr 27d ago

trickle down only works when its putins cum trickling down GOP faces


u/bit_pusher 26d ago

It’s a strategy called “starve the beast” and it’s been around for decades. The whole point is to force democrats to make the cuts to popular programs by increasing the deficit


u/skolioban 26d ago

They're going to cut every other spending that's not feeding their donors' business and let the country crumble and die


u/TopNegotiation4229 26d ago

Some of them actually believe this complete load of crap under the guise of the "Laffer Curve", a laughable crackpot economic theory that was literally scribbled on a napkin and then adopted as a convenient device by an entire wing of the American body politic.