r/politics 14d ago

She Campaigned for a Texas School Board Seat as a GOP Hard-Liner. Now She’s Rejecting Her Party’s Extremism.


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u/HolidayFew8116 14d ago

Gore rushed to share the news with the hard-liners who had encouraged her to run for the seat. She expected them to be as relieved and excited as she had been. But she said they were indifferent, even dismissive, because “it didn’t fit the narrative that they were trying to push.”


u/T33CH33R 14d ago

They looked at her in astonishment and asked, "You read things?"


u/slrogio 14d ago

It's so fascinating what happens when you "do the research."


u/Numerous_Photograph9 14d ago

My dad was a republican all his life. Not the crazy MAGA type, just the don't think about it too much and vote R. He also grew up in a time where republicans weren't completely reprehensible. Regardless, when we started watching news or the late night monologues during dinner once COVID started, he ended up really hating all the things that the republicans stood for. Before that, I would hear some of the lighter Fox news talking points, as he watched the broadcast versions of their news. He was still smart though, and didn't get too wrapped up in the culture wars. Even after several explanations, he still didn't understand what woke was, or why it was a bad thing. His last time voting, he voted for Biden, and straight democrat.


u/SnatchAddict 14d ago

Biden is an old school Republican. This makes complete sense. I remember back when Republicans were community focused and not corporate stooges.


u/Schillelagh 14d ago

It’s complicated. Maybe 1950s Republican.

However, Biden seems to have evolved with the party. His presidency has been the most liberal Democratic presidency. People forget it was controversial that Obama endorsed gay marriage in the middle of his presidency.


u/dittybad 14d ago

As VP, Biden endorsed gay marriage before Obama causing quite a stir and forcing Obamas hand.


u/SnatchAddict 14d ago

He's still not progressive enough for me. Universal Healthcare is something I don't think I'll ever see in my lifetime.


u/Akimbo_Zap_Guns Kentucky 14d ago

Well it’s not Biden’s fault we aren’t getting universal healthcare in fact if we had a 60 seat supermajority I guarantee Biden would’ve signed a universal healthcare bill. It’s republicans and the top 1%


u/Mudders_Milk_Man 14d ago


Biden has literally said fairly recently that he wouldn't sign a universal healthcare bill because he hasn't been shown there's a way "we can afford it".

That's utter rubbish.

I'll vote for Biden over any Republican since well before I was born, and he had done some good things, but he also has some areas where he's still ideologically and / or factually completely wrong.


u/Schillelagh 14d ago

Bernie was the closest chance in recent memory. Sadly a large wing of the Democrats are funded by the insurance companies. Democrats can barely hold a majority in one of the houses or the presidency, so until there is overwhelming support in the party or large majorities, it’s a talking point rather than a policy position.

Democrats remain the far better choice however. Fight for rank choice voting too.


u/SnatchAddict 14d ago

Bernie did not win in the primaries. The young people did not get out to vote. If you look at the raw numbers, Hillary won. I do think the DNC campaigned for Hillary and ignored Bernie.

I'm not a moron so even though Bernie was my guy, I voted for Hillary for President.


u/SantaforGrownups1 14d ago

Bernie was my guy too and yes, the DNC screwed him. But I voted for Hillary.


u/yo2sense Pennsylvania 14d ago

It's hard to believe anyone alive remembers the pre-Gilded Age Republican Party.


u/Smaptastic 14d ago

So she got elected specifically because she was a poorly informed stooge. She realized that what she had been told was wrong and was shocked when reality didn't change the minds of her handlers. She's now speaking out against those handlers.

That's a good start. I'll give it 1000:1 odds against her reaching full self-awareness and realizing that she was gullible and stupid which is why she got elected in the first place, though. Until people like this reach the point of accurate self-reflection, they'll just fall for the next right wing idiot scheme over and over.


u/MildredTorres 14d ago

An open-minded Republican, huh. I thought they were extinct.


u/Mooseguncle1 14d ago

We need more reverse Kirsten Sinemas.


u/MildredTorres 14d ago

So she is a unicorn. Extremely rare and worth nurturing because it will be a long time before you will see another one.


u/GetFvckedHaha 14d ago

I don’t feel bad for ANYBODY in this story other than the school children. The "adults" in their lives are hellbent on trying to keep them stupid and brainwashed. Hopefully they can gtfo of that community immediately upon graduation


u/not_this_again2046 14d ago

She’ll still vote R though.


u/addctd2badideas 14d ago

Nothing is more powerful than the courage it takes to ask yourself, "What if I was wrong?"

You can still be a conservative and stick to general principals, but reject ideologue-driven nonsense. I'm a liberal who has conservative friends (though not Republicans) who do this. I have deep respect for them.


u/King-Owl-House 14d ago

She will vote trump in heart beat


u/AmbitiousTour 14d ago

So strange to see a GOP Hard-Liner who actually cares about the evidence. They better nip that in the bud!


u/yulDD 14d ago

One of the few


u/IdDeIt 14d ago

Sounds like an opportunist with no principles


u/enjoycarrots Florida 14d ago

Yes. The story speaks poorly of the "anti-woke" school board moral panic, but we shouldn't make the mistake of thinking it makes her look good.


u/PaxDramaticus 14d ago

Every time this story comes up I have to think about how completely out of touch with reality a person has to be to think that America's famously overworked and underpaid teachers have the time to orchestrate an enormous pornography and gender ideology conspiracy. All you have to do is walk into a school, hell, just know a teenager to have the basic knowledge you need to see the conspiracy theory is total bullshit.

As far as I'm concerned, this much like the COVID conspiracy that went around claiming that the metal nose strip in masks was a 5G antenna - the only justification for believing it is having been hit on the head with a coconut and just having awoken from a coma not knowing that 5G, surgical masks, or antennas are.


u/IdDeIt 14d ago

Right. No one willing to pander to that vile cult to secure power should be hailed as somehow resisting their program because they have internal disagreements


u/W_A_Brozart 14d ago

Sounds like she knows how to capitalize off of rabid extremism but also doesn’t want the students to be fucked over.


u/BringOn25A 14d ago

If they examine evidence and make their decisions on facts, not fiction, they are obviously a RINO.


u/JRE_4815162342 Minnesota 14d ago

Good for her. I'll take what we can get


u/T_Weezy 13d ago

This is exactly how I feel about this story. I'm not convinced that she's completely escaped the MAGA mindset, but it's still encouraging and I'll congratulate her for her relative humility.


u/orangeowlelf 13d ago

Wow, morals. Who would have thought?