r/todayilearned 27d ago

TIL that philanthropist and engineer Avery Fisher was motivated to start his own company after, identifying a way to save his employer $10,000 a year, was immediately denied a $5/week raise.


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u/healthybowl 27d ago

Most bosses are closed minded idiots. Not a soul on the planet knows how most made it to their position. What a brave man to state the obvious


u/Ivanthevanman 27d ago

People are promoted to their level of incompetence.


u/libury 27d ago

If only. That way people would at least be only marginally inept at their jobs. Positions of power are given out to social circles.


u/CressCrowbits 26d ago

Yeah I'd say its far worse than that.

I worked for a few years fairly in deep with a big corp. The upper management were idiots who got lucky once and thought they were geniuses. The lower management were ass kissing morons who genuinely belived upper management actually were geniuses. Upper management would promote them because they would kiss their ass.

Its been 5 years since I left and everyone with any talent has left since. Upper management don't understand why they are in trouble. Sadly they are all so rich since getting bought out they'll be forever rich however hard they fail.