r/totalwar 14d ago

Total War Star Wars is a horrible idea General

Okay hear me out for a second. For a company that hasn’t had proper naval battles since Empire Total War do we think all the sudden they are doing to make grand space battles? Remember how cool the space battle was on Rogue one or intro space battle on Revenge of the Sith? I’m sorry but Sega nor CA should attempt this has they lack the talent to make a game like this. Plus how would this even work? In empire and Napoleon it was all based on line tactics of mass firing, how do you work in squad based elements in a grand strategy game without making it a RTS the size of Empire at War? This whole thing is just silly


30 comments sorted by


u/DarthCernunos 14d ago

I mean shogun 2 and FOS had great naval battles imo. Also if they do end up doing SW or 40k “naval” combat would be a focus instead of an afterthought so it would probably feel more complete.

That said I doubt SW total war will be a thing even though I think it’s a good idea.


u/Dellkaz 14d ago

Ah yes, the "Total War can't possibly do fantasy setting A" or "Total War can't possibly do scy-fi setting B" argument thathas been proven wrong.

People have said the same of Total Warhammer before it came out and CA, even through all their PR disasters these past 10 years of the game, have proven capable of making units never before imagined or thought possible, systems with quirky effects that have never been applied in any historical game. The single entities, the flying units, the insane variety of projectiles, contact effects, death effects, summons, map architecture (even the ones that are bad for gameplay are incredible technical achievements).

Let's stop this disparaging talk of "they can't possibly to this". They have the technical know how and the artists to support it (sound, modeling, texturing, VFX, ...). Just LOOK at what is in Total Warhammer. How it moves, sound, the VFX coming out of it, they CAN, if given the time, make a gorgeous rendering of a star destroyer firing turbo lasers or droid blaster voleys in open field battles.

I have hated CA's failings in community management, in not making patches more regularly and other things. They are flawed in many aspects, but for goodness sake look objectively at what their developers, game designers and artists can do. They are capable of it and thinking otherwise is nonsense. If the resources and time had been given, I believe they would have made incredible looking naval battles for Warhammer. They weren't given the chance, but that's it, it's no proof that they didn't have the skills for it.


u/LurchTheBastard Seleucid 14d ago

I personally think CA is the right company to make the game, it just shouldn't be a "Total War" game.

Giving it that title creates expectations it will be and do A and B. If it does not do A and B, or does them poorly, people will drag it incessantly, even if it does X and Y really well.

Remove it from those expectations, and it might actually go down well.


u/S-192 14d ago

"I lack the imagination to envision how this could work, therefore I'm going to say this is a terrible idea."

Man, OP, you're really lazy with this one.

Star Wars Total War would be freaking awesome. I don't get why everyone here is such a critic. Try to enjoy your fucking hobbies more. Not every game is an innovative, 10/10, technical accomplishment.


u/dragoonrj 14d ago

If they could make space battle passably and land battles great, this would instantly be GOTY for star wars fans


u/S-192 14d ago

Even if it didn't have real time battles at all, I'd love it. To this day Star Wars Rebellion is one of my favorite grand strategy games, and its real time battles were so terrible that I pretty much only auto resolve.


u/Limes_Lemons 14d ago

Top down would be fairly easy with Star Wars ships. Function similar to Empire TW naval. But then they are essentially copying EAW.

I’d make battle maps for land battles way bigger, introduce a lot more environmental elements like buildings and cover. I’d add a suppression mechanic for infantry and probably some type of reinforcement mechanic from within a battle.

But then that is just Company of Heroes aha. So whatever direction this takes it theoretically steps on another companies toea


u/gray007nl I 'az Powerz! 14d ago

I mean Empire At War came out 18 years ago so I don't think CA needs to worry about stepping on anyone's toes there.


u/Attila__the__Fun Carthage 14d ago

Disney bought LucasArts, so for all we know this game literally could be Star Wars: Empire at War 2


u/LurchTheBastard Seleucid 14d ago

I honestly hope (if the rumours are actually true) it will be. Not designing it with the intent of making a Total War title and with people expecting to GET a Total War title would be the best chance CA has of making a good game.


u/Prip26 14d ago

Time for Empire 2 to come out then


u/protonefri 14d ago

Have you seen their pathfinding? They can't do bigger. They get lost in a small settlement battle, imagine their braindead AI navigating complex city maps.


u/IamAlphariusCLH 14d ago

You say that they can't work out naval battles and mention Empire at War right after that?


u/evilwomanenjoyer 14d ago

Disney will force them to use sequel era stuff and it’s gonna be miserable.


u/Taoscuro 14d ago

Why people asume that will be space battles in a total war game?


u/CEOofGex 14d ago

Why not? They already make flying units work. Space battle is just another step from that.


u/Sabbathius 14d ago

I think it depends very heavily on scale.

When people say "Star Wars", they picture individual fighters. But what if instead of individual fighters we command entire wings, like in Homeworld? And most ships are actually gigantic vessels, slow to turn and accelerate? I think CA could handle it.

So basically don't picture X-Wing vs Tie Fighter. Picture Homeworld instead. Can be done. Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak also proved that the formula translates beautifully from space to ground, and vice versa. Even Starcraft 2 had "spaceship" levels, where you literally pilot a single Battlecruiser the whole level.

It can be done. You just gotta open up your mind a bit, and think outside the box and look for alternatives.


u/IeyasuYou 14d ago

Endor is the only SW space battle to use as a cinematic and narrative model.


u/Life_Sutsivel 14d ago

You're a horrible idea, lmao got em.


u/RogerBernards 14d ago

Why do you assume there would be space battles? why do there need to be? TW has always been about land battles, I see no reason why they would change that. There are plenty of examples of land battles in the Star Wars movies.

If you look at the battle depictions in the movies like the battle of Hoth, the battle of Endor, the battle of Naboo I think they lend themselves very well to the way TW handles battles.


u/protonefri 14d ago

Making grand sci fi SW rts game without space battles is pointless. Space battles in SW are more prominent than land battles.


u/RogerBernards 14d ago

But space battles is not what Total War is. There plenty of other games for that, including Star Wars ones.


u/protonefri 14d ago

Exactly that is the best argument why SW TW won't work. Also they should just fuck off fantasy for a while and make a realistic title.


u/Achian37 14d ago

Star Wars is dead (at least for me). The prequels already foreshadowed what was to follow with the sequels...I loved the franchise so bad when I was young but can not enjoy it any more at all. Same goes for GoT.


u/AmbitiousTrader 14d ago

What happened to Rome 3? Why are we being punished


u/Narradisall 14d ago

Medieval and Empire fans drowning at the bottom of the pool


u/ShockedSalmon 14d ago

You really want their current team to make Medieval 3?
Imagine, armies tied to lords, passive AI, sieges that resemble tower defense, poor sound effects, no visual distinction of units from a distance without icon bloat on screen, limited building with building icons that resemble toilet signs, no growing population and no little carts that congest your newly built roads depending on trade etc.

The above is what they showed me they can do on their ''magnum opus'' Warhammer 3. Do you believe they have the capability to make something closer to Medieval 2 and they didn't do it already?


u/Narradisall 14d ago

Get the 3K team on it, lose the duels. Honestly the diplomacy and campaign mechanics on that were great. Sure there were still issues that could be sorted but 3K would be a good framework for a M3


u/ShockedSalmon 14d ago

Fair enough, I haven't played 3k so you have a better picture.


u/Narradisall 14d ago

Well. I don’t know what the teams are like now. 3K team could be very different now. Hopefully if anyone does get a historical it’s them. Set the fantasy teams on whatever sci-fi they may be working on.