r/anime Apr 27 '24

Sasayaku You ni Koi wo Utau • Whisper Me a Love Song - Episode 3 discussion Episode

Sasayaku You ni Koi wo Utau, episode 3

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u/cyberscythe Apr 27 '24


u/Calwings x3https://anilist.co/user/Calwings Apr 27 '24

this bit with the rainbow background

Wake up babe, new pride flag just dropped


u/BosuW Apr 28 '24

It's evolving even further!


u/ModieOfTheEast Apr 27 '24

Yori has unlocked a new objective: "Get Himari to fall in love with you." Chance of succeess after joining a band: "Very good."

And yeah, we now doubled our weekly puppy-Himari rate. Now we are getting somewhere.

Though I have to say, animation was quite rough this episode. Even rougher than the last week. Also, I am sorry, but there are better transitions to be used for free. At least put some flowers in the background instead of making it fully white. Not a big issue, it's a romance after all, but I hope the band performances will look as good as ep1.


u/Spasm_cat Apr 27 '24

I’m glad someone else pointed out the transitions, I saw the first one and was like “okay I guess that’s one way to move to the next scene”

Cute episode though


u/Grashuck Apr 27 '24

It looked like some PowerPoint presentation made by a 5th grader. It was weird the first time, but they used the same "animation" four time I think. Sometimes less is more.


u/cyberscythe Apr 27 '24

i was wondering if it was something that was trying to echo the style of the manga or something because they sure did use that a lot


u/mekerpan Apr 28 '24

Different episode director, perhpas?


u/HirokoKueh https://myanimelist.net/profile/hirokokueh Apr 28 '24

there's only one animator in this episode, who is also the episode director


u/mekerpan Apr 28 '24

Wow. Pretty short-staffed.


u/Neidhardto Apr 28 '24

A lot of the animation was apparently outsourced this episode, so that's most likely why. Out sourcing doesn't always mean a dip in quality, but it definitely does a lot of times.


u/JuRIP5 Apr 30 '24

Where have you heard this from?


u/Elifia Apr 27 '24

Yeah, it reminded me of the PowerPoint presentations we used to make in middle school as well. But we stopped doing that once the novelty wore off.


u/Figerally https://myanimelist.net/profile/Pixelante Apr 28 '24

I think the most egregious thing about the transitions is that they kept using the same one. Like, come on they could at least use a variety of transitions😆


u/Viktorv22 Apr 28 '24

I'm currently watching Scum's Wish and they use similar transition techniques, except it's like 20 times better looking. So yeah...

Probably they didn't have much time to do this stuff better looking


u/oops_i_made_a_typi Apr 29 '24

yeah its like they saw the manga-paneling style frames in that and thought it would be a good idea but the execution is not nearly there


u/PyrosFists Apr 28 '24

It looks like they literally just went into adobe premiere and shrunk the frame size and set a couple of key frames.


u/ThrowCarp Apr 30 '24

Windows Movie Maker vibes.


u/Needs_Improvement Apr 27 '24

Ok, I’m glad I wasn’t the only one on noticing the animation dip. It’s not needed for a romance to have great animation, but there were some cuts and scenes that just felt out-of-place enough to take me out of the show.


u/PyrosFists Apr 28 '24 edited Apr 28 '24

I'm getting PTSD from I'm in Love with the Villainess. Bloom into You is the only yuri adaptation that seems to actually have gotten a budget still


u/Cosmyc https://myanimelist.net/profile/Cosmyc Apr 29 '24

MagiRevo too


u/burger4life https://myanimelist.net/profile/PepperoniMadness Apr 29 '24

Adachi to Shimamura looked pretty good too


u/Interesting_Ant7945 Apr 29 '24

Yuri is my Job too


u/maliwanag0712 https://myanimelist.net/profile/clear1109 Apr 27 '24

though I have to say, animation was quite rough this episode. Even rougher than the last week.

Agree. The transitions are noteworthy at best but distracting at worst. Even some character designs of Himari and Yori are not that fine compared to previous episodes. But hoping that they sacrificed this episode for probably something big in the next few episodes.


u/entelechtual Apr 28 '24

Personally I wouldn’t have noticed anything off about the animation. But the transitions really got me thinking, what else are they cutting back on…


u/NeonDelteros https://myanimelist.net/profile/NeonDelteros Apr 27 '24

Big animation episode will probably be around episode 6 with the current pacing, and that'd be the end of this prologue


u/PeaceAlien https://myanimelist.net/profile/PeaceAlien Apr 27 '24

Box transition after box transition, I just found it hilarious eventually. Also, the way Himari moved in one scene to talk to her friend made it feel like she was the box transition herself.


u/Genshin_WhiteKnight Apr 27 '24

They're going the extra mile by including the white spaces between the manga panels during those transitions.


u/BosuW Apr 28 '24

The manga has top tier paneling. I'm not sure how I feel about the anime's take on it, but I knew it was going to be challenge anyway.


u/perlenYurifan4life https://anilist.co/user/kiyuri Apr 28 '24

Yeah, this episode was a rough reminder that the studio behind this anime is Cloud Hearts. Up until the anime's airing, many of us that are aware were understandably worried but the first two episodes did quell it a bit.

The animation did hold up for the most part but the dip in quality was still noticeable. It did kinda fall apart around the end when Himari hugged Yori. It was a pretty important scene so it really took me out of the moment.

I've actually been doing some casual documentation of the main staff names for each episode. That's how I found out that the script writer and episode director for this episode are literal no-names, as in they don't have any other anime production roles to their name (as far as ANN is concerned). At least the storyboarder is an industry veteran so she was able to salvage the episode somewhat.

Most importantly though, this episode's animation is largely outsourced to Studio Shigure. They don't seem to have a great track record which should probably explain the dip in quality. Despite the lacking animation, at least the chief animation director (also the character designer) did a good job making the characters still look great throughout the episode.


u/Neidhardto Apr 28 '24

In house episodes will most likely be more consistent with their quality. I hope there aren't too many episodes that are outsourced.


u/scot911 https://myanimelist.net/profile/scot911 Apr 28 '24

Though I have to say, animation was quite rough this episode. Even rougher than the last week.

Honest I'm not surprised considering the two studios animating this gave us such series as "The Great Cleric" with them collaborating on that one just like with this, and just Cloud Hearts with "Iceblade Sorcerer". (Yokohama was a producer on that one) Now, while I did enjoy both of those (the latter more than the former) animation was not either of their strongpoints. Yokohama by themselves have a bit of a better track record but it still ain't great outside of short anime.


u/CrimsonLotus Apr 27 '24

This adaption would be perfect if it had better animation and music. Everything else about it is amazing IMO but the animation is so noticeably offputting at times.


u/mekerpan Apr 28 '24

Not as well-executed animation-wise as the other girls and (sometimes) music contenders this season -- Jellyfish, GBC, Radio Seiyuus and Euphonium. But a pretty good story and voice acting.....


u/Neidhardto Apr 27 '24

Band performances have a whole different animation team, so the qualities of those most likely won't be affected.


u/LoPanDidNothingWrong https://anilist.co/user/kesx Apr 28 '24

Yeah. Those rectangle transitions were like shit prom photo transitions or something.


u/IXajll https://myanimelist.net/profile/ixajii Apr 27 '24

Last episode I was sure Yori‘s design peaked with her in her casual clothes but I wasn’t familiar with her game then. Today glasses Yori was revealed, showcasing her true power level. Glasses casual Yori would be a combo too overwhelming for the world to handle.


u/BosuW Apr 28 '24

The truth is Yori looks slick af always


u/Ikari_21 Apr 27 '24

It’s over 9000!! Serious note, yeah, she looked great with glasses.


u/jellyblob88 Apr 27 '24

That was such a mature approach to a confession that you're not 100% sure about, would love to see more of this in general. Communication between the two was so sincere, it melted my jaded heart UwU


u/squirrelhoodie https://anilist.co/user/stefandesu Apr 27 '24

I think this is why I like this show. By being so open and honest, they avoid all the things that get annoying very quickly in romance anime (though those misunderstandings are usually what those other shows are about, if they just talked it out they'd have no actual content lol).


u/AprilDruid https://anilist.co/user/AprilDruid Apr 27 '24

Honestly it's why I love yuri. A lot of these stories feel like they're being written by queer women who have experienced something similar.


u/Emi_Ibarazakiii Apr 27 '24

I love how mature they can be, despite not really knowing about romantic love and all!

Especially Himari; She can be a bit lost and confused, and that's fine, but she still goes at it the right way!


u/k4r6000 Apr 28 '24

I don't mind struggling with communication. That's perfectly normal, and at least some should be expected. But at least here they are actively trying to work things out and understand. The problem with a lot of other romcoms is that they just avoid the subject instead of confronting it.


u/ThrowCarp Apr 30 '24

Himari also cute as always this episode. And so cheerful too.


u/cyberscythe Apr 27 '24

Communication between the two was so sincere, it melted my jaded heart

the level of purity in this series is almost too much for me

it makes me jealous that we don't live in a world where everyone has this level of consideration


u/WhoiusBarrel Apr 27 '24

Charms Kino unknowingly via her singing

Joins band officially to charm Kino further

God Yori is so cute and their rooftop heart-to-heart was so heartwarming as well!


u/Emi_Ibarazakiii Apr 27 '24

their rooftop heart-to-heart was so heartwarming as well!

Was nice seeing them address things head on - even if she's confused!

They don't need to have all the answers... Just talk things through, try some things, in time they'll figure it out/themselves, and the 'answers' will come!


u/q_3 https://www.anime-planet.com/users/qqq333 Apr 27 '24

I can't believe I'm watching an anime made in Powerpoint, but at least it doesn't undermine the cuteness.


u/Acrzyguy Apr 27 '24

The director discovers PowerPoint outro animation for the first time


u/maliwanag0712 https://myanimelist.net/profile/clear1109 Apr 27 '24

The episode is so awesome! Himari asking advice to her friends and her mom, and then communicating their feelings in the most open and healthiest possible? DAMN THIS IS TRULY A REIWA ERA YURI!

Now, Yori's challenge is to make Himari fall in love with her. Honestly, at this rate, Himari could already be into her especially after their heart-to-heart talk.

Sadly, Aki's gonna hurt, right? Her body reactions are quite subtle but can still be noticed after Yori told her about the confession.


u/mekerpan Apr 28 '24

Poor Aki. Not sure if she will exhibit as much depth as Sayaka -- but then she probably won't get a (well-deserved) spin-off novel series devoted to her.


u/Emi_Ibarazakiii Apr 27 '24

Was nice to see them get good advice, especially that early in a season! You usually don't see them use the 'call a friend' lifeline until way later!

Now, Yori's challenge is to make Himari fall in love with her. Honestly, at this rate, Himari could already be into her especially after their heart-to-heart talk.

I think if Himari connected the dots, she would already know, even if she's a bit lost/confused;

When she had that talk with Miki, who floated the idea of 'dating even if you don't have love yet', Himari automatically linked this to Yori, right?

But just seconds earlier, Himari told Miki she loved her... Yet she never even considered "dating Miki even if they don't have love yet", so that should give her a hint about her true feelings for Yori, if she DOES consider "dating Yori without love" (and not anyone else)!


u/TheExcludedMiddle https://myanimelist.net/profile/ExcludedMiddle Apr 28 '24

Sadly, Aki's gonna hurt

Probably, but the OP has her mirrored with a blue haired girl, so I'm betting that's a side ship.


u/Bloodglas Apr 30 '24

Sadly, Aki's gonna hurt, right?

probably. I wonder how long they were friends before Himari showed up though. might be that Aki had a long time to confess to Yori but never did.


u/Emi_Ibarazakiii Apr 27 '24

Girls loving girls, is that even allowed?

I just watched the 3 episodes today (slowly catching up with all the seasonals I'm missing), so far it's pretty good!

I don't know if it's a yuri thing, but there seems to be so much more mature thoughts/discussions in yuri anime, compared to Boy/Girl romance! (Or maybe it's because I mostly watch comedy-focused romcoms and not pure romance). Anyway, it's a good thing!

Seems Himari confusing romantic love and 'friendship love' isn't new, apparently she was always like that, and almost caused some drama with it!

She had a good talk with her friend, who gave good advice, like giving dating a shot even if you're not sure it's love (or if you think it isn't), who knows what might happen!

Himari asked her about her own relationships, but when she said that (what about you) I thought she was about to raise a different point; She did tell her friends "she loves her", so if she goes with with the idea that "you can go on a date to try it even if you're not sure", then shouldn't she go on a date with her friend as well? With anyone she "loves" in any way?

The fact that she thinks about doing that with Yori (but not with Miki, or anyone else) seems to hint about the "love" she feels for Yori being different! She may not be able to put a name on it, but she should realize it's not the same!

Love's not that simple though, and Miki telling her how they broke up even though she and her boyfriend loved each other, is a good (but sad) example of that...

Yori's a bit out of it too, not even reacting when Aki talked about smooching her!

Asking for a little more time to figure herself out, that's mature!

She also explained why and all.. This may not be the answer Yori would've preferred, but it's till a pretty good one! (And the right one too; Better than rushing in any answer, one way or the other!)

She eventually made up her mind, and set up a meeting!

I like how she phrased that; How she CURRENTLY feels; Whatever she feels now, may not be the same tomorrow or the next week!

That's another one of the complications of love, that many people go through... The thought about "What will happen with our friendship, if it doesn't work out?"

I think most people have that kind of thought before they make a move, but even if the move is made, it can still be worrying... The thought about having a good thing now, that could fall apart if you aim for the greater thing, but fail.

Oww. Right in the feels...

But if that's how she feels, it's better to give it straight!

Not NOT in the romantic way? Well, she may not know how she feels, after all!

Not easy to figure that one out, when she doesn't really get romantic love and all...

Well, she's at the age to figure this stuff out, I suppose! (That hypothetical about "Would you like to hug/kiss her?" could help for that, figure out the difference between hanging out as friends - or as musician/fan - and wanting something more, that she wouldn't want with anyone else!)


u/mekerpan Apr 28 '24

As to heterosexual romances, I thought Signs of Affection was pretty thoughtful. A lot of frank discussion....


u/BosuW Apr 28 '24

I don't know if it's a yuri thing, but there seems to be so much more mature thoughts/discussions in yuri anime, compared to Boy/Girl romance!

I dunno if it's about "mature thoughts/discussions, but in my experience, Yuri anime/manga/LN at least try to develop or present a relationship dynamic between two actual characters (which is what serves as a narrative vehicle to develop a theme), while Boy/Girl anime/manga/LN all too often fall into wish fulfillment fantasy for the male side.

Now let's not let the bias could is, what Yuri presents isn't always good. But when the bar is in hell, it's not hard to clear it by doing what should really be the bare minimum.


u/k4r6000 Apr 28 '24

It is not that it doesn't happen in straight romances, but I feel like the batting average is better in yuri, so to speak. There seem to be a lot more awful straight romances than awful yuri romances.


u/Heatth May 02 '24

I think the case is that straight romance is often taken for granted. Like, it is "obvious" the guy and the girl will get together so no effort is put in developing the relationship.

Another factor is probably the barrier of entry in anime. Every other trashy harem can become an anime but very few yuri get an adaptation. With only the outlier in popularity being adapted the tendency is that they have a better average quality.


u/Elifia Apr 27 '24

I don't know if it's a yuri thing, but there seems to be so much more mature thoughts/discussions in yuri anime

The only other anime that came to mind for me right now that also had some pretty mature thoughts/discussions was I'm in Love with the Villainess, which was also yuri, and an isekai romcom, not pure romance. So that does seem to support this hypothesis. However, I'm not as interested in straight romance, so it's totally possible I missed one of them that went to comparable depth.


u/BosuW Apr 28 '24

Add Bloom into You to that list. Main character literally wondering if she's aromantic.


u/CanadianAHJ Apr 27 '24

Animation might be dog water this episode but it’s still cute as fuck, I’m sure most of the budget is going to the music performances


u/FLorianGran Apr 27 '24

Box transition in MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE


u/patkun01 Apr 27 '24

I can't help but put this side by side with another romance anime this season, "A Condition Called Love".

Although this is Yuri and that one is straight, the similarities involved are that the main "doesn't know romance", and is being courted by someone. But in contrast, this show is much better at portraying it. I put that one on hold, I honestly don't enjoy the progress of the story so far, but I'll come back to that if anything is interesting I hear about the anime in the later episodes. But this one? It's just too wholesome, and I honestly couldn't stop grinning.


u/angelposts Apr 28 '24

I watch Whisper for actual genuine romance enjoyment, I watch Condition for Hananoi's mental breakdown


u/patkun01 Apr 27 '24



u/CrimsonLotus Apr 27 '24

Are there other Yuri airing this season on Saturdays?


u/Elifia Apr 27 '24

The only other anime I'm watching on Saturdays is Jellyfish Can't Swim in the Night. I'm not sure yet where that one falls on the yuri scale. It's primarily a Cute Girls Doing Cute Things anime so far, but there's a few scenes that made me wonder if they're going to go in a more yuri direction.


u/AprilDruid https://anilist.co/user/AprilDruid Apr 27 '24

On Saturday? No. There's voice actor radio, that's airing though.


u/angelposts Apr 28 '24

Tonari no Yokai-san, also on Saturdays, has an older gay couple (men) in the supporting cast. One of them is a car spirit.


u/patkun01 Apr 27 '24

Hmm I don't know I haven't checked the other titles. There's one yuri but not on saturday (i assume it's yuri), it's about the Voice Actors


u/Elifia Apr 27 '24

The Many Sides of Voice Actor Radio is yuri, yes. Not as wholesome as this one though. The only "yuri" we've gotten from that one so far was just a weird fan-service bath scene. But it's a pretty good show regardless.


u/MyUnoriginalName Apr 28 '24 edited Apr 28 '24

It's not "better" at portraying it though. It's just portraying it in a different way because the characters involved are very different. Hananoi as a character has issues and trauma that are absent from this show. Both shows are great.


u/andydivide https://myanimelist.net/profile/andydivide Apr 28 '24

Yeah I think you're right there, "better" is more like "more easily enjoyable", both shows are doing a good job of showing the different situations. That said, A Condition really needs to address Hananoi's behaviour soon, and do it in a way that doesn't just give him a free pass because trauma. Obviously the Reddit hive mind has largely written him off as a big parade of red flags, and sure enough most of his behaviour could reasonably be interpreted that way, but it could also reasonably be interpreted as inexperience, over enthusiasm, the result of trauma etc. So personally I'm not writing him off yet, but also I think they need to show that whatever the reason is it doesn't make his behaviour ok.


u/MyUnoriginalName Apr 28 '24

Yeah people are forgetting that these aren't adults. They're teenagers. You bringing up his inexperience is actually a very good point. His behavior would be much worse in an adult, but in an inexperienced teenager that's a different thing entirely.

Either way, manga readers have been ensuring that Hananoi's behavior will not only be addressed, but it will blow up in his face. I feel bad that the manga readers need to spend so much energy defending him because in my opinion it's pretty obvious that there's a lot of character development yet to come, but I'm told that in shoujo's Hananoi's creepiness is pretty normal and that's why a lot of people feel weird about it. They think it won't be addressed at all. I don't really watch Shoujo that much, so I can't say one way or the other though.


u/andydivide https://myanimelist.net/profile/andydivide Apr 28 '24

No I haven't watched enough shoujo to get that impression either, but I definitely get why so many people worry about his behaviour not being addressed, mainly because of the way it has been presented thus far. It's like there isn't even a hint that it's going to catch up with him, we see some troubling behaviour and then the focus immediately shifts back to Hotarou and how the relationship seems to be beneficial to her, so we're left to wonder if the message here is that this kind of behaviour is ok. I don't know if that disconnect is something deliberate that will pay off later, or simply a case of the anime not doing a good job of adapting the source material.

In any case, while Hananoi's behaviour makes for some uncomfortable viewing, it also makes for some very interesting viewing, so I'm more than happy to stick with it. I'd even be happy to stick with it if the story turned out to be an absolute horror story where this sweet and innocent girl has an awful time with a boy who genuinely is a big bundle of red flags, because lets be honest, that is a story that I'm sure a LOT of people would be able to relate to.


u/patkun01 Apr 28 '24

You're probably right, it's my cognitive bias that kicks in. Maybe because Sasayaku "addresses" this much earlier on? And with regards to Hananoi's "toxicity", I'm not one of those twittards who'd cancel a show for such a reason.

But Hananoi is 4 episodes in, maybe it's still too early, and it is just me, but I just found it to be a bit boring, and I'm starting to lose my interest. If you manga readers find it good, it's because you're way ahead and have your own biases. As an anime-only watcher, that's my own opinion. But anyway, I haven't completely dropped it. I just put it on hold until they get to an episode where these things you mentioned actually occur. Until then, my opinion will stick.


u/MyUnoriginalName Apr 28 '24

Oh, I'm not a manga reader at all. I just enjoy the anime so far, and manga readers have been saying that all of Hananoi's weirdness gets addressed.


u/patkun01 Apr 29 '24

Oh sorry for the misunderstanding. I read those comments as well, tbh. But regardless, I still finding it tiring to watch for whatever reason.

But if you told me that on the next episode, it's gonna get better, I'd probably consider it.

Anyway, I don't really want to have a deeper discussion about Hananoi-kun in this anime discussion, but I get your point. I am just probably biased as well lols


u/Hitman7128 https://anilist.co/user/Hitman7128 Apr 27 '24

Can I say that the background music in this episode was well executed? I'm no music expert, but I felt it was always played at the right time (particularly, when the two were separately pondering their love for the other and then when they were together on the rooftop). The music also had a serene, gentle tone that fit the scene.

On top of that, the relationship feels natural and human-like while still being entertaining. Himari and Yori both know they don't have the magic power of mind-reading, so they need to convey their thoughts to the other. But they are struggling to put their thoughts together in words to the other without risk of it being taken the wrong way. Also, Himari naturally consults her mother for guidance, seeing as she is unfamiliar with this type of situation.

It seems that Himari and Yori's relationship could follow a similar path as Himari's parents: the right push and right event hits and then the two become head over heels in love.


u/Emi_Ibarazakiii Apr 27 '24

It seems that Himari and Yori's relationship could follow a similar path as Himari's parents: the right push and right event hits and then the two become head over heels in love.

Himari got good advice from her friend/mom, and also saw that there's so many different ways things can go...

Her father confessed to her mom, didn't work out for years, then they gave it a shot, it worked, and they had her!

Meanwhile, Miki and her boyfriend loved each other, but that wasn't enough (or wasn't right) and they broke up...

With love and friendship, things could go a million different ways, but they'll never know unless they give it a shot!


u/Viktorv22 Apr 28 '24

Can I say that the background music in this episode was well executed? I'm no music expert, but I felt it was always played at the right time (particularly, when the two were separately pondering their love for the other and then when they were together on the rooftop). The music also had a serene, gentle tone that fit the scene.

Yeah, I'm definitely checking the OST when it releases. Reminds me of quintuplets ost a little


u/D_Amir https://anilist.co/user/HibikiTachibana Apr 27 '24

I loved the image of Himari with a rainbow in the background!


u/[deleted] Apr 27 '24

[removed] — view removed comment


u/angelposts Apr 28 '24

I feel like we really got some insight into who Himari is this episode, and I appreciate that!! I love how freely she loves everyone in her life, whether friends, family, or potential romantic partners.


u/Crazy_Rutabaga1862 Apr 27 '24

Is it just me or does the animation feel quite off, even ignoring the transitions?


u/yakumbaya Apr 28 '24

What's up with all the anime episodes today feeling like they are 5 min long??


u/Krazee9 Apr 27 '24

"Miki-chan, you had a boyfriend in middle school, right?"

A straight girl? In my yuri anime?

Also, glad to see I'm not the only one who felt the animation was kinda rough this episode. I'm a big fan of the manga, and the adaptation's been great so far, so I'm kinda worried about it.


u/maliwanag0712 https://myanimelist.net/profile/clear1109 Apr 27 '24

A straight girl? In my yuri anime?

We're not sure... she could be bi HAHAHA


u/ModieOfTheEast Apr 27 '24

I feel the authors and translators of the series are confused themselves what Miki is. The show uses "koibito" which just means lover and can be used for either man or woman, the translators use boyfriend as a translation and ["Difference" from the manga] the manga uses "kareshi", so boyfriend as well.. She is a mystery girl.


u/Emi_Ibarazakiii Apr 27 '24

A straight girl? In my yuri anime?

She said "They loved each other, but broke up anyway..."

She may have thought her boyfriend was a girl, and broke up when she found out!

(Isn't there an upcoming anime about a similar mixup? Or maybe it's a manga or something)


u/TehAxelius Apr 27 '24

You're probably thinking of My Senpai is an Otokonoko slated for this summer.


u/Emi_Ibarazakiii Apr 27 '24

Yup, think that's the one!


u/MrSaracuse https://myanimelist.net/profile/Saracuse Apr 27 '24

I couldn't help but laugh from the 3rd box transition onwards, another incredibly cute episode!


u/tripleaamin https://myanimelist.net/profile/tripleaamin Apr 27 '24

I really don't like the paneling transition being used. It just makes it feel really cheap. I mean I had my questions with the studio but in terms of visuals Ep 1 is so much better than what we got the last two episodes on a visual front. Hopefully the main portion of the budget is for the music centric episodes.

I do find it amusing Himari is nervous if she is being reasonable and Yori is over the moon. The friendship between Miki and Himari was very well done. Himari is a handful, but you can see that Miki understands her and will be there when she needs someone to talk it out.

Himari's talk with her mom was nice, but one issue is unlike her parents, Yori and Himari are in different grade levels. So she can't afford to wait as long as her mom did.


u/TanyaTheEvill Apr 27 '24

I am so loving the anime and this episode was awesome. Looking forward to the next episode


u/al3xtremo Apr 27 '24

The situation was handled in the best possible way. I love the honesty between the two. Himari really does need to stop tossing around the "Love" word so carefree. Also, that was a cute story from her mom.


u/SomeRandomNormie https://myanimelist.net/profile/randomguy451 Apr 27 '24

honestly i'm disappointed in this adaptation so far, i just don't think the animation is very good and i definitely prefer the manga


u/Sharolyn_Mcandrews Apr 27 '24

The progression of Yori and Himari's relationship might just be the textbook definition of 'slow burn' and I'm here for it. The way they fumble and blush through their interactions, it's relatable content right there. You can almost hear the collective sighs from viewers during their stargazing scene, which by the way, was beautifully rendered – major kudos to the background artists.

It's intriguing to witness the subtle developments, like Himari taking advice from her friends and particularly her mom. It adds a layer of depth to her character, showing that she's not just wandering through her feelings alone but seeking wisdom from her relationships.

Regarding the animation quality concerns, fingers crossed that it's just a hiccup and future band scenes will return to the dynamism of the first episode. Despite that, the narrative doesn't miss a beat, and the character development marches on engagingly. The soundtrack deserves a shout-out too, always echoing the emotional pulse of the scene.


u/Zonca Apr 27 '24

Slow burn? I call this Speed-run.

One romantic development immediately leads to another and characters directly communicate instead of classic misunderstandings, the fact that Himari doesn't reciprocate immediately indeed slows things a bit, but that's just spice, it's still pretty fast for me, an anime veteran of hundreds of romances lol.


u/TehAxelius Apr 27 '24

Slow burn? I call this Speed-run.

Having both sides confess within the first 16 minutes of the first episode (even if one did not mean it that way yet) gotta be a decent time for a speedrun.


u/cyberscythe Apr 27 '24

Slow burn? I call this Speed-run.

OP is living in the next era while we're still stuck in Reiwa

can't wait to see the levels of turbo romance that the next emperor ushers in


u/brzzcode https://myanimelist.net/profile/brzzcode Apr 27 '24

tbf, anime barely has any romance considering how the very majority of them never actually ended or end as they are mainly adaptations. You only get those if the focus of the series is on dating, but the majority is focused on the process to get into dating so that part almost never appears unless its all adapted.


u/zool714 Apr 27 '24

Ah so this is yuri Condition Called Love lol. With how Kino don’t really understand love yet

I can definitely see this becoming a she (Yori) fell first but she (Kino) fell harder situation.

Kino can get so expressive and open with her affection. Can’t wait to see more unintentional critical hit she dishes out to Yori like when she hugs her out of joy.

I’m more curious now about Aki. It’s obvious that she’s hurting from seeing Yori liking someone else. Did she confess before ? Or did she kept it to herself ?


u/LoPanDidNothingWrong https://anilist.co/user/kesx Apr 28 '24

Well except that in Condition what’s his name is moments away from chopping off her head and mounting it to his bedpost or something horrifying. That guy is a red flag through and through.


u/MyUnoriginalName Apr 28 '24

No he's not, calm down. Yes he might display a few red flags, but because it's anime and not real life we have the benefit of being able to see a bit more into his life. He's mostly just devoted to an insane degree due to some sort of trauma that's likely related to his parents not being very good parents. That causes some character flaws that will lead to some drama that will lead to character development and an overall interesting story, but to say that he's "moments away from chopping off her head" is a gross overstatement.


u/ObvsThrowaway5120 Apr 27 '24

Himari’s wrestling with all sorts of feelings this week. How do you explain romantic love to someone who’s never felt it? Glad she has someone like Miki to help try. Girl seems like a solid friend.

In the end, it seems she’s given Yori a “maybe” for now. Not such a bad answer. Plus we get to see these two adorable goobers hang out more. Yori joining the band should be fun too.


u/whodisguy32 Apr 27 '24

Looks like our Yori-Yori is guna serenade our girl Hima ... AND IM ALL FOR IT.



u/tehcharizard https://anilist.co/user/Lv100Pidgeot Apr 27 '24

It was really something that they wanted to adapt the white space between manga panels.


u/AmethystItalian myanimelist.net/profile/AmethystItalian Apr 27 '24

Some...unique transitions in this one.

Liking both sides of this ship so far, makes me feel ever worse for Aki who really does seem into Yori.

I'm a bit sad they didn't commit to the confession, hope we don't go too far into the series like it never happened. Feels like we're going a similar route to Hananoi-kun in away but this one feels a lot better.


u/maliwanag0712 https://myanimelist.net/profile/clear1109 Apr 27 '24

Some...unique transitions in this one.

Honestly this is the only one that got me distracted this episode. It is reminiscent of the Darling in the Franxx in 10 mins (Don't watch it if you have not finished the series) by Gigguk.


u/Legitimate-Most4379 Apr 27 '24

Yori moving forward. Good cat, trying to cheer Himari.

The unique frame/background effect they keep using really adds to the scenes that use it.   

No particularly notable translation oddities this time. I'm glad Yori-Yori was kept as-is for the subtitles.


u/Zonca Apr 27 '24

They keep Yori-Yori and honorifics, but just have to switch name order from spoken Asanagi Yori for subtitles with Yori Asanagi, for reasons 😅


u/Elite_Alice https://myanimelist.net/profile/Marinate1016 Apr 28 '24

What does it mean to love someone romantically? A simple, yet profound question we see Himari grapple with over the course of this episode. Having been confessed to by Yori, someone she idolised, she’s naturally taken aback and has to evaluate how she really feels.

I’m both glad that they didn’t drag things out too long and by the end of the episode the girls are ready to move forward with getting to know another, AND they don’t get in a relationship off rip. That would’ve felt forced because Himari doesn’t even know how she feels yet or what love truly she is. She just knows she wants to spend time with Yori and she values their friendship a lot. No rush anyway, they have plenty of time to feel each other out(pun intended).

Speaking of Himari’s mom, wow she looks amazing no wonder Himari’s dad was crashing out over her lmao. She might be even cuter than Himari. Gave some amazing advice and really helped Himari get going.

Yori is joining the band! This is gonna be fun especially since it seems like blonde girl has a thing for Yori.. do I smell some drama brewing?

Story-wise episode was good, but production wise it left a lot to be desired. Some of the transitions looked like they were made on windows movie maker or something lol.


u/mekerpan Apr 28 '24

Himari's mom is as great as Kano's mom (Jellyfish) seems to suck. ;-)


u/Nickthenuker Apr 27 '24

Well that's quick.

Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more.

Ooh, the subs have all-caps for emphasis.

Complex numbers and vectors? A combination of the only things I could never grasp in high school math.


She's completely distracted.

She didn't show.

Oh but she replied to her.

Seems her parents have a very good relationship.

So she's going to get advice from her mum.

And so we have our couple established in the third episode.

And she rejoins the band.


u/StardustGogeta myanimelist.net/profile/StardustGogeta Apr 27 '24

Nice episode! I'm looking forward to seeing how the relationship progresses in the coming weeks. As another commenter pointed out, the background music is pretty good, too.

Like everyone else, I noticed the reused box transition a lot this episode. It didn't bother me too much, though, and I fortunately didn't pick up on any of the other animation quality issues that others are mentioning.

Generally, I think flawed animation is one of those things where I only really make a fuss about it if it's so bad that I can't help but consciously notice it.


u/LusterBlaze Apr 28 '24

i am slowly combusting


u/pkek Apr 28 '24

Bloom into you but with diabetes


u/Figerally https://myanimelist.net/profile/Pixelante Apr 28 '24

There is a pretty simple test anyone can do to determine if you are in love or not. You have to try really hard to imagine what life would be like without them and then ask yourself. How does that make you feel?


u/Kurocchin Apr 29 '24



u/ClemFire Apr 30 '24

I really loved how Yori’s VA captured the euphoria you feel after eagerly waiting on your crush’s text. Also appreciate how Himari is able to honestly tell Yori about how she feels and her willingness to wait for her own love to match Yori’s.


u/actuallyrndthoughts https://myanimelist.net/profile/NaNiNuNeNo Apr 27 '24

Glasses Yori? Instant best girl of the series.

Though, it was a bit too much koibana for something that ends up in the usual "not-dating" romance setup. But atleast i've got the absolutely stacked cast to keep me entertained while waiting for the good scenes.


u/djthomp Apr 27 '24

Good slow but steady progress between the main pairing.

I feel sorry for Aki and her doomed crush. She's successfully got Yori to join her band, but the reason she joined is to write love songs for Himari.

I'm curious about the other two members of the band, they seem to be in constant physical contact and the ED in particular makes me think they either are or are going to be a couple. I don't think the story proper has covered that yet though unless I missed it.


u/mekerpan Apr 28 '24

write love songs for Himari.

More to perform them optimally, Himari wants to enjoy both Yori's private performances AND her public ones.


u/szalhi Apr 27 '24

I swear I was joking last week, but the similarities are throwing me off. I won't getting into subjectivity here because I don't want to start a war.

The transitions are... something.


u/SopmodTew Apr 27 '24

It went better than expected.


u/SushiCurryRice Apr 27 '24

Kino is still confused but she figures it out somewhat and just tells Yori how she feels.

How refreshing that two people are just open about how they feel at the moment and they communicate it to each other clearly and (almost) right away. So Kino did have a bit of a bad experience with "I love you" since she did end up losing a friend over a misunderstanding with the term. Doesn't seem like sexuality ever played a role in her confusion though.

This anime is coming along really great for me. I just really enjoy stories where the two are just into each other and there isn't a lot of drama around how they start to date.


u/SnooGoats9860 Apr 28 '24

Ah yes my first powerpoint project


u/Hokaze-Junko Apr 28 '24 edited Apr 28 '24

the credits were rather empty...

the animation for this ep was fully outsourced to Studio Shigure, which handled the Animation Direction, Key Animation, 2nd Key Animation and In-Between Animation. No staff members' names were added to the credits

credits in the ED

comparison from ep 1 to 3


u/AmusedDragon Apr 28 '24

Seems to be a common thing where in a yuri that one of the mains just doesn't know what love is.


u/Longjumping_Gain_807 https://myanimelist.net/profile/PatriotMoriarty 24d ago

Or like in Citrus where they are just horny


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u/Longjumping_Gain_807 https://myanimelist.net/profile/PatriotMoriarty 24d ago

Himari really said I wanna know what love is