r/anime 28d ago

Sasayaku You ni Koi wo Utau • Whisper Me a Love Song - Episode 4 discussion Episode

Sasayaku You ni Koi wo Utau, episode 4

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u/Jegantha https://myanimelist.net/profile/Jegantha 28d ago

Ouch, that practice scene was painful to watch. At least show us a bit of movement and not just a powerpoint of colourized manga panels. Still loving the show a lot, but the awkward transitions and overall lack of motion is starting to irk me somewhat.

Big fan of how quickly people want to talk things out instead of milking the drama for way too long. Eager to see what Himari will do now that she knows about Aki's feelings.


u/zerkeras 28d ago

This. I didn’t seem to notice much in the first and second episode, but watching 3 & 4 today felt very jarring with the lack of any animation and the terrible transitions. Really feels like they’re not giving a shit, aside from the artists and VAs.


u/RavenWolf1 https://myanimelist.net/profile/RavenWolf1 27d ago

I'm really tired to see all these shitty studios taking all good yuri stories and shitting them with poor production value.


u/Kazorua03 26d ago

the lack of any animation and the terrible transitions.

Maybe they will fix it in the bluray version.


u/_Ridley https://myanimelist.net/profile/_Ridley_ 28d ago

Still loving the show a lot, but the awkward transitions and overall lack of motion is starting to irk me somewhat.

I kinda wish the BL people at Studio Deen did this adaptation. That would've been a great fit.


u/Figerally https://myanimelist.net/profile/Pixelante 27d ago

Or Cloverworks like how they did with Bocchi, the Rock!


u/_Ridley https://myanimelist.net/profile/_Ridley_ 27d ago

This isn't really a series that needs or would benefit from a studio like that. I would like someone with a track record in wistful high school romance and/or melodramatic BL. That's why I said Deen, but the team at Lerche that did Given, or the shoujo team at Madhouse would also be great options.


u/Figerally https://myanimelist.net/profile/Pixelante 27d ago

Well I just mentioned them because they did such a brilliant job animating the girls playing their intruments.


u/U_n_d_e_r_s_c_o_rr https://myanimelist.net/profile/bruhsified 27d ago

Do you mean the people who made the Sasaki to Miyano anime?


u/_Ridley https://myanimelist.net/profile/_Ridley_ 27d ago

They've done that adaptation, and several other BL anime. They'd have been the perfect people for this.


u/beta_test_vocals https://anilist.co/user/httpsanilistcou 27d ago

All I’m gonna say is that the art for this manga is fantastic. It’s not anything unique but it is generally great and very pleasing to the eyes, the mangaka has a really good hold on slice of life comic art fundamentals


u/scot911 https://myanimelist.net/profile/scot911 27d ago

At least show us a bit of movement and not just a powerpoint of colourized manga panels. Still loving the show a lot, but the awkward transitions and overall lack of motion is starting to irk me somewhat.

At least the animation outside of that was better this episode? The characters actually stayed on model this episode.


u/Figerally https://myanimelist.net/profile/Pixelante 27d ago

What in the unknowable angles of an eldritch love triangle is this😂


u/Skilodracus 27d ago

I wonder if they're investing resources into the all important concert scene instead? Maybe that's copium, but I do hope they make up for it later


u/BosuW 28d ago

Yuri is my Job poster jumpscare lmao


u/mekerpan 28d ago

Yuri is my Job poster

I loved seeing that, I love that series -- except for the fact that it seems to be moving at a pretty glacial pace.


u/AprilDruid https://anilist.co/user/AprilDruid 28d ago

I don't mind the slow pace. Hime is a refreshing lead for yuri, but the rest of the cast are great too.


u/mekerpan 28d ago

I am not entirely certain that Kanoko is not, in fact, the lead. I've had this feeling since very early on in the anime -- well before I moved into the manga continuation. In any event, I would say that Hime and Kanoko are at least co-leads. (I like both -- but find Kanoko's greater complexity more intriguing).


u/AprilDruid https://anilist.co/user/AprilDruid 28d ago

I think that's a good way to look at it. It's clear that Miman wants to devote more time to Kanoko, and I think with the conclusion of this arc, she'll finally grow into a more confident person.

[Spoilers]And hopefully give up on Hime.


u/mekerpan 28d ago

[spoilers] I am hoping they will remain best friends, but that Kanoko will realize that her crush on Hime is over


u/k4r6000 27d ago

It is basically an ensemble.


u/mekerpan 27d ago

Basically true.



u/WhoiusBarrel 28d ago

Aki confronting Himari at the end just goes to show how hard it was for her to endure hearing about Yori's love life.

Yori might be just experiencing jealousy but Aki's pretty much a veteran on it.


u/Rumpel1408 https://myanimelist.net/profile/Rumpel1408 28d ago

just goes to show how hard it was for her to endure hearing about Yori's love life.

Yeah, here is Yori lamenting about her crush spending all her time with this other girl, to Aki of all people


u/LittleIslander https://myanimelist.net/profile/LittleIslander 28d ago

Second order sapphic longing, if you will.


u/Emi_Ibarazakiii 28d ago

Yeah, here is Yori lamenting about her crush spending all her time with this other girl, to Aki of all people

If this show was an original and we didn't have the tags and all, I'd fear Aki going full Yandere at some point, if they keep putting her through this!


u/michhoffman https://anilist.co/user/michhoffman 28d ago

And it's even more painful because Himari is undecided on it. Given the same chance, Aki would have taken full advantage.


u/Gintamantama 28d ago

I really think Aki wasn't even confronting Himari for herself. She still felt like she was more concerned with how much Himari's hesitation is hurting Yori. Maybe even wanted to give her a wake up call. 


u/cyberscythe 28d ago

yeah, i was thinking part of it is about pushing Himari to be more active in her "search for feelings" rather than just let Yori do all the heavy lifting while Himari plays around

like, i was thinking if Himari actually does let Yori go, i don't think Yori is going to be super receptive to falling into Aki's arms, especially if she found out about this conversation


u/Figerally https://myanimelist.net/profile/Pixelante 27d ago

Or maybe she is hoping that will push Himari away and she can pick up Yori on the rebound which would be a pretty dramatic twist but I didn't think this anime is that heavy.


u/BosuW 28d ago

Literally that meme with the guy complaining to a super bloodied Jesus.


u/elbenji 28d ago

poor poor aki, to be aki is suffering


u/AceSoldia https://anilist.co/user/Acesoldia 28d ago

One big pro I can give this series is they actually talk shit out. Enough of the misunderstanding and miscommunication..I joined this band to win over my love interest. I joined the band to impress you. Period.

And homegirl finally saying hey .I love her so if you bullshitting just let me have her. In episode 4 is just a breath of fresh air


u/cyberscythe 28d ago

yeah, i like this "all cards on the table" approach to the story; with some other romance series it makes the characters look overly shy and/or stupid by not simply being open about their feelings, and it feels like stalling rather than dramatic tension (especially in the case where we as the audience know both sides of the story)

i think the only real unrevealed card is Yori knowing about Aki's feelings, and now that Himari knows it feels like the cat's out of the bag on that one


u/brzzcode https://myanimelist.net/profile/brzzcode 27d ago

its only ep 4, too soon to say that lol


u/AceSoldia https://anilist.co/user/Acesoldia 27d ago

Oh I know but so far so good. I'm sure it will happen 🤣


u/Cyclone_96 28d ago

Damn, what a missed opportunity to let the band practice transition into the OP


u/zool714 27d ago

Need to take a page out of BokuYaba’s playbook


u/FLorianGran 28d ago

Yeah uh...maybe just skip the music practice scenes after that one


u/cyberscythe 28d ago

usually i'm hyped to hear the OP as an insert song, but it's way too soon for the nostalgia to kick in


u/Filthy_Weeb_1 28d ago

What do you mean, I loved the whole... five frames we got.


u/PWBryan 28d ago

Initially I joked this anime was gonna be "Bocchi the Rock, but how the shippers describe it."

It's definitely not that


u/tripleaamin https://myanimelist.net/profile/tripleaamin 28d ago

Well if Cloverworks did it the adaptation would at least be much better than what it is right now.


u/Hitman7128 https://anilist.co/user/Hitman7128 28d ago

Yuri is My Job poster

Great taste!

Anyway, it was thoughtful of Himari to want to cook for Yori, but that led to an awkward chain of events when Yori felt uncomfort with how Himari was talking highly of Momoka. Good thing the bad members perceived something was off and Yori felt comfortable being candid to Aki.

But then hoooooly shit, that cliffhanger, where Aki claims she is romantically in love with Yori. Now I'm itching for next week's episode more than anything.


u/michhoffman https://anilist.co/user/michhoffman 28d ago

Yuri is My Job vs Yori is My Job


u/Emi_Ibarazakiii 28d ago

Yori is my joy!


u/Emi_Ibarazakiii 28d ago

thoughtful of Himari to want to cook for Yori

She has to learn how to cook for her wife!

In the end this 'chain of events' may be positive for Yori/Himari, if it makes Himari give some serious thoughts about her feelings (instead of just rolling around with it), but I don't see any positive in sight for Aki... Unless she joins the cooking club and dates Momoka!


u/RavenWolf1 https://myanimelist.net/profile/RavenWolf1 27d ago

She has to learn how to cook for her wife!

Yes, like good wife should.


u/xnef1025 28d ago

Yori freaking out in jealousy. Meanwhile, Momoka’s like, “Himari, anything you want to bake to catch your sweetie, I’m down. Cooking club wing woman for life, yo.”


u/Emi_Ibarazakiii 28d ago

Let's hope she can bake some comfort food when Aki's heart inevitably gets broken in a million pieces!


u/SnooGoats9860 28d ago

so the budget is gone huh


u/TehAxelius 28d ago

The production quality is a shame. Something I really liked of the first episode over the manga was actually hearing Yori sing, so it is a bit of a shame that they're not able to do so for this practice. I do hope that they are just saving up a bit for the upcoming live events that they talked about though instead.

Also Aki


u/Allansfirebird 28d ago

As soon as I saw that first repeat of the white box transition, I knew things weren't looking good. It's getting to the point where I've seen more dynamic animation in the cash-strapped Filmation Star Trek show from 1973.


u/wakuwaku2121 27d ago

It's definitely getting carried hard by the seiyuu.


u/PWBryan 27d ago

All these stills in box transitions, maybe I should have just read the manga


u/Gintamantama 28d ago

I feel so bad for Aki. She is trying her best to be supportive best friend and you can tell how much her heart breaks every time. I don't think the final scene means anything sinister at all. It felt like she was more concerned with how this hesitation from Himari is hurting Yori more than anything else. 

Speaking of Yori's own jealousy was both cute and heartbreaking too. But she clearly doesn't have anything to worry about.

Hoping to see all my girls happy soon. 


u/tripleaamin https://myanimelist.net/profile/tripleaamin 28d ago

You know if you didn't know how Himari is like Aki's point here hits home. While it is true Himari doesn't know if her love is the same as Yori's love. But the issue at this point is how long will it take you to come to an answer? Her issue clearly is that think of the position it leaves Yori.

The issue with Himari is that yes she has to evaluate her feelings, but what if someone else comes along before her answer comes to her and snatches Yori up. It's quite obvious Aki has feelings for Yori. Now is this a way of Aki to push Himari to make her decision faster for Yori's sake or could it be for a bold reason on Aki's part?


u/ChiliDemon 28d ago

Aki drug her feet and Yori fell for someone else, Aki is being kind of childish towards Himari when she herself has done nothing about her feelings to Yori even though she has known her longer


u/cyberscythe 28d ago

i feel like Aki's outburst in that club room was (in part) projecting her own feelings onto Himari, that she keeping Yori in the dark


u/Emi_Ibarazakiii 28d ago

While Himari can't 'force' herself to a decision (love comes naturally and all), perhaps they could do a little more to figure it out; Go on a few dates, see if they like that, being together in a different context!

Aki's revelation to Himari may be a bit of a "shit or get off the pot" thing, but also, she may feel like she's more deserving of her love given she's more serious in her affections and all... (That's not how love works, but that's how some may feel about it!)


u/ChiliDemon 28d ago

Aki has been shitting on the pot longer, she had her chance before Himari ever met Yori


u/Emi_Ibarazakiii 28d ago

Well they've known each other for much longer yes, but Aki didn't have Yori straight up confess to her, so she wasn't really "on the pot" I would say!


u/ChiliDemon 28d ago

she is in the stall turning to sit for a long time then


u/RavenWolf1 https://myanimelist.net/profile/RavenWolf1 27d ago

Anime Law: Childhood friends never has change!


u/PlayOnPlayer 28d ago

If I didn't know better, I'd say this show is rather gay


u/mekerpan 28d ago

Ya think????


u/Kabu- 28d ago

I wasn't expecting the main character of the series to appear so soon.


u/cyberscythe 28d ago

is... is jealousy the main character?


u/Kabu- 28d ago

It's a joke about Shiho. Without writing any spoilers, a little later in the series there is a pretty big Arc (bigger than the rest of the series combined) where Shiho has a lot of relevance and the entire plot revolves around her, to the point that she overshadows the rest of the characters.

She's a pretty controversial character and there have been many discussions about whether her impact on the series has been positive or negative.


u/brzzcode https://myanimelist.net/profile/brzzcode 27d ago

She's the best character in the series and her arc is a much better focus than the two mc. The side ship is better than the main one and gladly the mangaka recognized that.


u/andydivide https://myanimelist.net/profile/andydivide 26d ago

Team Shiho for life!


u/Teen_tactical https://myanimelist.net/profile/TheRealNormie 27d ago

As an anime only I'm praying this love-triangle is dealt with somewhat soon and isn't turning into a love-square or pentagon. I just wanna see Yori, and Himari get closer without any interlopers butting in.


u/mastesargent 28d ago

Thus far we’ve been focusing on minor side characters Himari and Yori.

That’s maybe half sarcasm.


u/brzzcode https://myanimelist.net/profile/brzzcode 27d ago

Non-ironically they are. The side ship is much better than the main one. lol


u/Rumpel1408 https://myanimelist.net/profile/Rumpel1408 28d ago


Aki is so hopelessly invisible for Yori, but this might change once she makes her move, for now she delcared war on Himari

Meanwhile Yori is getting jealous about Himari spending time with her new clubmate Momoka, though I have the feeling that there isn't any danger on that front...

Nice Cameo! I asume these two are published in the same magazine or something? I can see a thematic connection


u/Plus_Rip4944 28d ago

Yeah Both manga are from Yuri Hime magazine so its a good reference


u/ChiliDemon 28d ago

Yori zoned out and didn't hear the reason Himari joined, to make sweets for Yori (even though it might not be good at first)


u/RavenWolf1 https://myanimelist.net/profile/RavenWolf1 27d ago


I want to be that red headed girl! :/


u/ObvsThrowaway5120 28d ago

I liked that little Yuri Is My Job easter egg. That was kind of a fun series too. I hope we get another season.

Looks like Himari’s making a new friend this week. Momoka seems pretty chill but I guess it’s making Yori jealous. And it seems Aki thought that would be the best time to try and outright take Yori for herself. I had forgotten she was Miki’s sister. Just makes things doubly awkward for Himari. Looking forward to seeing what Himari does with this situation.


u/Calwings x3https://anilist.co/user/Calwings 28d ago

I liked that little Yuri Is My Job easter egg. That was kind of a fun series too. I hope we get another season.

Game acknowledges game, and yuri acknowledges yuri.


u/Mayjaplaya https://myanimelist.net/profile/Mayjaplaya 28d ago

Yuri Hime cinematic universe


u/LegendRazgriz 28d ago

Currently waiting for the Yuru Yuri Oomuro-ke movie poster somewhere


u/BosuW 28d ago

Then, is that poster advertising the manga, or the thematic café?


u/Kabu- 28d ago

I liked that little Yuri Is My Job easter egg. That was kind of a fun series too. I hope we get another season.

I highly recommend you to read the manga.


u/mekerpan 28d ago

I wonder if we will ever see a return to some light-hearted episodes..... (but I do LOVE all the "sturm und drang" that has been going on for a while),


u/Kabu- 28d ago

Probably near the end of the series, once all the conflicts have been resolved, but I don't think it's possible before that point (well, except maybe for the extra chapters at the end of each volume). It's pretty incredible how the series went from being a pseudo parody of the genre and a light-hearted comedy, as you said, to its current state. But I absolutely love it too and I can't wait to see what happens next. Hime's character has been the source of some heated discussions lately on the WataYuri Discord...


u/mekerpan 28d ago

Alas, I am too busy to cope with Discord in addition to the other things I do. The sub-reddit for the show is pretty marginal (at best). I find all the major characters to be be excellent despite (or because of) their massive flaws. I have a preference for Kanoko and Sumika at this point -- but I will be very interested in seeing more of Hime and Yano in the future. I honestly see little to criticize as to Hime at this point. Sure, she needs to get some clues -- but she seems to be working on this.


u/Kabu- 28d ago

I am too busy to cope with Discord in addition to the other things I do.

Understandable. Well, basically [Manga Spoilers] there are some readers who claim that Hime is completely aromantic and that she will remain that way until the end of the series, while others claim that she is slowly falling in love with Yano and that they are going to eventually end up together.


u/mekerpan 28d ago

[manga comments] My sense is that Hime's feelings towards Yano are markedly different from those she has for Kanoko -- even though Kanoko is a cherished BFF. Yano (unlike Kanoko) makes Hime feel flustered. This makes me doubt she is aromantic -- just that she has yet to figure romance out


u/Kabu- 27d ago

[Manga Spoilers] I agree. Although both of them (Yano and Hime) are satisfied with the current status quo, it's clear that it just can't remain unchanged forever. I think (and hope) that something will happen soon that is going to make Hime reconsider what kind of feelings she have towards Yano. With almost 14 volumes published so far, the climax of the series should not be too far away.


u/mekerpan 27d ago

Hard to believe there have already been 14 volumes! I still feel there is quite a ways to go before this can wind up. ;-) I suspect potential romance 2 can not move ahead until potential romance 1 is pretty much fully resolved.


u/AprilDruid https://anilist.co/user/AprilDruid 28d ago

I liked that little Yuri Is My Job easter egg. That was kind of a fun series too. I hope we get another season.

I think the issue right now is not enough material. You get maybe half from the [Manga spoilers]Sumika x Kanoko arc, and Youko sexually assaulting Kanoko But then there's not much else, because the manga isn't very far ahead. It's a monthly release, so it's slow.


u/Kabu- 28d ago

But Season 1 adapted up to Volume 4 (I initially though they were going to adapt the entire Hime and Yano's Arc) and we're currently on Volume 14, so I'd say there's plenty materal.


u/k4r6000 27d ago

There is definitely enough for two other seasons at this point.


u/AprilDruid https://anilist.co/user/AprilDruid 28d ago

Oh really? I thought it adapted more.


u/ModieOfTheEast 28d ago

That seems to be an all girl's school. And they are reading/watching "Yuri is my job". Already a good sign, but since the premise of that show was that the characters work at a café playing students from an all girl's academy, it would be kind of funny, if they used that gag in the obligatory school festival episode and recreated a "Café Liebe" in the background.


u/BosuW 28d ago

This isn't an all girls school


u/ModieOfTheEast 28d ago

Well, first thing that has to be changed then.


u/Elite_Alice https://myanimelist.net/profile/Marinate1016 28d ago edited 28d ago

Ngl kinda hard to go back to this after the amazing Yorukura episode.. but Yuri Saturdays continue

Whew I’m glad the girls are branching off and doing their own thing a little instead of just hanging out with each other constantly. Himari could really do with some interaction from other people and joining clubs is a perfect way to do that. Idk why she’s always so drawn to being alone with cute senpai, but she and Momoka senpai hit it off very well. Being the only two club members.. that’s totally not a recipe for a love triangle or anything, 😂 this’ll be fun.

Yori joining the band and having something to work towards in terms of improving her musical skills is dope too. Cute that she’s jealous over Himari being alone with another girl, but she really needs to work on her self confidence if she’s gonna be a good gf at some point.

Wiiild ending. Aki went straight for the kill and didn’t beat around the bush. Respect for her not dragging things out and telling Himari how she feels about Yori. Yori isn’t exactly Himari’s to “give” though. I’m excited for some drama in this one though, things felt too easy with both girls falling in love off rip


u/steeltrain43 https://myanimelist.net/profile/kingdave212 28d ago

Ngl kinda hard to go back to this after the amazing Yorukura episode.. but Yuri Saturdays continue

This is a nice bit of fluff to wind down on after Yorukura. Cap off Saturdays with this then bed.


u/elbenji 28d ago

Yep, it was tough to get to this after that


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u/Clemastina https://anilist.co/user/Clemastina 28d ago

Man I know Aki was holding back this whole time but that look, that tone of voice... there was resentment and anger in that phrase.
Poor Himani wants to take things slowly and now...

But damn, "so let me have her"
Girl you know perfectly she doesn´t love you back, and if you confess is gonna affect the band + your relationship with Yori, DON´T BE STUPID AND JEALOUS


u/djthomp 28d ago

The Yuri Is My Job a poster in the anime club room was funny.

I think Yori was dooming so hard about Himari being in a two-person club with another girl that she missed that the plan was to make lots of baked goods for her.

Oh no, new cooking senpai is also in a band? Maybe Yori should be worried.

I feel like this is going to be a five or six way love polygon fairly soon.

I continue to be very curious about if the keyboard and drummer are a couple.


u/elune7296 28d ago

Oo seems like there's a second band involved?! Band battle/war time


u/mekerpan 28d ago

Remember -- a band member dropped out -- thus leaving the gap that Yori is now filling. That always raised the question of "what is the drop-out doing now?"


u/shad79 https://myanimelist.net/profile/shad79 27d ago

Momoka seems like a fun addition to the cast and has pretty good chemistry with Himari. It's good that Yori didn't saw them together because if she would then she would be even more jealous than she is now xD

I wonder what Aki wants to achieve by that demand at the end of the episode? If she just wants to push Himari towards Yori or maybe she really wants to 'steal' Yori since we know that she has really strong feelings for her. I'm waiting for the next episode to see how this will develop.

Here my screenshot albums from the episode:


u/Emi_Ibarazakiii 28d ago

Let's have a moment of silence for Aki, who has to listen to her crush talk about HER own crush...

Oh damn, she doesn't mess around!

Not only she straight up told her how she feels (putting the emphasis on romantic love, to avoid more misunderstandings!), but

she also told Himari to just let her have Yori?

I thought she would politely tell her to 'shit or get off the pot', but it was more than that... Felt more like she was telling her to just forget about it and let Aki have her.

But yeah, I can see where Aki's coming from, Himari should make up her mind already! I'm not saying she should decide right away if she loves her, and confess to her...That's not something you can control/decide at will... But they could go on dates, things like that, and eventually she'd be able to ponder whether she wants to do things like that with Yori for a long time - and eventually more, couple stuff - or if it's really just friendship. Time can help figuring things out, but sometimes you can help time as well, by trying to figure them out yourself!

So it seems we may have a bit of a love triangle situation... But Aki's not really on anyone's radar, so there's only one way this ends for her... Think she's on a fast train, headed toward Pain (Population: Aki).

I thought the triangle would expand when Himari joined the cooking club (thought we'd have another girl crushing on Himari as well) but no, she seems to wish her well in romance, and not being part of it!

Well, that club will keep her occupied while Yori's busy, plus she'll learn how to cook for her future wife!

Damn, Yori has it bad...

Not just that, but she's getting jealous about Miss Cookingclub?

Everyone's gonna hurt by the end of this show! (Everyone except Himari I guess... Well, perhaps she'll return Yori's feelings at some point, but Yori will tell her she'll go for Aki instead!)

Good way to put it!

I can't wait to see how Aki's "request" will influence Himari's actions!


u/mekerpan 28d ago

I really sympathize with Aki (just like I did with Sayaka in Bloom Into You). I think it is a good thing that she is so blunt with Himari. I don't see her behavior as particularly selfish -- as I think she is worried that Himari will wind up hurting Yori.


u/ModieOfTheEast 28d ago

Wait. Let Himari cook. Or maybe not.

I feel there was a missed opportunity of them using the opening after they start practicing. Though I also hope that they have another song up their sleeve for the eventual concert. Not that I dislike the song, but if Yori wants to win Himari over, then I feel a new song would be a better choice.

The transitions were better than last episode. I mean, the animation still won't win any prizes, but I feel the general presentation was better.

Otherwise, all we can say is that this was the jealousy episode with Yori and Aki. However, I feel it was well done in Yori's case. Like she knows it's bad, but it's not like she can just ignore it. But with Aki we have to see.


u/Unearthly_ https://anilist.co/user/Unearthly 28d ago

Yori mentioned she's writing a new song, so they should have that for the concert.


u/ChiliDemon 28d ago

Yori doesn't have to fear Momoka but maybe the guitar playing cooking club member who doesn't show up


u/mekerpan 28d ago

I was wondering if Momoka has a crush on that absent *guitar-toting) club member?


u/emilia-sama 28d ago

Akiiiiiiiiiiii, I feel so bad for my best girl. On the plus side, looks like the true protagonist is finally here lol


u/AZLarlar https://anilist.co/user/bubbleteaman 28d ago


and there it is, that's how today's ep ends


u/Calwings x3https://anilist.co/user/Calwings 28d ago

Yep, that was quite the cliffhanger to leave us on. Things are getting spicy now.


u/AmethystItalian myanimelist.net/profile/AmethystItalian 28d ago

Not sure if I feel worse about the production values or for Aki...

Momoka seems like a nice addition to the cast, Reina Ueda is always so pleasant to listen to also second band??

This season has too many girl bands...


u/seaofvapours 28d ago

Never too many girl bands


u/mekerpan 28d ago

Totally agree!


u/PWBryan 28d ago

It's almost egregious as that episode of the Simpsons with the "Star Wipe"


u/EnsonAmata 28d ago

Aki can get bent. Hiding your feelings until it’s too late and then bullying the “rival” is a crock of shit.


u/cyberscythe 28d ago

"listen, we both feel like shit for the same reason; the only solution is spilling the beans over a sugary, thousand-calorie drink"

"yeah you're right that's wait what did you say"


u/zool714 27d ago

I knew it ! But well I guess it’s obvious enough. Though did not expect Aki to straight out admit it this early. And to Himari of all people. Though I do wonder why she hasn’t been able to tell her all this time. I’d like to think that she didn’t think Yori swung that way.

Also, with how stacked the VA is, can’t help but think about characters from other shows talking to each other. Like when Yori and Aki are talking, I think about Nobara and Maki (JJK). Or when Kaori and Mari get clingy, I can’t help picturing Eris and Roxy (Mushoku) lol


u/[deleted] 28d ago

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u/GallowDude 28d ago

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u/ShogunPeaches 27d ago

Why are all of the characters so beautiful. I look forward to seeing them every week. I really hope that the yuri gods will grant us an anime for There’s No Freaking Way…/WataNare. I think the illustrator for that series makes the manga for this show.


u/Nickthenuker 28d ago edited 27d ago

She's going to invite her to watch them practice?

Oh, or lunch. That works too.

And we're back to PowerPoint transitions.

Now they're practing for their next performance.

Lots more PowerPoint transitions, but it's that or 3D CGI practically and unfortunately lots of people don't like that.

Oh hey I recognise that show on the poster, it aired recently didn't it?

And thus she's been Shanghaied into the cooking club.

Milk tea flavoured cookies?

I'm surprised the club hadn't been shut down yet with so few members.

Now she's found something to do on the days she's not meeting Yori. And she's got an idea of what to do with what she cooks.

Seems like she's got a history with Momoka.

Ooh, they made cakes.

Or rather banana bread.

Where'd she go now?

Oh, this is the house of one of the band members.

Huh. Seems like there's a love triangle here. Or will we end up with a polycule with all 3 of them?

And so here's their next performance.


u/[deleted] 28d ago

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u/ZaphodBeebblebrox https://anilist.co/user/zaphod 28d ago

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u/SushiCurryRice 28d ago

Ohh things are getting spicy I like it. Went from whoelsome yuri to some spicy yuri today and I don't mind at all. I take all flavors of spicy.

I do also feel like this is two-fold on Aki's part. It's partly to light a fire under Kino's ass and get her to realize her feelings sooner. But also in the event that Kino does just give up, then I think she'll start to seriously go for Yori. Either way it would help to not prolong Yori's suffering. She might also have some small feelings of resentment towards Kino for unintentionally making Yori feel that way and from her own jealousy of course.

Honestly this whole thing was partly a blunder by Aki too not clearing things up right away with Yori because she thought it would be "fun."

I had a chuckle because I usually skip the OP but for some reason I wanted to fully watch it today. Lo and behold they start playing it not once, but twice during their band practice lmao. I wish they had went with practicing a different song though as just having the OP be sang would be kinda boring and repetitive. Kongming had a similar problem where they repeated that one song (but not the OP) over and over again in the span of like 2-3 episodes.


u/Lubbafrommariogalaxy 27d ago

Every guitarist is gay is my takeaway from this show


u/Teen_tactical https://myanimelist.net/profile/TheRealNormie 27d ago

 I just wanna see Yori, and Himari get closer without any interlopers butting in.


u/carcatta 27d ago

That scissoring gesture when she mentioned joining the cooking club...


u/AlexE9918 27d ago

I half expected Momoka-senpai to be making apple pie when I heard her voice...


u/angelposts 27d ago



u/Longjumping_Gain_807 https://myanimelist.net/profile/PatriotMoriarty 23d ago

I cannot believe the twist this show took


u/Longjumping_Gain_807 https://myanimelist.net/profile/PatriotMoriarty 23d ago

So much drama


u/whodisguy32 20d ago

Bro the 'Yuri is my job' poster. With the art too!!!

Nice reference!!


u/Player_One_1 27d ago

I think after 4 episodes we can safely say that the position of „Bloom into you” as a peak Yuri remains completely uncontested.


u/Komi028 27d ago

There are so many better it's not even funny.


u/Ashrune 28d ago

The drama is starting to get exciting, can't wait to see how the love battle between them plays out


u/RavenWolf1 https://myanimelist.net/profile/RavenWolf1 27d ago

This feels like reading manga with voice over and music. What it is called... Visual Novel... Where is the anime?


u/actuallyrndthoughts https://myanimelist.net/profile/NaNiNuNeNo 28d ago

No matter how absolutely boring the production might look, i can always stick to this anime as i barely need to glance at subs(which btw are close to fanfiction) to understand the dialogue. Yay simple phrases.