r/anime 21d ago

Tonari no Youkai-san - Episode 6 discussion Episode

Tonari no Youkai-san, episode 6

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u/patkun01 21d ago

That post-credit scene though, I had to double check who got lost.


u/Rumpel1408 https://myanimelist.net/profile/Rumpel1408 21d ago

Interesting that Buzzcut didn't even make it into the science prep room...


u/sonicjr 20d ago

I noticed too that although buzzcut was last in line when they were all peaking around the corner, the girl put her hand on the shoulder of the boy in front of him.


u/kebb0 https://myanimelist.net/profile/kebb0 21d ago

During my double check I also noticed that he was just chilling, not a sweat drop in sight.. Man I absolutely love their cinematography in this anime, so much beautiful visual story telling


u/NightmareExpress 20d ago

Yep, it was fun to view those scenes again and notice that the buzzcut kid is the only one not engaging in conversation. Just attentively standing around with a pretty plain expression.

Very easy to miss the first time around...and makes the final words pretty creepy. Those kids were basically fish in a barrel to a dangerous spirit.


u/Amer2703 https://anilist.co/user/Amerr 19d ago

Also he didn't have a shadow


u/diacewrb 21d ago

There were dog people with pet dogs in the background, a nice little detail.


u/codewiz 20d ago

In the same scene, did you notice the woman with the tongue sticking out on the back of her head?


u/raevnos 20d ago

Probably a futakuchi-ona.


u/angelposts 21d ago

Loving the insight into Yuri. And Buchio got his license!! I need to see this little kitty drive a car.

"There's a cold winter ahead" feels like some ominous foreshadowing.

That post-credits scene... oh boy. Kind of obsessed with the anatomy model that came to life. This show has such interesting character concepts.


u/ErinaHartwick https://myanimelist.net/profile/Hartwick 21d ago

Happy we get more of Yuri's story this episode, and her having some closure over her past. Very cute that they poked fun at her for saying Fuchigamori is where her heart is and how she blushed over it. Cool Yuri is good, but mellowing Yuri is great too


u/Genshin_WhiteKnight 21d ago

That post credits scene lol. So people are still scared of ghosts even though the youkai are a thing?

Oh and they've been slipping the life span difference stuff into this episode too. Interesting that some youkai age like normal (Yuri's parents) while others like Jirou are effectively immortal.


u/Figerally https://myanimelist.net/profile/Pixelante 20d ago

I think it makes ghosts even scarier. The supernatural exists so ghosts are a thing and in Japan folklore, ghosts are pretty nasty. Often portrayed as curses who will attack anyone that draws their attention.

The reason why we probably haven't seen them around is that there is probably a government agency that employs protectors like Jiro to hunt them down and eliminate or seal them before they can harm people.


u/CerberusZX https://myanimelist.net/profile/CerberusZX 20d ago

Reminds me of one of my favorite panels from In/Spectre.

"Debt collectors are scarier than any supernatural phenomenon, after all." "Because unlike ghosts, we all know they exist, and they will come for you."


u/Spoon_Elemental 19d ago

I imagine they also have to be careful to not hurt the ones that don't want to harm people since they're treated like normal people in this setting.


u/chrisff1989 20d ago

Interesting that bakegitsune seem to have normal human lifespans while bakeneko remain youthful even after ~100 years or so. I guess it's because of the difference in origin


u/Ashteron 21d ago

Is the animated anatomic model some kind of an urban legend in Japan? It's the second time i see it in anime.


u/Purposelygentle 21d ago

They’re a type of yokai called Warau Jinkai-Mokei, or the Smiling/Laughing Anatomy Model. The urban legend started in the 1950’s in parallel development, as most high/middle school received them for science classes during that time and it became a common example of one of the 7 Wonders of a school.


u/Rumpel1408 https://myanimelist.net/profile/Rumpel1408 21d ago

Yeah I think it's a very common urban legend I remember seeing it 20 years in Conan


u/wolfguardian72 21d ago

Beta Monokuma


u/alconnow https://anilist.co/user/alconnow 21d ago edited 21d ago

Oh yay, Buchio got his driver’s licence!!!!

Glad Yuri settled things with Buchio and managed to visit her family

Post-credits - I thought the living anatomy model was pretty cool. Bake-danuki looked really creepy...


u/Rumpel1408 https://myanimelist.net/profile/Rumpel1408 21d ago

Man, I feel like "Yurippe" and Taiga kinda make for solid ship

Glad Yuri got to make up with Bucchio, as well as move on from her family trauma. Her father is stubborn, but at least he stopped actively damaging his children.

Speaking of ships, as much as I want to have Mu-Chan x Jiro to eventually happen down the line, this was a grim reminder on why this would make me cry...

Scary after credit scene but more Rain will be good.


u/mekerpan 21d ago

this was a grim reminder on why this would make me cry...

Yet another show referencing the disparity between human and immortal (or super-long-lived) beings. I guess Maquia is still the textbook anime example of this.


u/Figerally https://myanimelist.net/profile/Pixelante 20d ago

The most base approach I've seen immortals or long-lived characters take is that when a loved one passes they will grieve, but will dwell on the happy memories instead of the loss.


u/cppn02 17d ago

Man, I feel like "Yurippe" and Taiga kinda make for solid ship

Agree. Might just be me but I also got the vibe that they were actually an item in the alternate universe.


u/naivchan https://anilist.co/user/pomnavi 17d ago

Yeah it looked like they were already living together/dating lol.


u/mekerpan 21d ago

Geography note: Tono is a real place -- far nprth of Tokyo in Iwate prefecture (south of Aomori and east of Akita).

Fuchigamori does not seem to be a real place name. Not sure yet where this is located -- though I assume it is south of Tokyo.


u/TheExcludedMiddle https://myanimelist.net/profile/ExcludedMiddle 20d ago

Not sure yet where this is located -- though I assume it is south of Tokyo.

Well, in real life Jirobo is from the Hira Mountains, near Lake Biwa/Kyoto. Might be what they were aiming for.


u/mekerpan 20d ago



u/djthomp 21d ago

Bad opsec for Yuri to name her laundromat with her family name if she was trying to stay off the radar. But then again that was a nice reunion with her brother and mom at least, and hopefully Miyo eventually too.

Buchio's driver's license is interesting to look at because I'm pretty sure several of the dates on it are in Heisei era years. The Crunchyroll subs have his rebirth date in the upper right as August 25, 2017 and the license issue date in the middle left as November 15, 2017, but on the license they're both 29 年 for the year.

These kids in the post credit scene have no sense of horror movie genre awareness.


u/cyberscythe 21d ago

I'm pretty sure several of the dates on it are in Heisei era years

yeah, it was Heisei (平成)

not sure the expiry date works because they specify Reiwa (令和) which makes it seem like they know when the new emperor is going to take over?


u/kucingila 20d ago

Bad opsec for Yuri to name her laundromat with her family name if she was trying to stay off the radar.

To be fair, Tachibana is pretty common surname. I'm actually surprised Tsubaki went to Fuchigamori just from seeing the name without researching even further, did he check every Tachibanas in the area?


u/cyberscythe 21d ago

every week i tune in and every week i want to know more about that talking car


u/CerberusZX https://myanimelist.net/profile/CerberusZX 20d ago

It's a tsukumogami. What else do we need to know?

This is actually the second series with automotive tsukumogami I've seen, the other being [meta]Shaman King.


u/Ponchorello7 21d ago

I am consistently impressed with this show. And I am consistently disappointed at the lack of awareness about it.


u/Plus_Rip4944 21d ago

It's so underrated that it stopped being funny and it makes me mad


u/NekoCatSidhe 20d ago

My favourite shows this season are Tonari no Youkai san and Yatagarasu, but no one watches them. I know they are pretty different from your usual anime, but it is weird how many anime fans here are completely unwilling to step out of their comfort zone. And you would think that with stuff like My Neighbour Totoro and Apothecary Diaries being popular, people would also give a chance to that kind of unusual shows.


u/Placeholdered 20d ago

Totoro is not just Ghibli, it's ancient (by comparison) Ghibli and not really something western anime fans are basing their seasonal choices on, as far as numbers go.

Apothecary Diaries has MaoMao to carry the anime until people have had the chance to experience the rest of what the show has to offer. I have no idea what hook Raven tries to use, but apparently it doesn't have nearly the same pull.

It's Japanese media being shopped very very lightly to a secondary audience, quality never has and never will correlate to popularity one-to-one, which is still not grasped by everyone whose 12th most used phrase is "criminally underwatched".


u/Ebirah 20d ago

All those Apothecary-watchers needing a fix of court intrigue in definitely-not-China definitely ought to be jumping onto Raven.


u/naivchan https://anilist.co/user/pomnavi 17d ago

I actually watched Raven of the Inner Palace first! While I was intrigued and watched it just based on the setting, it's a much less funnier show. It's understandable why Apothecary diaries has a bigger following, MaoMao is instantly likeable as a main character.


u/zool714 20d ago

I find it hilarious they were so scared of the stuffed tanuki and went to Yusuke-kun who I find 10x more scarier


u/Castor_0il 20d ago

It only took 6 episodes for best boy Bucchio to finally get a headpat. For real, the biggest mystery in this show isn't about gods or parallel words. It's the lack of headpats on the most loveable cat that can actually talk to these people.

The ending scene was really well built. Most modern pseudo-horror anime just make me sigh and yawn. This one actually felt chilling due to it being vague and deceptive.


u/Figerally https://myanimelist.net/profile/Pixelante 20d ago

Well, he is his own person so I guess people aren't sure how to approach that I guess. I'm just surprised Bucchio doesn't act more like a cat like rubbing his cheek on people and trying to trip them up by twinning around their feet.


u/karer3is 20d ago

That was a really good bait- and- switch; everything was set up and cut to focus on the Bakedanuki and then they got us all in the end with Buzzcut


u/Plus_Rip4944 21d ago

Yuri is so cute when she wants to be cute


u/ObvsThrowaway5120 21d ago

Last week’s parallel world episode was such a trip. I really enjoyed it though. I’m very keen to see if we’ll ever explore that whole idea again. It seems that whole experience was what Yuri needed to confront her past. I’m glad things more or less worked out in the end. Hopefully we’ll see more of her little bro now.


u/Inner_Entrance_6120 19d ago

This episode is another example of why I love Jiro so much. Definitely my new favorite husbando even though I barely watch anime. I like that he has to be reminded about taking care of himself since he can’t really die without being reborn again.


u/kanada88 20d ago

Such an underrated banger.


u/BiggestFanOfDelusion 21d ago

nope not … Yuri is not cute at all and is an npc

edit - which also makes OP an npc