r/NoStupidQuestions 27d ago

How is it women notice men checking them out but I’ve never noticed women doing it to men, and especially me?

Note: I’ve been told that they were checking me out before, so I know it’s happening.


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u/Mysterious-Region640 27d ago

Women are definitely more discreet, but I also think that men don’t pick up on things the same way women do


u/missanthropocenex 27d ago

Hate to say it but woman can at times MORE aggressively ignore someone who they hope notices them.


u/[deleted] 27d ago

...oh no


u/Inamedthedogjunior 27d ago

You’re right. Stay away from those ones boys. 


u/dodekahedron 27d ago

Why? Maybe they're just shy

It's me.

I avoid people I crush on.


u/[deleted] 27d ago

Same I avoid them like the plague lol. Some women are just super shy guys… like even looking my crush in my eye I can’t do it 😅