r/NoStupidQuestions 27d ago

How is it women notice men checking them out but I’ve never noticed women doing it to men, and especially me?

Note: I’ve been told that they were checking me out before, so I know it’s happening.


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u/hannabarberaisawhore 27d ago

I make sure my head doesn’t move at all so it’s not noticeable, I just look with my eyes.


u/Aromatic-Frosting-75 27d ago

And a quick glance is all that's needed. We don't need to stare to admire someone


u/2012amica2 27d ago

Exactly. Women don’t ogle the way men do.


u/jfende 27d ago

I was running without a shirt and an older Chinese lady stared for a few seconds then her gaze finally lifted to meet mine and she gave me a thumbs up.


u/2012amica2 27d ago

I also have a tendency to notice a shirtless man jogging in my surroundings.


u/Virtual_Worry_6288 27d ago

I also tend to notice a man less shirt surrounding my joggency


u/woodsypuff 27d ago

Oh yes or tight jeans


u/DeesDoubleDs 24d ago

When the jeans are just tight enough that their butt is evident but not too tight to look constricting or painted on is chefs kiss


u/Truff1e 27d ago

Me too.


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u/Additional_Eagle_386 26d ago

Oh, I would be noticed! Some freak monster coming down the road!


u/Cael_NaMaor 26d ago

Yeah, me too


u/explictlyrics 26d ago

Another meathead with no class.


u/SnooConfections6085 26d ago

Shirtless men jogging > Bears

Or no?


u/cumminginsurrection 25d ago

Shirtless bears jogging tbh


u/Alternative-Error686 25d ago

I choose the bear. But I’m a manly man, so there’s that. Sorry, Bro.


u/Frequent-Region-1107 27d ago

Lmao she sounds fun


u/SentientPsychopath 23d ago


*horny. There. Fixed.


u/No-Leg-Kitty 27d ago

My mom an ol Korean lady also admires the physique and fit of joggers running past her during her morning walk. She tells me how nice their body looks in their little skimpy running shorts 😂 maybe that was her you ran into


u/jfende 26d ago

Haha awesome, a woman of culture. Tbf some of the shorts are a bit dodgy, I was trying on a new pair in front of the wife and she said "uh when you move... I can see... Uh... everything move"


u/LackTerrible2559 26d ago



u/Anckael 27d ago

Did you return the thumbs up?


u/jfende 27d ago

I try to look stern when being objectified. Except that one time a young good looking (male) road worker wolf whistled and I blushed and grinned like an idiot, then had to continue running past his work mates who had a mix of "don't encourage him" and "this f'n guy is going to get us fired" unimpressed looks on their faces


u/Critical_Concert_689 27d ago

Obviously he gave granny a high-five, before joining her for some tai chi in the park.


u/TFDaniel 27d ago

Probably was cheering you on as you get those running gainz. 


u/Fit-Abbreviations781 26d ago

I'm quite sure they would stare at me too. Probably no thumbs up though.


u/AstroMalorie 26d ago

Im going to adopt this strategy


u/Old_RedditIsBetter 26d ago

I got a knack for making old Chinese women weak in the knees.

 Doesn't do me much good


u/jfende 26d ago

You're just a tease, you need to go hard and seal the deal


u/MovieExtraWithCoffee 26d ago

There's an older Hispanic lady that works at a restaurant I frequent. She told me I am a very handsome man and gave a specific compliment. Her coworker said something about it and she said she's too old to care haha


u/TwitterMadeMeDoIt 23d ago

I was cruising in my vehicle at work the other day and spotted a male specimen running shirtless at 10am. I am not gay, but damn was he good looking. Full arms, abs, back, chest. The guy was a stud. I looked longer than I’d like to admit


u/Cael_NaMaor 26d ago

I mean.... some times it's worth more than a quick glance. Some times folk are just more obvious.


u/Disaster-Funk 26d ago

In China going shirtless is not OK even for men. You will be stopped by the police if you do that there. In her eyes you were basically running around naked.


u/ResearchStudentCS 26d ago

Lived in Hong Kong. Shirtless men everywhere, including me when jogging.

HK different set of rules than mainland tho.


u/Disaster-Funk 26d ago

It's different in the mainland. I've seen two men be stopped by the police for this in the mainland, on two separate occasions some 15 years apart. And the police didn't demand bribes or anything, so it was not a scam.


u/BitEither585 26d ago

She was probably trying to be nice to the crazy topless man running around her restaurant.


u/Mysterious-Loquat582 26d ago

That's actually based asf. Old chinese people are cool😭


u/MenstrualAphrodite 24d ago

“Kids- that’s how I met your mother.”


u/InternalWatercress85 24d ago

Old ladies are so funny, they either stare straight ahead or their eyes practically pop out of their skulls


u/elleisdhgqueen 24d ago



u/South_Cantaloupe_188 23d ago

This would have made my entire day, no, week.


u/Sad_Cartographer7702 25d ago

Quite an assumption that stare was favorable. The Chinese, culturally, are known to not embarrass others. The thumbs up could well have been recovery on her part.


u/stinkpot_jamjar 27d ago

how do you know she was from China? why mention her nationality at all? 🤔


u/MidLifeHalfHouse 27d ago

Paints a more detailed picture


u/conbrioso 27d ago

… about the shirtless ‘stud’ who who posted the observation


u/stinkpot_jamjar 27d ago

That’s not usually the subconscious thrust of why people use racial, ethnic, or national descriptors when telling a story that has nothing to do with race, ethnicity, or nationality.

There’s a lot of interesting research on how, when, and why demographic markers like age, race, gender, &c. are included in conversations or anecdotes. And it’s not down to descriptive flourish.


u/Tiny-Golf3338 27d ago

What's the reason then


u/MidLifeHalfHouse 24d ago

True. But is that bad when it paints a race as more favorable? He wasn’t using a negative stereotype like “she was driving poorly.” He was making her look like a bad ass.

One could as easily ask “why mention her age at all?” That was obviously also used making the “woman” look like a bad ass. Nothing about “old Chinese woman” indicates “bad ass” yet he made it so with his writing.

You could have taken offense to him using age, gender and/or race but you (only) chose race.

Something to think about as you seem like the thinking type.


u/stinkpot_jamjar 24d ago

Good question! You mean when it doesn’t paint one race as more favorable than another, right?

I’m not offended by demographic descriptions, I think that a good rule is to ask oneself if you would use the same description when discussing someone who has the same characteristics as yourself or if those demographic markers are considered “opposite”

For example, would you specify that the person was white? That the person was young? That they are a man? &c. That’s the key imo as to if and when demographic differences are relevant/useful in a story or anecdote.

Another way to tell, I think, is if the story or anecdote would change or have a substantively different meaning if those descriptions were not there. Does knowing the nationality of this person change the meaning of the anecdote?

Interesting to think about! Thanks for sharing your thoughts!


u/sonofsonof 26d ago

saying asian paints the picture.. saying Chinese just makes you look racist


u/MidLifeHalfHouse 24d ago

I think the opposite. “Asian” isn’t a monolith.


u/sonofsonof 24d ago

Asian describes a large part of the world and its used as a descriptor for a reason. Calling an Asian Chinese with 0 evidence is like calling a Latin American a Mexican. It just makes you look ignorant.