r/anime 13h ago

Discussion When did anime go from ridiculed to main stream?


I remeber when I used to hide that I watched it from literally everyone to now most of the people on my collegiate football team watch it lol guys that do not look like they would.

r/anime 8h ago

Discussion Anime studios that actually treat their employees really well


Other than KyoAni (the obvious answer), are there any others? Or is pretty much every studio at least a good deal predatory/abusive?

r/anime 9h ago

Video Crunchyroll is Letting Classic Anime Disappear


r/anime 10h ago

Discussion Frustrated with Haikyuu Dumpster Battle (Spoilers ahead)


How could they squeeze content worth 31 chapters into just 90 minutes? The one with Shiratorizawa got 10 episodes for 40 chapters. Inarizaki High had 11 episodes for 40 chapters. And dumpster battle had been hyped for the entire series, so it deserved more time. I'll break down the pros and cons.

Pros: Great excitement for the Haikyuu fans, after a hiatus of 4 years. It's an amazing experience in the theatre, where the audience will enjoy the vibe with you together. Some shots had extremely good animation, brought in newer angles (like the ones near the net and Kenma's POV)

Cons: Barely any commentary, which did not keep the interest locked on. Hinata's "Dun" Jump was not emphasized much, but his recieve with Inarizaki had 10x more impact and brilliance in the visuals. Did not show the thoughts of other players or the audience's reaction. Kageyama had amazing serves in the manga, and there were a lot of thoughts among the players. Very few dialogues altogether. Most importantly, Kenma was not shown saying "shoyo, you're not interesting anymore". That was a pretty cold thing to read for me. A lot of other content was cut short.

I genuinely wish that the content in the manga is not cut short anymore in the future, be it a movie or episodes. The manga is super amazing. Until S4, anime was on par.

r/anime 17h ago

Discussion Is Batman Ninja anime good?


so I just find out there's a Batman Ninja anime, and even though it's a CG anime it actually looks pretty decent and the character design are pretty good at least based on the trailer. It will have a sequel so I kinda want to try it.

I mean based on the rating I won't expect it to be amazing / mindblowing but for anyone that has watch this is it a good series and like okay for a movie night that can be enjoyed by anyone or just some anime movie that is only for Batman / DC fans?

r/anime 20h ago

What to Watch? Best anime to start with


I'm a begginers that wants to start watching anime because many of my friends told me that it's great

But the thing is I'm a student and I don't really have much time

So can y'all suggest me an anime that is unique and short ( not more than 30 episodes )

r/anime 21h ago

What to Watch? Sad anime recs (ill rate the sadness level)


from someone who doesn’t cry much or is easily emotional ALSO POSSIBLE SPOILERS!!!

-Sword art online(not a lot of people would think it’s sad but there r moments where ur like damn. Cried much 8/10)

-CHARLOTTE(pretty sad it kinda just builds as episodes go by and things progress 8/10)

-Rascal does not dream of bunny girl senpai(i cried much 8/10)

-kotoura san(pretty sad but has happy ending and scenes 7/10)

-kiznaiver(its very somber and has a sad tone 7/10)

-A.I.C.O incarnation(action pact anime but the story is depressing but wont leave u thinking on end 6/10)

-your name(SO SAD cried like a child 8.5/10)

-your lie in april(super sad ending also cried 8.5/10)

-terror in renaissance(SOOOOO SAD I LOVED IT 9/10)

-to your eternity(only the first couple episode but cried so much with each character 8.5/10)

-cyber punk(super good and sad 7/10)

-the future diary(such a sad ending my lord 8.5/10)

-Mobile suit gundam: the witch from mercury(my lord dont even get me started 8.5/10)

-re:zero(speaks for itself. Still distraught thinking about it years later 10/10)

-frienen: beyond journeys end(omg i just couldn’t stop thinking about how she alone without her party and the unspoken obvious love between mc and old party leader9/10)

-Somali and the forest spirit(ending is so sweet but so sad bc i know that there was no way they could actually b together. It’s not like they found a way to fix it. Cried at the end a lot. 9/10)

-anthem of the heart(sooooo good love it. Didn’t cry but it’s sad 7.5/10)

-darling in the franxx(such good sad parts. Cried much.8/10)


-banana fish(super good super sad ending 8/10)

In conclusion, re:zero is the saddest thing ive seen. To this day it’s sad. I cry just watching edits about it. It’s so dang good. It’s my #1 recommendation if u want something sad and traumatic.

r/anime 17h ago

What to Watch? Searching for something with strong male protagonists


Searching for a new anime to watch with strong male characters

They don't have to necessarily have to be big and jacked, i like the "tough,dangerous, and respected" vibe though

Some of my favourite anime characters: - Kakashi from Naruto - Minato from naruto - Zoro from One Piece - Shanks from One piece - Thors from Vinland saga - Spike from Cowboy Bebop


r/anime 7h ago

What to Watch? Looking For Psychological/Thriller Anime


So as the title suggest, I'm looking for a psychological anime with mystery and thrill. It doesn't have to have all 3 but I'd rather a psychological fs.

I've alr watched:

  • Steins;Gate
  • Monster
  • Erased
  • Heavenly Delusion
  • From the new world

You can prolly tell I'm looking for masterpieces lol. There's mor that I've watched but these are the ones that left imprints. I'm trying to create a manga so I'm just looking for source material. I'm alr reading a bunch of manga but I need a little of both world I feel like.

r/anime 19h ago

Help Ooku season 2? Any info?


I have searched high and low (including here in Reddit) for any confirmation or denial of Netflix continuing Ooku: The Inner Chambers with a second season. My understanding is that the Manga ran like ... Forever, so there is plenty of source material to adapt I imagine?

Really annoyed that S1 didn't end by returning to the framing of the first episode's current time (8th shogun). Woild love to get there...

r/anime 8h ago

What to Watch? Depressing anime? (No romance)


If you watched banana fish you know what I'm talking about.

I watched it in 2019/2020 and still can't rewatch it (but read the manga recently), it was a starter anime for me, so I felt shitty for weeks or even months but it was so good. It's masochistic of me ask for something similar but here I am.

Thanks in advance to everyone who will help ^

r/anime 17h ago

What to Watch? Can u please suggest me a comedy anime of all time?


I need help since my vacation is approaching, i need lists of animes to watch especially comedy ones! I appreciate it if you suggest me, or any genre would do to! Much thanks.

r/anime 6h ago

What to Watch? help me find my next anime obsession!!


ok i’m not sure if this type of question is allowed but i’m looking for anime recs based of very specific criteria lol. i have seen a lot of anime (here is my MAL) so turning to yall to help me find a hidden gem that will reignite my love for anime.

here are my criteria that’s listed from most to least important. - engaging plot!! i prefer arc based shows that get you invested - easy to get into, should be fun to watch by like ep 5-10 - adult mcs, doesn’t need to be prime mc but i want adults to be on screen pretty often. also by adult i mainly mean out of hs - balanced cast in regards to gender, i hate shows with one man and then 100 girls lol - unique characters or twists on common tropes - story is finished, need at least the manga to be done or close to done - hot ADULT characters (preferably men lol) - less than 100 episodes - minimal romance, should be subplot at most - minimal fan service - decent english dub

some shows that’s fit these vibes off the top of my head: - dungeon meshi - FMAB - 86 - golden kamuy - slime isekai - OPM - to your eternity - Vivy - land of the lustrous

thanks for any recs in advance :))

r/anime 8h ago

Clip clannad tomoyo arc,take the bait to play tomoyo after:vn


r/anime 18h ago



so i just armed my self with the most wholesome manga/anime ever and it would be a shame to watch em while being happy like who uses heals on full hp and also recommend me some under rated or unkown anime but feel free to recommend me any manga

r/anime 9h ago

Discussion What makes a good anime villain?


So, what makes a good anime villain? I've been wanting to appreciate anime more. I think a well designed villain is an element we can all appreciate.

r/anime 22h ago

What to Watch? Does anyone have any recommendations?



Can you guise give me some recommendations for some good anime I like action, adventure, rom coms Comedies little to no death please Blood and gore is ok

Some animes I like Soul eater Fma brotherhood Okami San and her seven companions Toradora One piece

r/anime 16h ago

Discussion New Haikyuu movie was underwhelming


I’m seeing all this praise for it and I just don’t get it. There were WAY too many flashbacks, bordering on Demon Slayer level and the constant joking between opposing players was bizarre. You wouldn’t think they wet at Nationals in a high stakes game the way they interact with each other.

r/anime 4h ago

What to Watch? What animes to watch if I stopped watching in 2019?



I used to be a very big anime fan and watched everything under the sun for most of my life. Around mid 2019 due to some life changes I lost the time to watch anime. Now I am looking to get back into it but there seems to be so many new ones out that I done even know where to start.

I am looking for all animes that have been genre defining, culture changing or just plain badass.

I am pretty much into any genre so please throw me some ideas!
(No spoilers please)

r/anime 13h ago

What to Watch? More animes like high school dxd and the testament of sister new devil?


i recently got to the end of both of these animes and i was wondering if there were more animes like that. i would be happy if there were some recomendations that had more than one season and had an english dub. i just wan't to watch something similar to those two till season 5 of dxd or season 3 of the testament comes out. pleaso consider also telling me what webside or platform i can watch it on.

r/anime 15h ago

Discussion Golden Time was frustrating to watch


I have seen fair share of rom-coms from the past decade and Golden Time was in my PTW for quite a long time, finally got some time and decided to watch it. Initial premise was fascinating, characters being in college was something refreshing and cast seemed interesting. But I couldn't be more wrong, everything went downhill in the second half and weird ass ending soured everything about the story.

First of all the entire ship of Koko and Banri seemed so toxic, she changes her opinions over everything instantly and never seem to be on a right track. But above all her constant yelling was just difficult to watch. I can understand the author using it as a flaw to make her a better character but it didn't work for me and felt more like half hearted attempt which didn't get proper conclusion. [Spoilers]I just hated how Koko broke up with Banri, author depicts them as adults who can solve their issued with mutual understanding and talking it out, how she trusts Banri but everything was all of a sudden gone and she started treating him as a friend with no proper reason to him. Like what happened to her character growth.

Secondly, characters gets some role but they never get to finish their part of the story. It's like the story is filled with poor plot twists and piror story gets forgotten due to that. This show has a lot of arguments but never seem to conclude in a proper way. For Instance [spoilers]How Linda and Mistuo all of a sudden became friendly especially how Linda wasn't comfortable with Mitsuo, Oka being mad at Banri then it got resolved easily, Mitsuo having heated argument with Banri but everything is fine with laughs and how the story main plot twist was solved with a single mail. Why does Linda suddenly choose to confess "Yes" to Banri as he's running to meet Kouko? Why does his original personality even come back when it chose to let go? Everything happens so quickly in this series and it breaks all the tension.

Lastly, I felt extremely cheated by this series, because they spend so much time "developing" the characters but by the end, everything is solved magically. All the solution to their problems doesn't come by hardships but it comes magically, through spontaneous and sudden laughter and tears. It's absolutely ridiculous that they took 20 epsiodes to make you believe that these issues are present in the story but nothing ever mattered. I was planning to watch Sakurasou, but for some reason went with Golden Time. Hopefully Sakurasou will heal me from the frustrating experience.

I'd love to know your opinions about Golden time and if I am the only one who felt like that with GT.

r/anime 3h ago

Video [Video not mine] A video about probably one of the most detailed anime adaptation of a manga of 2023 (U149)


r/anime 8h ago

Help LF Anime character with yellow cross on right eye and red mark on left eye


Everything in the title and sorry if my english was bad.
ps : i have a pic of only the face (made by Smoothwrld)

r/anime 9h ago

What to Watch? Anime like Buddy Daddies?


Hey everyone my wife and I absolutely loved Buddy Daddies and we want more funny cute anime like it! Can anyone please leave good suggestions? Thank you all in advance!

r/anime 14h ago

What to Watch? More 15th ish century anime


I have found myself loving the apothecary diaries and my happy marriage. Does anyone know of more anime’s with a similar-ish time period. Preferably 16th century or before? Genre doesn’t particularly matter to me although I am fond of romance.