r/lordoftherings Oct 05 '22

uh oh Movies

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u/kroqus Oct 05 '22

and HBO wanted to just remake the books as a series.

I can see why the Tolkien Estate freaked out over the Netflix propositions though, they sound generic and uninspired. Why not pitch something like the war in the north with the Witch-king?


u/adarkride Oct 06 '22

Oh man, that would be such an awesome concept. Showing the fall of the North would be epic.


u/kroqus Oct 06 '22

one day maybe!


u/RandyBRandleman Oct 06 '22

It sounds like executives without a shred of creativity came up with that looking for a cash grab


u/BudTrip Oct 06 '22

tolkien ain't sex and the city, they have 0 investment in the actual lotr lore


u/r4d459 Oct 06 '22

Amazon only got the rights for the lord of the ring books and the hobbit books they did not get the rights of the Silmarillion. So that’s why a lot of it seems to be jumping around or isn’t lore actually for Rings of Power. The company that owns the Rights to the Silmarillion just didn’t want to give up any rights for it at all.


u/BudTrip Oct 06 '22

i know, i was taking a jab at netflix and HBO, not RoP

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u/aro-ace-outer-space2 Oct 06 '22

Honestly, I’d kinda love to see that, especially if they got to the things the movies left out, like Tom, Fatty, the Barrow-Downs, Faramir….


u/kroqus Oct 06 '22

yeah that's the upside, a lot was cut, including my boy Glorfindel. But I also think the movies have such a following that it would just result in comparisons. Maybe in another ten-twenty years but don't think now's the time for a remake of the books.

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u/SantiagoGT Oct 06 '22

The video game version of it was cool (War of the Ring)

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u/ClementineCoda Oct 05 '22

The one story I would love to see would be The Battle of the Greenfields.

In that era, Gandalf could visit the Hobbits he knew so well, Tom Bombadil and the Old Forest are right there, plus goblins, Bullroarer, and even human rangers could be included.

A miniseries or a single movie would do it.


u/NotUpInHurr Rohirrim Oct 05 '22

To me, Children of Hurin is begging for a 3-4 season show.

Time in Doriath

Time as an Outlaw

Time in Nargothrond and Death


u/Tro87 Oct 06 '22

Just read the Silamrillion again and Children of Huron. This is such a good idea! Really the First age is so ripe with good stories and tragic characters, it would be so great to see it done in a series, if done right.


u/longboylarry Oct 06 '22

Yea it would be killer under the right direction , keep Amazon or at least Payne / McKay as far away as possible

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u/ubrtnk Gandalf Oct 05 '22

I've been listening to Andy Sirkis read the Fellowship and the Hobbits just got rescued from Old Man Willow by Tom.

Jack Black as Tom Bombadil....there's no other choice


u/ClementineCoda Oct 05 '22

Yes, Old Man Willow, other Huorns, and we could even have Goldberry and maybe some other sprites, the Bucklanders, the Badger-folk...


u/terpsofficial Oct 05 '22



u/TheBirthing Oct 05 '22

Shit like Jack Black as Tom Bombadil is probably exactly the sort of thing the Tolkien estate was afraid of.


u/[deleted] Oct 05 '22



u/_far-seeker_ Oct 06 '22

Not even a separate mini-series adaption of The Adventures of Tom Bombadil?


u/ubrtnk Gandalf Oct 05 '22

Not with that attitude


u/TheBirthing Oct 05 '22

You cited a piece of artwork from an artist who tried specifically to make him look like JB.

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u/SF_Bud Oct 06 '22

I think British actors work best for these roles. They just bring the right background and understanding of these characters. I could see maybe Eddie Marsan playing Bombadil. I’ve seen him in several roles at this point and he’s pretty versatile. Particularly liked him in Jonathan Strange and Mr Norell, though the series overall, while good, didn’t quite live up to my expectations Having enjoyed the book thoroughly.

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u/kingkloppynwa Oct 05 '22

Would love jables as tom


u/ubrtnk Gandalf Oct 05 '22

And Kyle as Goldberry


u/kingkloppynwa Oct 05 '22



u/RiverdaleStomp Oct 05 '22

How are you liking the Andy Serkis narration? I already own the Rob Inglis narrated audiobooks but Im really tempted to get the others as well.


u/braellyra Oct 06 '22

I finished them a few months ago and LOVED them. I’d recommend renting them from your public library to see if you like ‘em before spending the money since they’re kind of expensive


u/Rob_Fucking_Graves Oct 06 '22

I have both. Andy Serkis is unquestionably better, technically-speaking and is much less dated. But my old CD rips of the Inglis version are so familiar that I put them on even ground.

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u/MrFiendish Oct 06 '22

Brian Blessed would disagree.


u/ubrtnk Gandalf Oct 06 '22

Ehh he might be a little old now, but in prime sure. But John Rhys-Davies would have been good too I think but he's already had 2


u/yaredw Oct 06 '22

Matt Berry as Tom Bombadil


u/Oubliette_occupant Oct 06 '22

This could work


u/Jonthrei Oct 05 '22

Yeah that is some pretty brilliant casting, he has the physique AND the singing chops.


u/the_fresh_cucumber Oct 06 '22

Jack Black as Tom Bombadil
Belle Delphine as Goldberry
Danny Trejo as Old Man Willow
Eddie Murphy as Fatty Lumpkin (animated voiceover)
The Olsen Twins as the Barrow Wights


u/dendrofiili Oct 06 '22

Belle delphine was random af 🤣🤣


u/the_fresh_cucumber Oct 06 '22

An innocent child of the forest. It wasn't random

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u/mmnnButter Oct 06 '22

Is that like a golf documentary?

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u/maztow Oct 05 '22

A Disney style Netflix Lord of the Rings series? I threw up a little in my mouth just typing it


u/Top_Ad7068 Oct 06 '22

RoP already is a Disney style series…


u/_Psilo_ Oct 05 '22

I mean, RoP is just as bad as the worst of Disney Syar Wars and Marvel so...


u/RapsFanMike Oct 05 '22

And HBO wanted to remake the trilogy lol the hate for that would have been even crazier than it is now


u/wakkers_boi Oct 05 '22

I might be out on my own with this but if it was done right it could be really good. The reason so many things were cut and changed in the trilogy was for the pacing of already long movies, but this limitation is (somewhat) removed for a series.

For example a movie ending with the rings being destroyed and then visiting the scouring of the shire would be odd I get it, but it could work in a series with an episode dedicated to it.

Although the likelihood of a loving, faithful adaptation being produced in this day and age is low so this is just a pipedream of mine.


u/[deleted] Oct 05 '22

It's a story that was made for mini-series treatment.


u/CampCounselorBatman Oct 06 '22

Full series. 3-6 hours for a Hobbit remake and 30-60 hours for Lord of the Rings.


u/wakkers_boi Oct 05 '22

That's my thinking, but too many people are of the opinion that PJ's trilogy is untouchable and doesn't need a remake or whatever. I'm in the camp that disagrees.


u/alexagente Oct 05 '22

There is plenty of opportunity for improvement. I think it's quite silly to say no one can adapt LotR anymore.


u/kashmoney360 Oct 06 '22

No one can or should until 2043 imo, at that point the PJ Trilogy will look very dated (Return of The King has been showing its age with all that Ent CGI) and will have been enough time that you can't scream bloody murder. 40 years is enough time that the series can be dusted off and remade for an entirely new generation with little to no exposure to Lord of The Rings.

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u/Endless_Change Oct 06 '22

What parts would you change?

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u/kknyyk Oct 05 '22

Actually, scouring of the Shire might have been the fourth movie.


u/SayMyVagina Oct 06 '22

The reason so many things were cut and changed in the trilogy was for the pacing of already long movies, but this limitation is (somewhat) removed for a series.

While that's true like... how much was actually cut? Was it so much? It was like, Tom Bombadil, cuz it made no sense, and the scouring of the shire, cuz it really made no sense in a movie like that, and tiny things in the LOTR universe (specifically LOTR not Sil here) like Glorfindel. but what was cut?

I've never understood people talking about how they cut things from the movies. There's so many GD tiny minute things included. Carin from Dunland? The trolls in the background that Bilbo encountered and turned to stone by delaying them. The Watcher. Ruins of Hollin. Proudfoot.

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u/cjsolx Oct 06 '22

Although the likelihood of a loving, faithful adaptation being produced in this day and age

If anyone would take the time to create a well-written and (relatively) faithful adaptation, it would be HBO. I so wish HBO was making the current series instead of Amazon.


u/maxarus Oct 06 '22

Actually, it had more to do with the target audience than the length of the movie. Listen to this to get more info about this subject (super interesting): https://www.swarthmore.edu/news-events/tolkien-book-to-jackson-script-medium-and-message

(the audio is in the bottom of the page)


u/MunchkinX2000 Oct 05 '22


But HBO is pretty good at making sure the writing on their shows is top notch. (Sopranos,Wire,GoT Untill they shat the bed, Band of Brothers etc.) So it would probably be more enjoyable even if they went about changing stuff as much as RoP is doing.


u/HankScorpio4242 Oct 05 '22

Someone else apparently ignoring that:

1) HBO hired D&D 2) The writers and directors on Rings of Power are SIGNIFICANTLY more established than those on Season 1 of Game of Thrones.

There are writers from The Sopranos and Breaking Bad on ROP. No one had those kinds of credentials on GOT.

Charlotte Brandstrom (director of episodes 6 and 7) has been a working director for over 30 years. Bryan Cogman (GOT s1 e4 director) had zero credits before GOT.


u/miaj713 Oct 05 '22

Look man, the writers on RoP might have more credentials than writers for Season 1 GoT, but GoT seasons 1-4 smack the absolute shit out of season 1 of RoP. I think RoP is a pretty good show, but the writing is elementary compared to the writing of GoT. (also helps that GoT’s author was alive and well and part of the project).

Also, D&D effed the ending of GoT, sure, but again, the first 4 and a bit of the 5th season were literal genius, and that’s about… 90% accredited to the writing. And directing.

Credentials don’t mean anything if the work you’re putting out is sub-par. I really do wish they would have hired better writers for RoP. I can tell the bones are there, but there’s just so much Oomph missing that many episodes fall flat. Better writers would fix that.


u/[deleted] Oct 05 '22

So you just gonna ignore the fact that the only good GoT seasons are the ones that has the framework and plots from the books? Because as soon the writers were completely on their own it went to shit.


u/Geronuis Oct 05 '22

That’s the point. The LOTR books exist, Tolkien has so much material to draw from. It can be done and done well (unlike RoP)

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u/MunchkinX2000 Oct 05 '22 edited Oct 05 '22

Are we going to pretend George RR Martin and the book the show was based on doesnt exist?

Is that true. That there are writers from The Sopranos and Breaking Bad on RoP? Who? And how the hell did they put out that drivel?

Edit. Apparently it is. I'm just in the middle of rewatching season 1 of Sopranos and the episodes he wrote at least didn't stick out as utter garbage. Wonder wtf went wrong with RoP.

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u/EurekaRollins Oct 05 '22

All that talent and money is wasted because they couldn’t write a decent script, so what’s your point?

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u/mlbernardo Oct 06 '22

If anything, D&D showed they are really really good at adapting the source material to screen (see seasons 1-4). It's making original content, without any source material supporting them, that they are terrible at.

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u/[deleted] Oct 05 '22

HBO could have done it


u/OwlWitty Oct 05 '22

A woke version.


u/GryffTheDonkey Oct 05 '22

make gandalf black, aragorn indian and frodo asian


u/[deleted] Oct 05 '22



u/dendrofiili Oct 06 '22

Inclusive? Its pandering..


u/AnonymousDratini Frodo Baggins Oct 06 '22

And to drum up outrage amongst the people who don’t think minorities should exist in fantasy.


u/ButtersTheNinja Tom Bombadil Oct 06 '22

And to drum up outrage amongst the people who don’t think minorities should exist in fantasy.

Ah yes, this is an accurate representation of the critics.

If you actually listen to most of the people critical of these things it's not that they don't want fantasy stories with minorities, they just don't want people arbitrarily inserted into existing settings for the sake of making them "more modern" somehow. One strong reason for this is because allowing Hollywood to get away with this gives them incentive to never actually reach into Asian, African or South American folklore and history to portray their classic stories.

Heck, even when looking through European folklore they generally won't stray much from either Nordic or British stories.

Where's the adaptations of Arabian Nights, Cú Chulainn, Don Quixote, Journey to the West, Romance of the Three Kingdoms?

No one complains about things like diversity Classic Disney stories like Aladdin or Mulan, no one complains about it in more things like Coco. People want more of that, and the current standard gets us less.

And look, if you want to see this same mentality going both ways look at how furious the internet was when they found out Scarlett Johansson was playing Major Motoko Kusanagi in Ghost in the Shell. People were PISSED that they replaced the main character with a white actress, because it wasn't faithful to the material they were adapting.

People don't think that minorities shouldn't exist in fantasy, if you think that you're not listening to the other side at all, they're tired of Hollywood trying to replace culture.

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u/[deleted] Oct 05 '22



u/GryffTheDonkey Oct 05 '22

make merry and pippin lesbian women

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u/[deleted] Oct 06 '22

Can you imagine all of the brothels in the Shire of HBO got their hands on LOTR?


u/SkyTank1234 Oct 05 '22

I would take a remake if it was a animated show that adapted the books 100% line for line. That would be awesome

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u/Mbedner3420 Oct 05 '22

Thank god it didn’t go to Netflix. The budget would have been cut after season 1 and the entire series would have been canceled after season 2.


u/dendrofiili Oct 06 '22

Fuck that series. "Fan" fiction.


u/captain_ricco1 Oct 06 '22

You think that's not going to happen with Amazon?


u/Mbedner3420 Oct 06 '22

Uhhh… yes, I’m fairly confident it’ll last beyond season 2 at Amazon…


u/blaze_blue_99 Oct 06 '22

With the crappy reviews it’s getting? They’d be fools, damn fools, to green light a new season.


u/GeorgeJohnson2579 Oct 06 '22

The 2nd season is already in the making.

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u/cammoblammo Oct 06 '22

Turns out companies don’t always fund projects according to the reviews. It’s also had a lot of good reviews, and viewer numbers seem pretty healthy.

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u/[deleted] Oct 05 '22

Good. I hope that happens to Amazon's pile of garbage.


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '22



u/[deleted] Oct 06 '22

I’ve enjoyed it too.. idk what people are upset about. If they think it’s that bad then don’t watch it🤷‍♀️


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '22

Same. The way the last episode ended made me horny

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u/Pristine_Kick9580 Oct 05 '22

netflix should never be allowed to touch anything related to lotr


u/Aspenwood83 Oct 05 '22

Neither should Amazon, lol.


u/nateoak10 Oct 05 '22

Amazon easily had the best pitch.

You either get Netflix expanded universe

Or HBO remaking the movies


u/[deleted] Oct 05 '22

Remakes aside, HBO is the only studio with the development chops to touch this property. No one else should’ve even been considered.

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u/[deleted] Oct 05 '22

I'd much rather a remake of Lord of the Rings if HBO were able to give it time to include things that the movies had to cut.

I'd prefer different versions of LOTR than this un-Tolkien fan fiction crap Amazon has spat out.

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u/TheScrobber Oct 05 '22

I'd like to see a Friends style approach to the legendarium complete with laughter track. "Rivendell is filmed in front of a live studio audience"


u/theamatuerist Oct 05 '22

I know this is a joke, but I almost downvoted you for it anyway.


u/TheScrobber Oct 06 '22

What?! You mean you don't want to see Elrond and Durin trying to get a couch up some stairs in Khazad-Dum?


u/IronJackk Oct 06 '22

We see Elrond walking in and hanging up his cloak

"So I went on a date with Carrol the other day"

Audience ooo's

Another elf character says, "Carrol? Dude that's disgusting she's only 1800"


Elrond says, "She's mature for her age"

More laughter

Gandalf swings open the door and stands there with a sheepish look on his face

Audience applause

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u/TheRealDestian Oct 06 '22

Shut up and take my funding!


u/BobbaFatGFX Oct 06 '22

Oh my God that would be absolutely horrible lmao. I took a hit of my joint right when I read that and I almost laughed/coughed myself to death.


u/Lazerious1313 Oct 05 '22

Huh, we are actually in the good timeline.


u/Gofein Oct 05 '22

“Always have been”

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u/TheKBMV Oct 05 '22

Gandalf series... mehhh, not sure. His whole deal was that he was supposed to be the one in the background slowly scheming things together for the good guys to win. I suppose it could be done well, him going around places, doing seemingly unconnected setups and then it just all falls into place in the season finale or something. But it would be extremely hard to do I think.

Aragorn series... That could work. Kind of like a short story collection. Unconnected tales from across his life (we know he had a lot of adventures through many years) that in the end show his development through the years.


u/[deleted] Oct 05 '22

I can see a Gandalf or Aragorn series where we get a few sentences (3-5) of narration explaining what goal he is trying to accomplish, then just watch him accomplish it. A man-of-few-words situation. No or few series long arcs

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u/JimPalamo Oct 05 '22

The marvel-isation of every franchise these days is embarrassing.

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u/Biggu5Dicku5 Oct 05 '22

It 'completely freaked out' the Tolkien Estate

As well as it should...


u/leros Oct 05 '22

Unfortunately, it's gonna happen one day. There is too much money to be made.


u/A1-out Oct 06 '22

I’ll take rings of power as it currently is over whatever this garbage is


u/Darkovika Oct 06 '22

Absofuckinlutely not I’ll r riot. I’ve had enough of this marvel shit, there’s too much. There isn’y even enough content- seriously- to stretch it out for either character and somehow make it as ridiculously over the top action packed as the marvel movies are.

For once, I’m on the side of the estate. I don’t always agree with how absolute they are in hating adaptations, but this? This is a sin.

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u/[deleted] Oct 05 '22

Please god just stop


u/SeriousMcDougal Oct 05 '22

Marvel / Starwars everything. If people buy it, it's working. If it flops, it didn't.


u/lancea_longini Oct 05 '22

Now can we me see why Alan Moore feels the way he does about his work? Before Watchmen. Doomsday Clock etc??


u/GregorGlaw Oct 05 '22

Just another attempt to turn everything into something for the masses to consume until nothing is left and it’s left a withered husk.


u/Lsd365 Oct 05 '22

I can imagine the cast that Netflix would come out with. Gandalf would be Millie Brown and Aragorn would be Zac Efron


u/Veselker Oct 05 '22

Tolkien Estate acting like they have standards. More likely, money wasn't good enough.


u/ponder421 Frodo Baggins Oct 05 '22

The THR article said that "Amazon's number was tens of millions less" than Netflix's. TROP misses the mark on lore, but it could be much worse.


u/blackbeltmessiah Oct 05 '22

Eh… it really depends on who’s making it within netflix. I love some of their stuff like Sweet Tooth and Shadow and Bone.


u/Envictus_ Oct 05 '22

Man, Shadow and Bone rocked. Can’t wait for season 2


u/blackbeltmessiah Oct 06 '22

The leader kid deserves awards for that role.

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u/HankScorpio4242 Oct 05 '22

They took less money from Amazon than what Netflix was offering.



u/captain_ricco1 Oct 06 '22

Wrong, Amazon offered more money for less material, so more buck for less bang, but less buck overall

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u/Tough-Cabinet Oct 06 '22

Tolkien Estate...lesser sons of greater sires, they are


u/DMWolffy Oct 05 '22

Considering this is literally how the Silmarilion is written, yes. Most likely they just wanted to extort someone for more money because they don't think anyone can make a film version to their standards.


u/SamuraiJosh26 Oct 05 '22

Sorry but what does silmarillion have to do with this ?


u/Numenorian-Hubris Oct 05 '22

Seems like he is lost and should be at Hogwarts.


u/FluentInChocobo Oct 05 '22

I think he just means it's written more like segments of stories which is kind of the whole Marvel thing until it all comes together in an epic.

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u/regaphysics Oct 05 '22

This estate has no idea what it wants nor what it is doing.


u/LordOfDemRangs Oct 06 '22

Lol a Netflix show would swap Aragorn with Sauron and blame white men for the destruction of middle earth


u/theassholefaceman Oct 05 '22

... and then galadriel will start twerking on her throne.


u/VooDooChile1983 Oct 05 '22

Netflix: “Let’s milk the shit outta this!”

Tolkien: “No.”


u/Beautiful_Yellow_552 Oct 05 '22

I think they could do a series on the War of Dwarves and Orcs, where the entire Dwarf race battled and beat the Orcs of the Misty Mountains, but with the Hobbit I think phrasing the final battle of the War, The Battle of Azanulbizar (had to look up how to spell that😅) so it might not work but idk


u/[deleted] Oct 05 '22

And yet ROP was okay by them? Weird but alright


u/abinferno Oct 06 '22

Maybe the pitch was. Execution is mixed at best. Also, they made it weirdly limiting based on the specific story rights they were given.


u/[deleted] Oct 05 '22

“It’s not about the money….it’s about a SHITLOAD of money!!!”.

  • Lone Star, Spaceballs Hero


u/TaskMister2000 Oct 05 '22


I love Marvel but LOTR does NOT need to copy Marvel.


u/kingkloppynwa Oct 05 '22

🤢🤢🤢i hope the rights for silmarillion are never acquired

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u/[deleted] Oct 05 '22

The same estate that greenlit the hobbit as a trilogy? Lol


u/thecavelessbear Oct 05 '22

The estate had nothing to do with greenlighting the hobbit. The movie rights to the hobbit and lotr were sold decades ago previously to United Artists which was bought out by MGM. Lotr rights bounced around for a while but MGM retained the rights to the Hobbit. The Tolkien estate had no say in the making of the PJ hobbit trilogy after it sold the rights in the 60s.


u/jdavida97 Oct 05 '22

In their defense, Peter Jackson did SO well the first time around


u/Far_Eye6555 Oct 05 '22

Also, they had Guillermo del Toro pegged to direct. It was a slam dunk waiting to happen until it all fell apart when the studio demanded it be a trilogy


u/jdavida97 Oct 05 '22

Oh dude... what a shame


u/Far_Eye6555 Oct 05 '22

What could’ve been, amirite. Alas, at least the books are still good.


u/Frequent-Struggle215 Oct 05 '22

In their defense, Peter Jackson did SO well the first time around

You should go and watch Lindsay Ellis' youtube series on the Hobbit - it explains rather a lot about how it went so wrong....

Peter Jackson did what he could but it's a classic tale of too many cooks, studio interference, too little time and abandoned original ideas.

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u/ChosenYasuo Oct 05 '22

He did a fantastic job with the hobbit too. Everything wrong with the movies is because of del toro backing out and the studio rushing Peter to make the movies. He had 4 months prep time on the hobbit compared to his 7-8 years prep time for the Lotr.


u/Oubliette_occupant Oct 06 '22

I don’t fault del Toro for backing out.

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u/AgainstTheWorld1987 Oct 05 '22

Not Netflix. Just NO. I would rather HBO pick it up.


u/MithycalBern Oct 05 '22

I’m not the biggest fan of the Amazon show, but it’s aight. I’d personally prefer to have people try and make more stuff, even if it’s bad. The original material is still there, the books, the Jackson trilogy. I’d rather give the chance at more great content then just shut it off from the beginning.


u/BouncingPig Oct 05 '22

There isn’t enough lore for either of those two characters to exist outside of like, what, 3-5 episodes?

Netflix could make a show about a wizard and a Lone Ranger though, they have shown yo do quite well with original content on occasion. Don’t see why they need Tolkien’s name to push good content.

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u/[deleted] Oct 06 '22

I think their worst nightmare would be Denethor’s “Marsha, Marsha, Marsha!!” moment with Thorongil (The name Aragorn served under for Gondor when he was younger).


u/Nevochkam1 Oct 06 '22

I saw this, and that's when I said "ok. No more moving Tolkien media for me. I'm sticking to the books."


u/sev1nk Oct 06 '22

We've entered an era of quantity over quality. Don't get suckered.


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '22

The most illuminating part of this article to me was that the guys show running ROP have never made a TV show! Maybe that was common knowledge but it makes sense that so much in this series just doesn’t fit quite right to make it Good. AND, they were very self aware and talked about how they know the pacing is off and certain emotional arcs and moments don’t work and that it should get better moving forward.

Kinda cool that they got their shot because they were so passionate about LOTR and Tolkien and had some good ideas. Also kinda weird Bezos didn’t throw millions of dollars at someone who has experience making a TV show to join their team and lead them along.


u/arachnobravia Oct 06 '22

That's the thing about the Tolkein Estate, they don't care about accessibility and modernising the work. All they care about is preservation.

That's why they allowed ROP to only use the stuff that already had adaptations as source material without any additional material.

They don't want "new" LOTR or Tolkein-based content, they just want to keep the stuff that he wrote and will offer rights every so often as a cash splash.


u/International-Hat950 Oct 05 '22

I wouldn't mind seeing some spin off films if they were done right. With the right feeling. More of that Jackson magic and less Rings of Power. It would work especially well to tell Third Age stories such as the Witch Kingdom of Angmar vs Arnor, Aragorn's many adventures across Middle Earth and the fall of Khazad-Dum to Durin's Bane.


u/jdavida97 Oct 05 '22

Okay, now THESE are concepts I’d get behind. More backstory on conflicts leading up to the War of the Ring


u/Carthius888 Strider Oct 05 '22

I agree. I can hardly believe that Netflix specifically suggested the ‘marvel’ approach. More likely that it’s being branded that way after the fact. But a cool show more centered on a handful of characters could be a lot easier for writers to handle than what we have in RoP


u/feltspar Oct 05 '22

look at people whining about stuff that they will absolutely watch irrespective of how good or bad it is!


u/[deleted] Oct 05 '22



u/Numenorian-Hubris Oct 05 '22

Noone wants made up Tolkien. Simple really. Only brain-dead maggots.


u/feltspar Oct 05 '22

yeah.... but they will still watch it. I am not a big fan of the new star wars productions by Disney. But I still watch it.


u/Frequent-Struggle215 Oct 05 '22

I dont.

I watched Kenobi right up until the two people chasing a 6-year-old (whatever age) Leia couldn't catch up to her... I laughed, sighed sadly and never went back.

Then again, I don't watch any of this on the actual services so.... kinda moot whether I watch it or not, it will never show up on the stats.

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u/_Psilo_ Oct 05 '22

I pirate it. I would absolutely pay for it if it was worth paying for it in 4k. But as it is, I pirate it and watch it while I play games because it doesnt deservw my full attention.


u/Numenorian-Hubris Oct 05 '22

Fair point I guess. Is viewing figures more important than quality? Find out next week on Rings of Power! 😭


u/feltspar Oct 05 '22

I mean I wish it was well made! But the only power we have is to NOT PARTICIPATE. But because we end up doing it... The point of discussing the fact that the quality is going down becomes moot no?

I totally empathize with the grief though.

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u/GryffTheDonkey Oct 05 '22

oh ffs, just make a movie, the series already flopped


u/Smorgas-board Oct 05 '22

Absolutely glad this didn’t happen


u/Reggie_Barclay Oct 05 '22

This would be a great idea. Follow Thorongil’s adventures in Gondor and Rohan. Or whatever he did in the south and east.

But Netflix? Nah.


u/[deleted] Oct 05 '22

Netflix wouldn't do it justice


u/ThatGuyMaulicious Oct 05 '22

They could've done the fall of Arnor or the rise of Rohan and/or Gondor. Glad it never went to Netflix though. That would've been even worse then "Rings of Power."


u/gingysrevengy Oct 05 '22

I do not want thus


u/lpalf Oct 06 '22

this is why I don’t watch Star Wars anymore after being a big Star Wars fan. It’s too much shit


u/Shadowfaps69 Oct 06 '22

Why are we not just making mini series out of the companion books? 10 episodes to tell Beren and Luthien? Is this so hard? It seems self contained enough that it’d be harder to take too many liberties and fuck up

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u/QuillDidNothingWrong Oct 06 '22

Seeing how well received the marvel tv shows are right now, guessing what they went with was better.


u/KiOfTheAir Oct 06 '22

Violently vomits


u/blaze_blue_99 Oct 06 '22

Good. It should freak them out, because we’ve all seen how poorly the cinematic universe has served Disney with Star Wars. It’s clear that they only care about quantity over quality. Even Marvel has taken a nosedive in quality since Endgame. Not every character needs to be the hero of his or her own story.


u/ShaoKahnDeezNutz Oct 06 '22

Please don’t do to LoTR what you did to Star Wars just for a cash grab

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u/D3epSh3ep Oct 06 '22

me looking at 2022 pop culture “Wait… it’s all marvel?”


u/enjoyer108 Oct 06 '22

Bet they wished they’d taken it now


u/adbarron Oct 06 '22

Thank god. Netflix has proven to be pretty incompetent when it comes to creating quality shows. They have a couple hits and a lot of garbage.


u/HappyVegetable21 Oct 06 '22

It’s sad how much creativity is lacking in Hollywood these days, everything is either milking an already written universe into the ground or remakes. It would be nice for some new stories and universes to pop up


u/Jerbell69 Oct 05 '22

They beauty of LOTR is that it so pure and true to the mind that created it. The more creative license that’s given to anyone besides Tolkien the lest it reflects LOTR. It’s maybe the greatest story ever told, that’s enough. Make your own swords and sandals fantasy but don’t slap LOTR on it just to sell it.

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u/--DrunkGoblin-- Oct 05 '22

Great, now Netflix is in on ruining the story again.


u/jdavida97 Oct 05 '22

No. Stay the hell away. “Let’s try to be another Disney+, but since we don’t have our own original content to produce let’s just nab a currently, poorly adapted concept and do it ...again?”


u/Smaccirca_1985 Oct 05 '22

Well, that leads one to ask why wasn't the estate freaked out by Amazon? Oh, that's right, Simon Tolkien.


u/TimotoUchiha Oct 05 '22

Fuck Gandalf. Fuck Aragorn. Fuck the Hobbits. What we need to see is a show about Tom Bombadil.

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u/Practical_Offer2321 Oct 05 '22

You know if they had tried to make a remake of the lord of the rings I would watch that. They could make it a whole tv show and split the different "books" into seasons. they could add in good ol Tommy B, his wife and old man willow. We can see the barrow downs and finally get the actual reason why merry's dagger could do so much damage to the witch king. The could even show how the battle of helms deep should have been set up. They could even move around the different events to follow the chapter structure of the book. We could get all the poems and songs that were left out of the movies for time's sake.

Edit: I should make it clear it wouldn't be a remake persay but their own interpretation that could be more accurate. And it should be as authentic to Tolkien's world as possible.

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u/[deleted] Oct 05 '22

Okay but if they DID remake lotr, all I care about is that they make Frodo pure, adorable, and hot again


u/jdavida97 Oct 05 '22

😂 priorities


u/[deleted] Oct 05 '22



u/International_Ant217 Oct 05 '22

Yet they still let Amazon go wild…


u/Bisconia Oct 05 '22

I still wouldnt mind a straight up animatrix version of the Silmarillion

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u/EliasEduardo1 Oct 06 '22

The black gay Aragorn is coming xd


u/Flame0fthewest Oct 05 '22

With EXPERIENCED, competent writers, with people, who are FANS of Tolkien, with actors, who want to be accurate and NOT activists...

With a view what focuses on the story and on the characters intead of real-life politics, "representation" and "diversity"...

Anything can be good.

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u/bubbawears Oct 05 '22

I know Marvel leaves a bad taste in the mouth but getting so much Tolkien content would be absolutely awesome

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u/the3stman Oct 05 '22

Thank God it went to Amazon. The Tolkien estate are geniuses.


u/norskinot Oct 06 '22

People saying "i really want to see __" or "_ ____ would be perfect for this role!" is such a depressing thing to see. I think that they crave something that can never exist, and by relentlessly consuming any related media they make it feasible for these huge corporations to plunder beloved stories. It takes discipline, but if people would fight the urge to support having their favorite things mutated into a movie/series, it will help preserve the integrity and meaning of the original work.


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '22

As long as it's lore-accurate, I have no issues


u/[deleted] Oct 05 '22

woke of the rings ?


u/Jarl_Red Oct 05 '22

let the fecal pipe of content flow, consoomers need more that star wars and marvel doing this, we need more white talented nerd boy ips kidnapped by untalented haters of white nerd boys!